8142503270?profile=originalIf you are serious about taking about taking back our country, how about using this upcoming weekend to form or join a "Committee of Safety" and debate what needs to be done to do so.  May I suggest our proposed American "Second Declaration of Causes" is the best Course of Action!

Before you read the Declaration of Causes you may want to read the Press Release here.

Also, for those who are serious about taking back our country, here is a information about the "Committees of Safety" the Founders created. [Click here for Info on Committees of Safety] You can use to set up your own "Committee of Safety" to discuss and suggest additions, corrections and deletions to the current original version of the American "Second Declaration of Causes."

You can download OpenText versions of the 2DOC here (Academia.com) and here (ScribD).

A PDF file of the document is also attached: ModernDeclarationofCausesOpenText2_14ptTableofContents07012015.pdf

Please use this upcoming weekend to discuss and debate our proposed rough draft for a Second Declaration of Causes.  We welcome and need your input.  Please send us your proposed Additions, Corrections and Deletions to DMAshak@Aol.com WITH THE TERM #DOC IN THE SUBJECT LINE. (I get thousands of emails each week, please make it easy for me to find your emails)[Also, I am available for speaking engagements for a small honorarium and travel/lodging fees if applicable]

8142502300?profile=originalThe text of the Second Declaration of Causes appears below but I am unsure what the formatting will look like.

First Rough Draft



Prologue ….......................................................................................................... 1

General Statement of Causes................................................................................2-6

Enlightening Retrospective................................................................................. 6-16

Our Causes, Grievances and Concerns, Listed and Detailed.............................. 16-87

Natural Right of Individual to Establish Truth for themselves........................... 16

Causes 1.1 – 1.22................................................................................................ 17-22

Natural Right to Own and Control Private Property........................................... 23

Causes 2.1 – 2.13 ............................................................................................... 23-29

Natural Right to Equity – All Persons Created Equal........................................ 29

Causes 3.1 – 3.4...................................................................................................30-31

Natural Right to Due Process Pursuant to the Rule of Law................................ 31

Causes 4.1 – 4.35.................................................................................................31-45

Natural Rights Self-Ownership,Self-Determination,Privacy&Pursuit of Happiness...45

Causes 5.1 – 5.16.................................................................................................45-50

FIRST Natural Right to Self-Preservation......................................................... 50

Causes 6.1 – 6.8...................................................................................................50-53

Natural Right to Travel Freely Within the Country and to Leave the Country.. 53

Causes 7.1 – 7.3............................ ......................................................................54

Natural Right to Freedom of Religion (First Amendment)................................ 54

Causes 8.1 – 8.3.................................................................................................. 54-55

Natural Right to Express Any Idea in any Medium........................................... 55

Causes 9.1 – 9.7................................................................................................. 55-57

Natural Right to Establish, Monitor, Control, Abolish and Petition Our Government. 57

Causes 10.1 – 10.50........................................................................................... 57-75

House Representation Apportionment............................................................... 75

Cause 11.1…...................................................................................................... 75-76

First Amendment............................................................................................... 76

Cause 12.1 – 12.12. …...................................................................................... 76-78

Second Amendment.......................................................................................... 78

Cause 13.1 ….................................................................................................... 78

Fourth Amendment........................................................................................... 78

Cause 14.1 - 14.5................................... ........................................................... 78-79

Fifth Amendment ............................................................................................. 79

Cause 15.1-15.3................................................................................................ 79

Sixth Amendment(Criminal Defendants)......................................................... 79

Cause 16.1 ….................................................................................................... 80


First Rough Draft



Seventh Amendment.......................................................................................... 80

Cause 17.1.......................................................................................................... 80

Eighth Amendment... ........................................................................................ 80

Cause 18.1.......................................................................................................... 80

Ninth Amendment.............................................................................................. 80

Cause 19.1............….......................................................................................... 80

Tenth Amendment...............................................................................................81

Cause 20.1 – 20.2............................................................................................... 81

