Update 11/9/10


I received a call from the U.S. District Court in Oklahoma City. Ref: Sharia Law restraining order by Judge Vicki La Grange. I have been given permission to hold a rally in front of the court house as per Robert Dennis the U.S. District Court legal guru.

I was told that this is only a temporary restraining order on Sharia Law until a further hearing can be held on the matter next month. I was still denied access to speak personally with the judge after I said I would fly up there for a face to face with this Clinton appointee. I was denied access due to judicial ethics.

This ruling will more than likely go to appeal and then onto the U.S. Supreme court which of course Elena Kagan sits on. She is the Communist who brought Sharia Law finance into the United States

Senior Chief Geoff M. Ross

United States Navy retired.

Surface Warfare / Air Warfare Specialist

Serving from July 29th 1982 through December 31st 2002

Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid - President Ronald Reagan


Everyone please call both and leave a complaint message. Those living in Ok. leave your phone number and they are suppose to call you back. We will see if they follow through on that. If they do not return your call, post that here please. Also go to Oklahoma Channel 9 News. That contact will be at the bottom of the article.

Drew Edmondson
contact info:
313 NE 21st Street,
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Twitter:   http://twitter.com/#!/oklaag    <--- it wouldn't link so you will need to type it out in your browser tool bar.

File a complaint here

Chief Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange
U.S. Courthouse
200 N.W. Fourth St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Rm 3301 (Third Floor), Courtroom 301 (Third Floor)
Chambers Telephone: 405-609-5400
Chambers Fax: 405-609-5413

Fox News

A popular new law that bars Oklahoma courts from considering Islamic law, or Shariah, when deciding cases was put on hold Monday after a prominent Muslim in the state won a temporary restraining order in federal court. 

Two state legislators were quick to blast the judge's ruling and the Oklahoma attorney general, who they said did not stand up to support the new law.

U.S. District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LeGrange ruled that the measure, which passed by a large margin in last Tuesday's elections, would be suspended until a hearing on Nov. 22, when she will listen to arguments on whether the court's temporary injunction should become permanent.

"Today's ruling is a reminder of the strength of our nation's legal system and the protections it grants to religious minorities," said Muneer Awad, executive director of Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Oklahoma, who filed the suit last Thursday, claiming the law violated his constitutional rights.

"We are humbled by this opportunity to show our fellow Oklahomans that Muslims are their neighbors and that we are committed to upholding the U.S. Constitution and promoting the benefits of a pluralistic society," Awad said.

Shariah is found in the Koran and is the basis of law in most Islamic countries, though its implementation varies widely. It has been used in Iran and Somalia, among other places, to
condone harsh punishments like amputations and stoning.

Supporters of the Oklahoma ballot initiative, which passed with 70 percent of the vote, would not comment on the impact of the ruling. But state Sen. Anthony Sykes, who co-authored the measure, charged that the judge ruled as she did because the state’s attorney general, Drew Edmondson, failed to respond to the suit.

“The attorney general failed to file a response,” Sykes said. “I am afraid that this might get written in stone that shouldn’t be because the attorney general is leaving and a new one
is coming in.” 

Calls to Edmondson’s office were not returned.

Oklahoma state Rep. Rex Duncan, who co-sponsored the bill, said he hadn’t seen the judge's written ruling yet, but he was disappointed that “her words from the bench indicated
she had completely embraced the plaintiff’s arguments.”

“They were pretty extraordinary statements from the judge,” he said.

Duncan and Sykes both said the state should have challenged whether Awad had the standing to bring the case.

“As far as we know, he flew into here from Georgia just to make the case," Duncan said. "We don’t think he is an Oklahoma resident or plans to stay. We don’t think he had standing.”

Duncan and others who pushed for the measure argued that the ban “will constitute a pre-emptive strike against Shariah law coming to Oklahoma." He said England has embraced 85 Shariahlaw courts and warned voters that "while Oklahoma is still able to
defend itself against this sort of hideous invasion, we should do so."

Opponents argued that the measure was unnecessary because state judges have no reason to rely on Islamic law. Most of the state’s newspapers opposed the measure.

At an impromptu news conference following Monday's ruling, CAIR officials called on the sponsors of the ballot measure to repudiate hate messages they said have been received by Muslim institutions in Oklahoma following the law's passage.

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  • So this idiot wanted to be our Governor and he could no even handle the simple filing motions for this case. I am glad to see that he got whipped by Askins (the shaved ewok) in the Democratic Primary. He was supported by the NRA some how and caused me to cancel my subscription to them for it. This is complete negligence on his part and proves that he was/is incapable of the office of Governor in the State of Oklahoma.
    • Just how I feel too. I think we ought to go about it this way, I mean we the people of Oklahoma. We make it perfectly clear that we voted, and we voted the way of the Constitution and we by all means expect it to be Respected. If Cair doesn't back down why dont we make it hard on their ass, I mean really hard, hard for them to live in our state. I'm talking about downright making it so hard they will leave. Who do they think th ey are
      telling us who went and voted what we felt was right for our state that we are wrong? You know its already
      rumored theres a place outside of Talahina that they (Muslims) have a compound training to kill Oklahoma Americans. I'm not going to stand for it myself, and I hope those with the Tea Party get on this, right away!
      • I also hope that those of you who have been silent for the most part but agree, well nows the time for you to help us, we really do need your help.
  • The AG must be one that Soros paid for. That was one of his pet projects...filling AG seats with his puppets.
  • So Edmundson didn't file in time. He lost the election. Gosh...sounds like a bad case of sour grapes....vengeful sour grapes.
  • AG Drew Edmondson has once again shown his true mettle. Wonder who will argue the merits of the measure on November 22? Let us hope that the measure will again be suspended until after the first of the year, when more intelligent minds will take on the matter. At least two other states have been faced with considering Sharia Law. Apparently the out-of-towners who want it struck down don't have a clue (and don't care) why such a measure is necessary, and they certainly don't like the fact that Oklahomans want this measure to be upheld because they do not want laws from any other country being used in our courts. The U.S. is not - nor will it ever be - an Islamic republic, and the citizens of Oklahoma are doing their part to ensure that it stays that way.
    • You got it Alfie, so right!
  • I'd tar and feather that sorry sack of dung! If he bends over to the scum of Islam, kick his ass to the curb and back over him a few times!
    • Wiccanwolf ....... Drawn and Quartered work? I prefer it actually, much more of an impact with the statement!
  • From AZ: welcome to the club, folks. We are now the "enemies" in our own homeland! I don't understand why so many females are siding with those people against their own people and their own best interests; because under Shariah, THEY will be among the first targeted for killing, but apparently they don't get this; that they are in positions completely incompatible with Shariah compliance!
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