Penned by Steve Bussey

I reject world and Muslim outrage over the alleged killing of civilians in Afghanistan by a U.S. soldier.

I can understand a soldier who snaps in war but I cannot and will not understand an ideology that routinely and intentionally targets women and children the way Islam does.

I know you’ve already read the story about this one U.S. soldier but have you seen news coverage of the Islamic terrorist’s rocket attacks on Israel? Read that CNN headline and the first two paragraphs and see if the emphasis is on the Islamic terrorist’s rocket attacks or the Israeli response.

Don’t get me wrong; and the Steve Bussey Radio Experience in no way condone the intentional killing of civilians in war or through terrorism by anyone. But remember, seeking to understand something is not akin to condoning or supporting that thing just as rejecting the situational or hypocritical outrage is not to condone it.

A United States soldier apparently took his weapon and went house to house killing civilians in Afghanistan just outside his base. My question isn’t why he did it but why it hasn’t happened before or more often.

I don’t want it to happen but I feel I understand war and warriors and as the old saying goes, war is hell. Soldiers sometimes snap in war and atrocities do happen – they’ve happened in every single war in the history of man and the world.

Now, place on top of the “norm” of what happens in war the fact that our soldiers lives are placed at increased risk through being forced to fight with one hand tied behind their backs by our own “rules of engagement” and the hypocrisy of being condemned and murdered for accidently burning a book while the other side routinely uses civilian women and children as human shields, intentionally kills civilians for “collaborating” with NATO forces and more and you have a recipe for disaster on your hands.

I’m not saying we should “sink to their level” or condone the murder of civilians in war. I’m saying we should understand the psychology behind what happens with our soldiers and call for at least the same level of outrage over what our enemies routinely do as we see with the anomalous behavior from a few of our soldiers.

Americans and American leadership had damn well better start accounting for human nature and what the wrong style of leadership and failing to fight properly with the objective of winning does to young men in war.

Our soldiers must have clearly defined military missions and goals versus a mixture of war and law enforcement; the real ability to go after and kill the enemy combined with the real ability to protect themselves; realistic leadership that protects them and their interest as opposed to seeking to prosecute them for the normal consequences of war and false accusations from terrorists and unlawful combatants and the resounding support of their national command authority.

We must reject the premise that situations such as this lead to increased terrorism or ill-will toward America because that’s just an outright lie. Our enemies do not need or even seek additional reasons to hate us and they don’t need additional recruitment tools since they’re already indoctrinating young children in their schools and homes to hate us.

Islamic terrorists have no respect for innocent life and don’t even define innocent life as we do.

Muslims see civilians as legitimate military targets and use women and children, as I said earlier, as human shields. They celebrated the 9/11 attacks in America even though they were attacks against civilians. They celebrate attacks against Coptic Christian churches and the Coptic Christians themselves. And the world watches as Muslim terrorists routinely attack civilian targets in Israel and then the so-called civilized world condemns Israel and justifies the Islamic terrorism against them.

So we can and must reject the outrage over this event by the majority of Muslims across the Middle East and elsewhere and equally reject the false notion that these types of events give our enemies reasons to attack us.

Have you seen much coverage of the Muslim terrorists rocketing civilian areas in Israel the past couple of days? I’ve seen some but not much and it is usually Israel that is condemned for their response and not the terrorists for their attacks. Politicians, diplomats, pundits and academics will make excuses for the Muslim terrorism against Israel and Israeli civilians as they always do.

When I see the appropriate level of outrage over Islamic terrorists killing women and children in Israel, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Congo, Nigeria, India, Somalia, Thailand, the Philippines, Egypt and dozens of other countries then you come and talk to me about this single American G.I. and this anomalous event.

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  • I do not believe it ever happened or at least the way anyone is saying it happened

  • There has to be a reason why he or they did this? We are not getting the whole story. I understand that these were Taliban that were killed. War is hell, get over it.

  • Give them all the ammo they need and tell the soldiers if it moves shoot it if it aint dead shoot it again!Fight fire with fire

    the Muslims would do it to our guys.

