Patriot Workflow - 2010-2011-2012


We must be thinking laterally on who we want to be our next president, there are currently 35 names being thrown around, and men and women of integrity must be promoted and voted for in PRIMARIES and STRAW POLLS, not selected for us. That means we MUST KNOW by June 2011 who we want (not who they want).


We must realize elections are staggered and mayors, governors, and many state elections including JUDGES are coming up in 2011 as well as our next target 2012.


Anything we can do to share, and plan, and help the cause begins now, we must learn, share, and prepare.


This is not over by a longshot. Understand those that need your help in 2011, and prepare to fill uncontested seats or the seats filled with corrupt self-serving politicians with citizen statesmen/stateswomen who will SERVE you.


Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi - Governors will be chosen in 2011


Delaware, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Puerto Rico -  Governors will be chosen in 2012 (including American Samoa and Puerto Rico)


Major Mayoral Election Cities in 2012 are as follows:

  • Anchorage, Alaska
  • Augusta, Maine
  • Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • Fresno, California
  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Huntsville, Alabama
  • Juneau, Alaska
  • El Paso, Texas
  • Mesa, Arizona
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Richmond, Virginia
  • Sacramento, California
  • San Diego, California
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Virginia Beach, Virginia

In many states where if the following positions are elective offices, voters will cast votes for candidates for state executive branch offices of Lieutenant Governor (though some will be voted for on the same ticket as the gubernatorial nominee), Secretary of state, state Treasurer, state Auditor, state Attorney General, state Superintendent of Education, Commissioners of Insurance, Agriculture or, Labor, and etc.) and state judicial branch offices (seats on state Supreme Courts and, in some states, state appellate courts).


Show the world that noone in America is above the Rule of Law.


WE ARE NOT DONE WITH YOU YET SENATORS.....At Least 27 of 33 up for election in 2012 will be removed:


Arizona Jon Kyl Republican (KEEP?)

California Dianne Feinstein Democratic

Connecticut Joe Lieberman Independent Democrat

Delaware Tom Carper Democratic

Florida Bill Nelson Democratic

Hawaii Daniel Akaka Democratic

Indiana Richard Lugar Republican

Maine Olympia Snowe Republican (bs)

Maryland Ben Cardin Democratic

Massachusetts Scott Brown Republican

Michigan Debbie Stabenow Democratic

Minnesota Amy Klobuchar Democratic

Mississippi Roger Wicker Republican (KEEP?)

Missouri Claire McCaskill Democratic

Montana Jon Tester Democratic

Nebraska Ben Nelson Democratic

Nevada John Ensign Republican (KEEP?)

New Jersey Bob Menendez Democratic

New Mexico Jeff Bingaman Democratic

New York Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic

North Dakota Kent Conrad Democratic

Ohio Sherrod Brown Democratic

Pennsylvania Bob Casey, Jr. Democratic

Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse Democratic

Tennessee Bob Corker Republican (KEEP)

Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison Republican

Utah Orrin Hatch Republican (INVESTIGATE?)

Vermont Bernie Sanders Independent

Virginia Jim Webb Democratic

Washington Maria Cantwell Democratic

West Virginia Joe Manchin III Democratic

Wisconsin Herb Kohl Democratic

Wyoming John Barrasso Republican (KEEP)


And once the dust clears after the tumultuous 11-2-10 storm, I will review The House of Representative and who slipped the nets, what scum rode the wave of voter discontent and will provide a list of those to PURGE AGAIN in 2012......


Hell hath no fury like an American scorned, an American called to defend Liberty.

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  • We need to be a strong voice in the Democrat party as well as the Republican party. Take them bothe over. I know that will never happen, but it is a goal to see how close we can come.
    • Agreed. The Democratic Party has almost all but been annihilated by The Progressive Party.

      But there are millions upon millions of people who espouse the noble ideology of the ''old'' Demcratic party, however many may believe these ideas are flawed (as I do) that calculations cannot be law, and endless support always ends in dependency.

      They need men and women of integrity as well - but you tell me, have they done anything to cleanse thier party?

      Not in the least. At least the American People have taken on hell of a stab at removing the cozy incumbants at the pass, during primaries, then turning thier vengeance toward the old cozy incumbant dems.

      I am taking out my justice on the remaining old GOP guard in 2012 Spring, then doing my best to get rid of the balance of dems in the November elections.

      With the stagger it will take three more cycles of pure dedication and hard work, and we will also need millions of Americans as watchdogs protecting our flank by reviewing thier performance while we push ahead with the bulldozers.......It can be done.

      We've only got one shot at this chance of a lifetime - you and I and maybe even our kids will never see a moment like this again, a TRUE re-freshing. And I'm going for broke (we have too).
    • Actually Steven, it could happen. There are plenty of 'moderates' who lean conservative but not on all the issues. There are good conservative Democrats, we just have to find them or find people who are and get them started now
      on running for these Senate seats.
  • Unless the bimbo's in DC come up with some way of doing away with the electorial college members, we might consider keeping our eyes on who they try to stack in thier decks for each state. Just a thought..
    • We need new blood, look at thier history, thier associations to find the sleaze waiting in the wings. The Dem (Progressive) bench is larger than the GOP, we can take out the GOP bench in several cycles and keep knocking down the ranks on the other side.

      We are being attacked at all angles, and will be for some time.
  • Exactly. The real fight begins now!
  • I will say as long as the State of California is in the hands of the Communists there will not be fair elections in the state for a long time. Until we smash the damned unions, jail their leadership, a lot of states will have little chances of honest elections, take a good look at Nevada and California. Both of them were won by the unions and illegals, both stink to high hell of political corruption and decay of Progressive rot!
    • Undermine thier fuel source Wiccanwolf. If a majority of the states re-affirm 10th Amendment soviergnty and work within the state to cure thier ills without government IV drip of dependency, the money dries up and these few bastions of retardation (NY-IL-MI-CA) will collapse under thier own weight and have no choice but to vomit out the evil in thier power centers.

      As AZ holds the line, TX and NM will soon follow, thereby increasing maximum density of influx illegals into the last hole....CA - This will also accelerate collapse.
  • We need another list, too... those who ultimately must go, like a "to do" list, but in this case a "MUST GO" list. Example, I see Webb from VA on this list... Warner from VA "must go" as well... I see Olympia Snowe here, but Collins "must go" also. Don't know when these two (and there are many) are up for re-election, but a comprehensive list we could check off and, therefore, miss no one that is targeted. Maybe we could have a "working sheet" of those or even add (2014) to this one and/or put them there in a different color. I'm pretty good at that kind of thing but don't know all of them. I could envision "must go 2012", "must go 2014" and maybe even "Replace With"!lol This would also help to keep the state groups involved in a real way. Your thoughts?
    • List above says Snowe in 2012. (If they are on the list, it's 2012. If they are not on the list, and were not re-elected in 2010, they are up in 2014. In Michigan, Stabintheback is 2012 and Leavmebe in 2014.)
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