Eleventh Amendment......................................................................................... 81

Cause 21.1.…..................................................................................................... 81-82

Thirteenth Amendment...................................................................................... 82

Cause 22.1 - 22.2.….......................................................................................... 82-83

Fourteenth Amendment..................................................................................... 83

Cause 23.1.….................................................................................................... 83-84

Fifteenth Amendment........................................................................................ 84

Cause 24.1.......................................................................................................... 84-85

Sixteenth Amendment........................................................................................ 85

Cause 25.1 - 25.3............................................................................................... 85

Seventeenth Amendment................................................................................... 85

Cause 26.1.…..................................................................................................... 86

Nineteenth Amendment..................................................................................... 86

Cause 27.1.…..................................................................................................... 86

Twenty-Fourth Amendment............................................................................... 86

Cause 28.1.…..................................................................................................... 86

Twenty-Sixth Amendment................................................................................. 86

Cause 29.1.…..................................................................................................... 86

Twenty-Seventh Amendment............................................................................. 87

Cause 30.1 – 30.6............................................................................................... 87

Purpose, Intent And Effect Of These Seemingly Disparate Causes,

Grievances & Concerns..................................................................................... 87-89

The Progressive Movement............................................................................... 90-98

Conclusions, Demands and Authority............................................................... 98-104

Conclusion.............................................................................................. 98

Demands................................................................................................. 98-103

Authority................................................................................................ 103-104

Redress and Remedy..........................................................................................104-106




First Rough Draft



On July 6, 1775, the Founders of the United States of America set forth the original Declaration of Causes. The American Colonists had previously made overtures to King George and the Parliament of England about various transgressions against the American Colonies. When those overtures failed to resolve the conflict, the American Colonists made one last attempt at peaceful remedy. Their Declaration of Causes was meant to document their final Petition for Redress of Grievances, fulfilling the requirement of Natural Law's Social Contract that all peaceful remedies be exhausted before alternative remedies be contemplated and/or implemented.

The first draft of said Declaration of Causes was penned by John Rutledge. (No copies of his draft survive). Thomas Jefferson then penned a second draft, which was challenged by John Dickinson. The final draft was penned by John Dickinson, keeping some or much of Jefferson's draft. The rest, as they say, is history. Nearly a year later, the American Colonists cast off the chains of tyranny on July 4, 1776. Yet, as was forewarned by America’s Founders, a group of people have once again attempted to exercise absolute power and dominion over WE THE PEOPLE.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Thomas Jefferson

Before we continue, it should be noted that when the first Declaration of Causes was penned, the American Colonists had already taken up arms against King George and the Parliament of England. This is a circumstance WE THE PEOPLE hope to avoid now, and in the near future, in penning this Second Declaration of Causes.

This Second Declaration of Causes is intended as one last documented proof of WE THE PEOPLE having exhausted all of our peaceful remedies against this growing injustice and tyranny. This is in accordance with Natural Law's Social Contract and the road map the American Declaration of Independence provides WE THE PEOPLE for confronting our government's (and any other country's people, their government's), “long train of abuses, prevarications, artifices and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object evincing a design to reduce it citizens under absolute despotism”.

The strength of the Constitution, lies in the will of the people to defend it.

Thomas Edison



WE THE PEOPLE begin this Declaration of Causes by incorporating the first two paragraphs of the original Declaration of Causes. The name(s) of the current violators of our Social Contract are substituted for those of the original Oppressors of the American Colonists, with some further parsing reflecting the manner and method of our current oppression and enslavement:

If it was possible for men who exercise their reason, to believe that the divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property in, and an unbounded power over others, marked out by his infinite goodness and wisdom, as the objects of a legal domination never rightfully resistible, however severe and oppressive, WE THE PEOPLE must require from our elected officials, their moneyed benefactors and our present government of the United States of America some evidence, that this dreadful authority over them has been granted to those people and that body. But a reverence for our great Creator, principles of humanity, and the dictates of common sense, must convince all those who reflect upon the subject, that Government was instituted to promote the welfare of mankind, to preserve the unalienable Natural Rights of the Individual, to allow each individual to enjoy greater liberty than they would have in the chaos of the pre-government natural state, and ought to be administered for the attainment of that end.

