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pantano for congress


October 27, 2010
Contact:  Sarah Dankanich
Scheduler/Media: 910.476.9783

Pelosi Spending Nearly $500,000 to Keep McIntyre in Congress

If Mike Doesn’t Work for Pelosi Then Why is Pelosi’s DCCC Trying To Save The Election for Mike?
Wilmington, NC:  The Pantano for Congress Campaign revealed today that Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Congressional Committee has spent nearly $500,000 promoting Congressman McIntyre and slandering Ilario Pantano.  This buy includes a recent media buy of nearly $350,000 to fund a last ditch effort to attempt to save the election for McIntyre.

“McIntyre likes to claim he doesn’t work for Pelosi,” Pantano said when releasing this numbers, “But if Mike doesn’t work for Nancy then why has Pelosi’s DCCC spent nearly half a million dollars to try to keep Mike in Congress?”

Despite McIntyre’s claims not to work for Pelosi, he has consistently voted for her for Speaker and according to The Washington Post he has voted with Pelosi and the Democratic leadership in Congress over 90% of the time.  McIntyre is also a proud member of the Pelosi leadership team. He is a Senior Whip assigned to getting votes for the Pelosi agenda.  He is also a member of Majority Leaders Advisory Council that develops the agenda for Congress.  And now, this election has made him the “Half Million Dollar Man” on the Pelosi leadership team.

“Why would the Pelosi political machine take money out of other close congressional races to save McIntyre?” Pantano concluded. “It is simple, because this district is pivotal in the battle to control Congress.   When Congress is organized in January 2011, I am committed to new conservative leadership, and McIntyre is committed to more of the same old leadership he has always supported.  That one vote will determine the future of our great republic.”

As Pelosi comes to the rescue, other organizations are withdrawing support for McIntyre.  This week ALIPAC, an organization committed to protecting America from illegal immigration, has withdrawn their endorsement of McIntyre and endorsed Pantano.  The Veterans of Foreign Wars organization was so disappointed with its PAC’s endorsement of McIntyre, Pelosi and Reed that they asked the PAC to withdraw the endorsements and then dissolved the PAC.
Ilario Pantano
Republican Candidate, NC-7
Campaign mailing address:
PO Box 11280
Wilmington, NC  28404
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