We the people ask the federal government to Call on Congress to act on an issue:
Reinstate Lt. Col. Terry Lakin into the U.S. Army with full rank, pay, benefits and pension immediately.
Created by G.W. on January 21, 2017
Sign This Petition
Needs 99,790 signatures by February 20, 2017 to get a response from the White House
The former Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was a highly-decorated Army flight surgeon who questioned whether or not the orders he received from Obama were legitimate. Court-martialed, imprisoned, expelled from the Army and denied pay, pension and benefits, Terry was merely following his officer's oath and constitutional duty. It is an outrage that this was allowed to happen. Obama refused to answer Terry's letter and ended up producing a forged birth certificate. Terry who was a medical doctor is a valuable asset to the American military and the fact that his military chain of command and his congressional representatives allowed him to be court-martialed and run out of the army is an outrage for all Americans. This grave injustice needs to be addressed and corrected ASAP.
213 signatures right now - signed and posted on FB
Yeah, I put it up on FB too...... hope there's an avalanche but it's been SO long since Lakin's fiasco......... and Americans have the attention span of a gnat!!!
Ask your friends and associates to sign the petition. Literally only 3 more signers (150 total minimum threshold per rules of the site) needed to get this Petition on the front/main page of the White House petitions webpage.
Reinstate Lt. Col. Terry Lakin into the U.S. Army with full rank, pay, benefits and pension immediately. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Emmaus PA USA