The three branches of our current Government of these United States of America, however, stimulated by an inordinate passion for a power, not only unjustifiable, but which they know to be peculiarly reprobated by every individual’s Unalienable Natural Rights, Natural Law's Social Contract and the very Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights of our country, and desperate of success in any mode of contest where regard should be had to truth, law, or right, have at length, deserting those, attempted to effect their cruel and impolitick purpose of enslaving WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America through calculated and incremental infringement of our Unalienable Natural Rights, Natural Law's Social Contract, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights by duplicity, misdirection, prevarications, pretext, propaganda, censorship, indoctrination, conditioning, evil application of advances in psychology and other sciences, the wrongfully resurrected “Rule of Man”, and actual traditional violence, and/or threat of, individual, local and/or widespread violence, and have thereby rendered it necessary for us to present one last attempt at peaceful remedy to our government’s LONG TRAIN OF ABUSES, PREVARICATIONS, ARTIFICIES AND USURPATIONS PURSUING INVARIABLY THE SAME OBJECT EVINCING A DESIGN TO REDUCE WE THE PEOPLE UNDER ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM, before we consider alternative remedies. Yet, however blinded our present government may be, by their intemperate rage for unlimited domination, so to slight justice and the opinion of mankind, we esteem ourselves bound, by obligations of respect to the rest of the world, to make known the justice of our cause.

With the general nature and Causes of our grievances now outlined, WE THE PEOPLE shall continue to delineate our causes and grievances in a manner reflecting Founder Thomas Jefferson’s explanation as to the need for, and the intent of, the Declaration of Independence:

To place before mankind the common sense of the subject in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent.”

Thomas Jefferson

WE THE PEOPLE assert our elected officials and Government are carrying out the agenda of their moneyed benefactors. An agenda whose objective is to reduce the condition of WE THE PEOPLE to one of absolute Despotism. As such, our Government officials and their moneyed benefactors have blurred the lines between themselves and became a “Tyrant Class”. A Tyrant Class that is violating our Social Contract, each of our Individual Unalienable Natural Rights, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, by working to forge a relationship between business and government that decreases or eliminates competition, and reduces WE THE PEOPLE to a state of absolute Despotism, in a manner similar to Fascism and/or Integral Nationalism(anti-individualism and pro-Statism). The individuals comprising this Tyrant Class are the current Oppressors of WE THE PEOPLE.

Yet, though this “Tyrant Class” consisting of government officials and moneyed private citizens and corporations is working together to advance this agenda of Injustice and Treason, it is only our government officials who take oaths to represent WE THE PEOPLE, to preserve our rights, to uphold the Constitution, and advance the best interests of the WE THE PEOPLE. Therefore, at the present time we address this Second Declaration of Causes to our Government and our Government's elected and unelected bureaucratic officials and civil servants (hereafter collectively referred to as “Government”); For it is they whom WE THE PEOPLE presently have the best leverage, legal basis and Natural Right to hold accountable for violating their oaths of office and using their offices to instead, advance the oppression of WE THE PEOPLE. In other words, our Government officials are most accountable by reason of the consequences of the punishments upon conviction for TREASON.