    • I,too, am a Vietnam veteran, Darwin.  Welcome, Brother!  I have to say that I heartily concur with your assessment of the current military situation.  I wonder, if the allegations are true, what made him snap and commit these murders?  Surely you remember the My Lai Massacre in 1968 after the Tet Uprising was put down several months before.  I think our soldiers snapped in My Lai because they had had enough of the deaths of their friends at the hands of impossible-to-differentiate enemies.  This may have been a similar situation.  If you also remember, only one soldier was tried and convicted -- the platoon leader Lt. William Calley.  No other officers or enlisted personnel were never prosecuted. BTW, I served in the Air Force at Phu Cat AB from January 1968 to January 1969. The leadership was missing at My Lai as well when soldiers declared war on a village full of probably innocent Vietnamese because higher officers gave tacit approval for the actions of Calley and his platoon.  They  were convinced that My Lai III was full of VC.  They were wrong -- it was My Lai IV, another  village entirely.  Anyway, if this soldier did what he is alleged to have done, it is possible that he was angry at seeing so many of his comrades killed or maimed for life.  That argument does not justify outright murder.  There does seem to be a lack of leadership this time as well.     


  • I do not know even where to begin on this. I am a two tour Vietnam Combat Veteran. Vietnam tours were thirteen months not the three or four or five or six months that the US military has adopted more recently. I have also lived in the Middle East (Iran, Saudi, etc) for a number of years - on the local economies not in a compound - and therefore believe I may have a better understanding of the region than do most Americans.

    My Vietnam experiences were not "typical". Hell, they were not even acknowledged to have existed by our own government until three or four years ago. I saw soldiers misbehave - criminally so in my opinion - but nothing like what we have seen coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    I put the blame on a lack of leadership.

    My father was a First Sargent so my upbringing was not your typical "Leave It To Beaver" or "The Nelsons" life. In my unit in Vietnam, I forbid the use of denigrating names for the local population; "Gook", "Dink", and others were in common use in Nam but not in my outfit. I learned to speak the language as best I could and encouraged the members of my unit to do the same.

    But most importantly, I remembered the one thing my father engraved in our minds as kids: You are a guest in someone else's home - ACT LIKE IT! Father always told us: The local religions, customs, and way of life is their way; accept it as such and respect it as such - they are not Americans and we cannot make them that way.

    The Abu Graib incident broke my heart as did other horrendous incidents that followed.

    I have talked to many a Vet coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan and have hear terms like "Rag-Head" and "Sand Nigger" and other denigrating terms from them.

    The burning of the Korans was a plain and simple human mistake; stuff happens in life.

    If you know the area like I do, then you accept that there will be a backlash that will eventually burn itself out.

    But not now.

    Now we have declared war on the Afghan people.

    It is now open war between the US and Afghanistan and Pakistan and everyplace else our military happens to be.

    A lack of leadership that is now more concerned with covering its ass.

    Darwin Rockantansky

    Las Vegas, Nevada

  • It still has not been PROVEN that this guy actually did it...

    come on now; with the powderkeg and knee jerk reactions of islamics everywhere over those Korans which were already defaced by MUSLIMS, can you actually picture ANY US soldier leaving his base ALONE and in the middle of the nigh???

    In hostile territory???


    we need a reality check here folks....not some Afghanistan Kangaroo Kourt with Karzai presiding.

  • I do not agree with the killing of women and children but i to think we need to understand way the man snapped. with out degrading him. i am al surprised it has not happen befor when the people that sent him there do not support him all this administration seems to do is apologize to the enemy and demoralize our troops. I my self feel bad for the young man he has to live with what he did. ( if he did anything they say he did ) but when our troops are sent to fright and the man who is the so called commamder and chief doies not back you up with all the support you need i see it as much his fault as that young mans you can not send troops to fright a war and when the enemy  complains tell the troops they were wrong!

  • That American G.I. deserves a medal.  He is a hero.  Let's not judge him as being wrong when the extreme psyco inbred pedophiles, ignorant, imbecilic backward desert rats continue to terrorize their own women and children using them as shields.  The women are not innocent.  They know right from wrong and help the sickos to abuse them and the children.  Remember that God gave the order to Israel to eliminate a whole population including animals when they conquered a land because God know they were rabid and would never change.  Israel did not do that and to this day they have paid trying to cure the rabid mind. 

  • I had a discussion earlier about this story. I feel that IF this soldier did this it was wrong. I went on to say that I could understand a soldier doing this. We watch as, how many, soldiers are executed over the accidental burning of that book, we see the islamist pigs kill without regard civilians, military, contractors, etc..., and we see how they treat anyone not of their religion, how could we respond to that. Our government has put the soldiers in the midst of all of that and told them they cannot kill the enemy. Much of the time the enemy cannot be separated from the civilian population, which is the intent of the islamic POSes that we are fighting. Can anyone really not understand what this soldier may have done?

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