Patriots that are not true patriots


It pains me to say that the Republican party is fighting against the true patriots for change. As per my last post on PFA there will be a RINO check coming soon. If the Republicans cave on the 2.8 billion aid for Haiti that was requested by the king, Osama Obama, it will seal the deal for me. It will prove that they are just giving lip service to placate the conservative movement. I suspect this to be true because of the way they treated Sen. Jim Bunning when he tried to stop the so called jobs bill.

I hate to say it but we as patriots have to let the republican party die. We have to risk the possibility of the democrats winning again in order to purge the country of unconstitutional representatives. Even if we risk civil war it will do the country well. Just like the recent takeover of the liberals helped to get people like me off of their asses, another win for the democrats will only beget more flagrant abuse of power which will cause more people like me to wake up. This will cause the pimple to come to a head and we can pop it and get rid of it for good. I posted a piece that I wrote for my tea party blog, “Shoot the dying White Elephant“, on.

I truly believe the time has come for a new generation to take over. When the tea party chose to tell a tea party candidate to get lost it caused me to fear that the republican party has gotten its tentacles into the tea party movement. This grieved me to the heart. If people who call themselves tea party patriots dismiss a candidate, who’s philosophy is identical to the tea party, then they are not true patriots. If we as a movement put our strength behind republicans because we think they have a better chance of defeating the democrat then we are just as bad as the liberals. For the country to be saved from the brink of the destructive path we are on, we need strong candidates that hold fast to the oath to “Support THIS Constitution”. The times are too alarming for us to shrink from the task at hand. We have to right the country even if it means letting the boat burn to the water line. We have to cut off the arm to save the rest of the body.

I for one will disavow any Tea Party patriot who chooses the Republican party over a candidate that holds fast to constitutional principals. The republican party has had many chances to prove themselves and they failed. My loyalties go first to candidates who have the courage to separate themselves from the parties and honor the constitution. Then, if there are no other qualified candidates I will back the candidate that most reflects the constitutional principals regardless of their party affiliation. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t believe there is much difference between the democratic and republican parties.

The proof of my assertion will be manifested when the republicans fall into the Haiti aid trap. Any republican that votes for aid to Haiti will be written off as a candidate and I will record their votes on my web site. I will actively campaign against them regardless of their prior votes. If a democrat has the balls to reject the Haiti Aid Package I will support him against a republican and use my site to do so. You watch and be warned, the congressmen and senators that vote for Haiti aid are enemies of THIS Constitution.


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  • I will agree to this one ideology. We can not trust the rank and file Republican party. We patriots have been "thrown under the bus" by the Republicans because all there is in Washington are people who love power and want to keep their jobs, forever (or until death).

    We need to clean out the rats nest
    • Just keep your eye on the RINO test
    • We have been thrown under the bus because we were idling in the street instead of getting on the bus and helping to drive it.
      • Michelle
        I love your analogy. However, we can't help drive the bus because the drivers think they have it under control. They're saying, like greyhound, leave the driving to us. They want us to just sit idly by and let them do what they think is right. How has that worked for us lately. Keep your eye on the RINO TEST.
  • The Nevada candidate you claimed to be somthing he wasnt. So does our president. YOU DONT LET THE HOUSE BURN IF YOU CAN PUT OUT THE FIRE. We have to put out the dems fire first. Then we put the water on repubs and drown the coals.
    • The Republicans have not earned our trust. If they fail the Rino test then they will have proven that they still do not deserve out trust. Personally I do not believe that they have the guts to withstand the onslought of the democratic party. I wish they all would read and recite the davy Crockett story that was shared with me. For those who have not read it, go to, it is reposted there. I didn't want to use the space here so I put it on my own blog where there is plenty of space.
      • If you want to vote and support whats happening in washington now, It is youre right .
  • Kevin if you let the Democrats win in the upcoming election as you state above then you can write this country off. It will become the USSA and though there are lots of folks in the republican party that are not true conservatives it is our duty as a citizen to take control of the parties and get statesmen/women in instead. I do not agree to let Dems win to try to wake up more folks, that is a death sentence for this countries fundamental form of government and I for one will fight tooth and nail to prevent that. I agree with Lawrence with put out the fire then turn the hose on those who are not governing by the constitution. I hope you do not convince many people to think this way as I have been fighting for the last two- three years to prevent what you suggest. I hope the progessives haven't gotten to you Kevin.
    • Sharon
      If you have been fighting for more than two years then you lost the fight when Osama was elected. We need to not give in to fear but fight against the fearmongers. What you fail to understand is that the republicans are the fearmongers as well. They are trying to protect their dynasty too. you forget how quickly they threw Jim Bunning under the bus. The threw us under the bus within a year of gaining the house in 94. they ignored us when they had control of the two main branches of government. And if you consider the court was conservative then they held all three branches of government. You my dear have to consider that your tact may not be working. Look at my latest blog post.
      • I dont know anny patriots who are saying vote republican. I hear patriots saying lets start cleaning the house. I hear patriots saying, lets get back to the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNINTED STATES OF AMERICA.We can see what democrats are doing. They MUST BE STOPED FIRST. As far as leting the ship burn to the waterline(youre words Kevin) no marriner would let his ship burn if he or she had a chance to save it and sail home.
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