To continue, WE THE PEOPLE observe that the Tyrant Class and our present oppressor Government have learned a great deal from the experiences and mistakes of King George and the Parliament of England. King George and the English Parliament were predisposed to arrogance and too often unilaterally commanded abrupt, overt changes in policy with little concern and/or regard for the reactions of the masses, often relying upon open displays of force and violence to force compliance. This style and manner of governance caused the colonists to be alert for policy changes adversely affecting them. Alertness that could quickly escalate to concern, alarm and calls for action. And, these calls for action could and often would rise to the level of heated, even violent resistance. Indeed, to actual Revolution. Our current Oppressor Government and Tyrant Class also learned from King George's loss to the American Colonists that the traditional strategy of the use of violence to retain power was vulnerable in the face of new ideas tending to invigorate the masses to revolt. (We will discuss later who our current Oppressor Government and the Tyrant Class later learned from the experiences and mistakes of the Marxists, and evolved new strategies to avoid those same mistakes)

Aware of the shortcomings of these methods, our present oppressor government has adopted new calculated, incremental, duplicitous and often covert methods which minimize awareness and/or adverse reactions of WE THE PEOPLE. This methodology reduces the chances of widespread organized concern, alarm and/or calls to action which may result in heated and/or violent resistance from WE THE PEOPLE. These incremental changes can and have taken place over years, decades,

generations and even a Century or more. These incremental changes are coldly calculated to implement adverse policy changes slowly enough over time to avoid raising tensions to that critical level that may lead to resistance, revolt and/or outright revolution. (A method utilizing the “Frogs in a Pot” analogy.) In this way, older generations with knowledge of “the way things used to be”, eventually die off before the full nature and effect of adverse policy changes are implemented and/or recognizable. Younger generations never know things were ever “another way”. Our Government augments its incremental implementation of policy changes with new propaganda and conditioning techniques made possible by advances in psychology and other sciences.

And this puts WE THE PEOPLE at a distinct disadvantage relative to the circumstances of our Founders. The Founders clashes with the English Crown leading up to their Declaration of Causes were eventful, noteworthy, well publicized and occurred over a shorter period of time. The majority of the American Colonists inherently understood the basis of the Founder's Declaration of Causes. The majority of the American Colonists were simultaneously moved to alarm and action without much need for further explanation. In our present instance, our oppressors' very calculated and incremental methodology has resulted in our resistance to their trespasses being a series of far less spectacular confrontations attended by far fewer citizens over a much longer period of time with little or no coverage by our seemingly complicit Main Stream Media. Ergo, the vast majority of our fellow citizens are unaware, unsure and/or confused about what, if anything, untoward is transpiring at the direction of our Government and the Tyrant Class. For these and the following reasons, this Second Declaration of Causes will necessarily be substantially longer than the American Colonists' “first” Declaration of Causes:

  1. To document in detail our Causes to all of the American General Public, the World and for Posterity; A task which will make our Second Declaration of Causes necessarily longer than the First Declaration of Causes in that the Founder's did not delineate all of their Causes, instead asserting the following short passage in their Declaration of Causes:

    But why should we enumerate our injuries in detail? By one statute it is declared that Parliament can 'of right make laws to bind us in all cases whatsoever.'”;

    Our Present Oppressor Government dare not make such bold and rash assertions, knowing they almost certainly would provoke and precipitate violent resistance;

  2. To inform, educate and instill into the American generations less than 35 years old, the knowledge, vision, attitude, perspective of reality and metaphysical http://t.co/6NUfv258QI context of the Founders. Information and context which our Government and the Tyrant Class has been deliberately working to remove from new generations and the “Public Sphere”;

  3. To inform, educate and instill into our largely unchecked influx of immigrants, the knowledge, vision, attitude, perspective of reality and metaphysical context of our Founders, which they were most often not exposed to in their native countries;

  4. To provide continuity, by explaining to younger generations, and new immigrants, the source of our Causes, grievances and concerns that were implemented and/or initiated before they were born or arrived, and/or before they personally possessed sufficient cognition or

    awareness of America, and the world, to be aware of them and thereby, document to these younger generations the LONG TRAIN OF ABUSES, PREVARICATIONS, ARTIFICIES AND USURPATIONS PURSUING INVARIABLY THE SAME OBJECT EVINCING A DESIGN TO REDUCE WE THE PEOPLE UNDER ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM that predate their own existence and/or awareness;

