I got to know Michael Emery, Journalist, with The Voice of Idaho briefly when I was following the Oregon Standoff in Harney County starting early January of this year.   I commented on Michael's videos and was wanting more information on what was going on and Michael took the time to help me find the truth and gave me very good information and links on this standoff.  He is a really great man.  Michael loves his Country and would do anything to help a patriot in need.

About one week ago, Michael Emery was arrested.  We believe he had some sensitive information that the Federal Government did not want him to have.  They confiscated all his equipment and computers, and now Michael is in a undisclosed place.  This has got a lot of us worried about his welfare. Especially since we have witnessed our 31 men who are ranchers and patriots, in federal prisons out west been denied bail, put in solitary, chained and shackled and left in solitary with no food and water for days, we know that things are not right in America.

I also got to know another journalist with The Voice of Idaho, her name is Vicky Davis and she does some very good articles on what is happening to our Country.  Vicky does her research.  I have attached her most recent article called "Overt Action Precedes Cover Action" and it explains a whole lot of why Michael Emery was arrested.  He too will have trumped up charges on him, just like our 31 Americans who stood up for our Constitution in Nevada and Oregon.  If you desire to just read this article on the internet here is that link: http://tvoinews.com/overt-action-precedes-covert-action/ 

With everything I know about what is happening to our ranchers and all that is going on in Oregon, as well as Nevada, there are forces of pure evil trying to take over, and Americans are being targeted.  I have read story after story of ranchers being threatened, and ran off their lands.  Now we are being told that The Bundy's in Nevada have Dirty Harry Reid claiming he is coming for them.  Michael Emery in a recent 1 hour video, explained a whole lot of what is happening to our Country.  He also explained how in 2014 at the Bundy Ranch there were anywhere from 2,000-5,000 militia on their way to Nevada, as the standoff got very tense.   I also just now recently have heard some militia putting out Call to Action Alerts, many are ready to move if the call comes in.  If you would like to view Michael Emery's video on U-Tube, which I think this video was done around the time of Jade Helm or soon after,  here is that link:  https://youtu.be/KfcaIsAdW2c

Things are really starting to come out, but the more they come out, the more aggressive our 4th branches of government get.   I have seen many videos and recent videos of many trains loaded down with military equipment, and excessive amount, and we saw a lot of that during Jade Helm, in fact we saw ourselves while traveling last year during Jade Helm through Georgia on I-95, heading north, a convey of White Military looking vehicles, with white cardboard over the logos on the doors. However the cardboard's were blowing off and many of them were clearly labeled "UN".  I just kept saying what are UN military vehicles doing in America?  Since when do we allow foreign military in our Country?


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  • The debates are next week, according to Facebook, they will be gathering questions to supply the moderators.  The Newsmax website is reporting that the Facebook COO, will be the first woman appointed to the Treasury, if Hillary is elected.  Appears like a "Pay for play," if I am reading right!

    • It is ALL pay to play with Killary - never ending.

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