OK Senate Bill 548


17 Jan 2013, 1:08 PM PDT

The "Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Preservation Act" is now working its way through the Oklahoma legislature.

Introduced by state senator Nathan Dahm, this legislation puts Oklahoma shoulder-to-shoulder with Wyoming and Texas by putting federal gun-grabbers in check. 

The language of the legislation is clear: "Federal acts, laws, orders, rules, regulations, bans or registration requirements regarding firearms constitute an infringement on the individual right [to keep and bear arms] in the Constitution of the United States...and are hereby declared to be invalid in the State of Oklahoma."

The legislation mentions the "intent" of America's "Founders" and the Constitution's "ratifiers," and sets forth the punishment for trying to enforce new gun control measures: 

Any official, agent, or employee of the United States government or any employee of a corporation providing services to the United States government that enforces or attempts to enforce an act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the government of the United States in violation of this act shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction...shall be punished by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections not to exceed five (5) years.

After reading this legislation, only one word comes to mind--FREEDOM.

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  • ultimately, the states will have to assert their rights via the 10th amendment.  of course the libbie states such as ny and nj will snuggle up to the DC tyrants

    • Yes, and they will regret it.... sitting ducks

  • This is great.  The problem here though is the crooked, racist, Constitution bending, rights denying DOJ.  Holder is an equal of Chicago brother Al Capone when it comes to bending the law, and he will immediately rule that Federal Law trumps state law, and unfortunately it usually does. 

    However, it's one helluva good start......and if it's only a bluff, it's a good one there, too.

    • James - You are wrong - An elected sheriff is the "Highest" law enforcement agent in the Nation. If there is any bluffing thus far, its been on the part of the "Feds." It is settled law that a Sheriff is the supreme law in their County and can, in fact, require them to leave or jail them. See the case below in "Big Horn County."

      County sheriffs in Wyoming have scored a big one for the 10th Amendment and states rights. The sheriffs slapped a federal intrusion upside the head and are insisting that all federal law enforcement officers and personnel from federal regulatory agencies must clear all their activity in a Wyoming County with the Sheriff’s Office. Deja vu for those who remember big Richard Mack in Arizona.
          Bighorn County Sheriff Dave Mattis spoke at a press conference following a recent U.S. District Court decision (Case No. 2:96-cv-099-J (2006)) and announced that all federal officials are forbidden to enter his county without his prior approval ......
         "If a sheriff doesn’t want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional right and power to keep them out, or ask them to leave, or retain them in custody."

  • Good for Oklahoma.

  • Way to go!  Proud of Oklahoma!

  • I'm PROUD to be an OKIE! Thank you JESUS! We have to stand up for our rights and for ourselves!

  • YESS !! Now all other states please follow!

  • If only all our state governments were this smart and had the guts to go thru with it.

  • Awesome!, Now other states need to step it up.

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