  5. To explain and connect the numerous small, incremental and calculated trespasses by our Government, some of which stretch back 100 or more years, to all of our fellow citizens in order to reveal to all the LONG TRAIN OF ABUSES, PREVARICATIONS, ARTIFICIES AND USURPATIONS PURSUING INVARIABLY THE SAME OBJECT EVINCING A DESIGN TO REDUCE WE THE PEOPLE UNDER ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM committed by our Oppressors, which give rise to many of our various Causes within this Declaration;

  6. To document and explain many of our past petitions and attempts to obtain peaceful remedy for our various legitimate Causes, grievances and Concerns from our Government, to establish to younger generations the requisite documentation of having EXHAUSTED ALL OF OUR PEACEFUL REMEDIES should this Declaration of Causes fail in its purpose of obtaining peaceful redress of our Causes, Grievances and Concerns;

  7. To restore the General Public's Perspective of Reality, which has been deliberately and wrongfully skewed through censorship and propaganda by Main Stream Media(MSM) with the help of the Indoctrination of the masses in Public Schools (#1.1), Engineering of Consent (#1.9) and Conditioning(#1.16); all to aid and abet the government's and/or the Tyrant Class's expansion of tyranny and/or infringement of our Liberty;

  8. To explain our current imperfect understanding of certain liberty and security affecting rumors which negatively impact our Natural Right(s), including our Natural Right to be “Secure in our Persons”. Our Government heretofore as failed to satisfactorily address and/or redress these rumors. And, we present them in this Declaration of Causes in a manner requiring our Government affirm or deny the truth of these rumors, and redress those affirmed rumors which adversely affect the unalienable Natural Rights, and/or the best interests, of WE THE PEOPLE;

  9. To reveal the true purpose, intent, objectives and goals of a myriad of seemingly unrelated actions, activities, events, policies and programs by government which give rise to our Causes, grievances and Concerns. This is necessary as “non-disclosure” and “non-transparency” is part and parcel of our Government's strategy to not alarm the masses. Unlike almost all other groups of people and organizations (e.g. clubs, teams, unions, corporations, etc.) our Government has not truthfully and plainly laid out its Goals and Objectives, nor the activities necessary to achieve those goals and objectives. WE THE PEOPLE assert that our Government operates in this undisclosed, seemingly disjointed manner because its actual goals and objectives, being nefarious and unconstitutional, would raise alarm, resistance and revolt amongst WE THE PEOPLE;

  10. To expose to the masses the false and/or contrived foundations and underpinnings of the metaphysical paradigm shift our Government and Tyrant Class are trying to inflict upon the

    masses in trying to create a metaphysical revolution(paradigm shift) whose true intent is to cause the masses to “happily”(or, at least with less resistance) accept a degree of enslavement similar to that they “resentfully” endured under the Governance Doctrine of the “Divine Right of Kings”;

  11. To address and calm the cynicism and distrust within the masses currently directed at each other. This division has deliberately inflicted upon WE THE PEOPLE by our Government and the Tyrant Class via their “Divide and Conquer, Distract and Misdirect” tactics and strategy. It is our intent to redirect that cynicism and distrust towards our Government and the Tyrant Class;

  12. To reassure a skeptical and divided General Public of our intentions and integrity by delineating our Causes and intentions in detail now, especially as is necessary to put the General Public as ease, to attract new patriots and to retain, uplift and motivate supporters.

WE THE PEOPLE are confident our fellow citizens and the world will understand and appreciate the necessary length of this Declaration upon reading the details, facts, nuances, explanations, documentation unraveling our Government's and the Tyrant Class's prevarications explained and exposed herein. The reader having been so apprised, we shall proceed. (This document is specifically written without using embedded URL links so it may be printed and distributed with the URLs displaying in the hard copy)


WE THE PEOPLE have mentioned that our Government and Tyrant Class have learned from errors of King George and the Parliament of England. WE THE PEOPLE assert that our present oppressor government and the Tyrant Class have been working to resurrect the former wealth, power, control and influence of Kings for themselves. Amongst our oppressor Government's first moves has been to remove, skew and/or downplay the Foundational elements of our Representative, Constitutionally Limited Republic from the populace. Our oppressor Government and the Tyrant Class deem those already possession of the knowledge, vision, attitude, “Perspective of Reality” and metaphysical context of the Founders of our Republic as hopelessly “contaminated”. Yet, under our current laws and level of “contamination”, there is little or nothing our Government and the Tyrant Class can do to erase what they wrongfully term “contaminating” knowledge from those already “contaminated” with it.

This “contaminating” knowledge poses a huge problem for the intent and design of our oppressor government and the Tyrant Class. This retained knowledge causes older generations of Americans to be naturally and innately alarmed and prepared to hear a call to action when they sense an encroachment of their liberty. An encroachment of our liberties we have already have seen and experienced. Let's take this opportunity to briefly depart from our “enlightening” discussion to remind our oppressors of the magnitude of the problem this “contaminating” knowledge represents to them. Armed with our awareness of their trespass,s and the knowledge and attitude of our Founders; Our Oppressors are, once again, hereby warned; “No matter how slowly, and/or stealthily, you try to enslave us, infringe upon our Unalienable Natural Rights and/or otherwise violate the Social Contract, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, it is still TREASON, subject to all the punishments and retributions pursuant to American Law and Natural Law, applicable therein!”

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Thomas Jefferson

With that pent-up Founder's angst released and temporarily assuaged, let us return to the task at hand. We find it prudent and necessary to identify, and take remedial action to address some of the effects of our Government's calculated and incremental methods. WE THE PEOPLE have identified our Government's preferred method to remove what they term the “contamination” of the Founders' knowledge from the Public Sphere http://t.co/22u1aKV0ee. That method is to prevent (or “spin”) the knowledge, vision, attitude, Perspective of Reality and metaphysical context of the Founders from being instilled in our youth in our Public Schools. And then, to simply smugly wait for the older generations of Americans to die, simultaneously removing what our oppressors deem our/the “contaminating” influence of the Founders from the collective Public Sphere.

To our consternation, our Government has been very successful at removing the knowledge, vision, attitude, Perspective of Reality and the metaphysical context of the Founders from the American Public Sphere. Not only have Public Schools not been emphasizing the foundational elements of America's Founding to our youth, Education Programs such as Common Core, STEM and AVID, have also been conditioning “rugged individualism” and “creativity” out of our youth and indoctrinating them to become passive “sheople” who want to “conform”. The majority of our most recently matriculated generations of Americans (By our estimate, those 35 and under) lack the knowledge, vision, attitude, Perspective of Reality and metaphysical context necessary to recognize and understand our current Causes and the reasons for our Alarm. (Those of you under 35, the blame for this circumstance does not rest upon you, it rests squarely on us older Americans who failed to hold our public schools accountable. However, so informed it falls upon you to “inform” yourselves.)

Our oppressor Government has further advanced its goal of removing the “contaminating knowledge and attitude” of the Founder's from the Public Sphere with recent, almost unchecked immigration. Quite simply, if immigrants have never known freedom and liberty, they are not likely notice it when the government takes it away. Further, many of the governments in the native countries of these immigrants use far harsher methods to condition their subjects to be passive and conform. Much harsher than our current Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the still remaining level of “contaminating knowledge and attitude of the Founders” in the Public Sphere, will allow in America.

As we already mentioned, those of us aware of our Government's increasing oppression, and who would resist it, find ourselves at great disadvantage relative to the Founders. The majority of the public in our Founder's time shared their knowledge, vision, attitude, Perspective of Reality and metaphysical context. Ergo, those Americans aware of our Government's present trespassed do not enjoy the advantages our Founders did, in a innate and spontaneous public awareness of, and reaction to, the nature of their Causes, concerns and alarm.

Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.”

Edmund Burke

For this reason we deduce our present attempts at peaceful remedy require we provide younger Americans, as well as the more recent American immigrants(both legal and illegal), and the world, with a summary review of America's history and the Foundational Elements of our Representative, Constitutionally Limited, Republic. We believe this background knowledge and metaphysical context is necessary to endow them with the insight necessary to understand why various of our
Government's actions give rise to our causes, grievances and reasons for our alarm. Further, in so doing we will construct an effective, compelling and inspiring Second Declaration of Causes.

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.

Thomas Jefferson

We find it easiest to begin educating the masses regarding the knowledge, vision, attitude, Perspective of Reality and Metaphysical context of the Founders by summarizing the fundamental reasons for the First American Revolution. Popular discussions about the causes of the First American Revolution revolve around simple, straightforward issues like unfair taxes, lack of representation, other economic injustices, the Intolerable and Declaratory Acts, and the use of Admiralty Courts along with general lack of Due Process. In reality, the American Revolution can best be summed up as a metaphysical revolution against metaphysics of the Governance Doctrine known as the “Divine Right of Kings”. What follows is a summary of the aspects of the “Divine Right of Kings” most relevant to our Declaration of Causes:

The Governance Doctrine of the “Divine Right of Kings” asserts that the King/Queen/Head of State (hereafter “King”) was a God or the representative of God here on earth. As such, no earthly-being had the right to challenge the King’s authority or decisions (As the King alleged himself to be a God or divinely inspired).

The King owned all land. No person could be on the King's land without the King’s permission. Subjects could be required to quarter the King's soldiers. No person on the King’s land had any rights. Instead they only had permissions and privileges, which could be revoked by the King for any reason. Disloyalty and criticizing the King/Aristocracy were very effectively stifled with the threat of revocation of your permissions and privileges weighing in the balance. What Free Speech? People in this circumstance are Subjects, not Citizens.

Further, the King was the final arbiter of Justice. Instead of the “Rule of Law” http://t.co/f6bNrP63Zj, Justice most often occurred in the fashion of the “Rule of Man” http://bit.ly/1EPjPkK. There is no Due Process. The Subject, their home and their work can be searched and/or seized anytime.

The King (and the Church) Established Truth for the masses. Individuals were expected to accept the Truth established by the King and/or the Church. One of the ways the King maintained his power was by controlling the Perception of Reality(metaphysical context) of his subjects. Most often, subjects were required to practice the religion of the King. Tradition,

superstition and Religious dogma (Indoctrination) defined a King's subjects’ Perception of Reality. While the tradition of the class system kept most subjects “in their place”, the Church and its dogma commanded loyalty to the King by all subjects. Opposing, criticizing and/or disagreeing with the King was not just treason; it was heresy subject to eternal damnation.

More extreme Conditioning (Reward and Punishment for “proper” behavior) such as seizure of property, exile, imprisonment, banishment, use of force and gruesome punishment completed the subjugation of the King’s subjects. The mildest criticism of the Kings and even the most reasoned departure from church dogma could result in extreme punishment. For example, the utterance of the belief that the earth was not the center of the universe resulted in more than one person being burned at the stake and/or other similarly horrific punishments.

The King allowed certain persons the privilege to manage portions of his land in exchange for pledges of loyalty to the King, payment of taxes & the supplying of soldiers, for the King’s Army. These persons of privilege had many titles, among them Nobles, Lords and/or Aristocrats. In turn, the Aristocrats collected taxes from any person living and/or working upon the land they had been granted by the King.

After centuries of Rule by Kings in Western Europe, Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679) published his book The Leviathan (1660) http://bit.ly/1ymNhvq. Hobbes, attempted to rationalize and justify the Rule by Kings with a Governance Doctrine of “Divine Right of Kings”. Hobbes posited that Man in the Natural State is not a social animal and is in a constant state of war. Therefore, society could not exist but by the power of the State. According to Hobbes, the Purpose of Government is to impose law and order by repressing the Natural State of war amongst Individuals. In this way, government advanced the best interests of the community. Necessarily, any consideration of the interests of the individual were subordinate to the will of Government, which the King purported to be “the best interests of the community”. And, Hobbes promoted the ideas the King was not accountable to the masses because of his alleged relationship with Divinity. This essentially is the metaphysical context for the Divine Right of Kings. Not surprisingly, many Kings adopted and used Hobbes' “Divine Right of Kings” as justification for their rule. However, as we have pointed out, Hobbes' attempt at his metaphysical explanation was written centuries after the fact. The reality was that the best interests of the Community always were, and/or soon defaulted to, being the same as the best interests of the King, his aristocrats and his moneyed friends.

From this summary, it should be clear to all that under the Governance Doctrine of the “Divine Rights of Kings” all people were subjects, except for an extremely select few individuals. And subjects were literally slaves (Manorial Feudalism http://bit.ly/1zhTioq), or nearly slaves, to the King. Even England's Magna Carta of 1215AD, merely said the King still had, but would not exercise some of his rights and powers over certain subjects, namely aristocrats and the very small number of freemen residing in the country. The Magna Carta did not address the rights of the common folks (subjects) comprising the masses. The vast majority of the King's English subjects remained in the state of actual or virtual enslavement that had previously existed before the Magna Carta.

The scientific discoveries of the physical world during the Renaissance(circa 1300-1700), inspired the masses to begin thinking for themselves. This “self-thinking” often challenged church dogma.

Copernicus's (1473-1543) allegedly delayed publishing his book book challenging the Church supported Ptolemaic Solar System out of concern for Church retribution. It was not published until after his death. Recall the problems of with certain “truths” established by the Church and Spanish State that Christopher Columbus, faced before rediscovering the New World in 1492. Further recall, the famous example of Galileo (1564-1642)being forced to recant his observations to avoid a far harsher fate. Instead Galileo was punished with in-house arrest for almost the last decade of his life? This for noting his observations of the physical world did not comport with the Church’s position that the earth was the center of the universe. These examples are provided to evidence the risk and difficulty the individual encountered in challenging the prevailing metaphysical context of the time, as reflected in the King's (state) and church's “Established Truths”;

1632 - After his recantation that the earth moves around the sun:

"Eppur si muove."
(But it does move.)

Galileo Galilei

Out of the Renaissance was born the “Age of Reason” aka “The Enlightenment”(circa 1650-1800). It was during The Enlightenment that the fundamental reasons for the American Revolution began developing. During The Enlightenment, the masses began applying their own reasoning to their observations of the world and questioning why things were the way things were. The King's subjects, among them the Men of Letters/Philosophes http://bit.ly/1JCcia7, began to examine and question the then commonly accepted beliefs of the physical and metaphysical world. It was Sir Isaac Newton's (1642-1726/7?) conception of the Universe based upon natural and rationally understandable laws that became one of the seeds for Enlightenment ideology. John Locke and Voltaire were amongst the Men of Letters/Philosophes during the Enlightenment who were inspired by Newton, and Newton's ability to describe the physical world in rational and mathematical terms. In this “Intellectual stew” of The Enlightenment, the Concepts of Natural Law, Unalienable Natural Rights, The Social Contract and Consent of the Governed were studied and reduced to writing. (The Men of Letters/Philosophes of The Enlightenment were quick to point out that Natural Law and Natural Rights had always existed, and they were merely reducing to writing that which always existed.)

John Locke (1632-1704) both originated Natural Law concepts, as well as merged, collated and integrated the original thoughts of others, in compiling his Two Treatises of Civil Government(1689). Locke's assessment of man in the Natural State varied from Hobbes'. Locke characterized man in the Natural State as “a social animal having a tendency towards reason and tolerance, but who can be selfish.” In discussing the Social Contract, Locke asserted that that Nature of Man in the Natural State must be considered in constructing government. Locke’s First Treatise on Civil Government was essentially a repudiation of attempts at rationalizing and justifying the Rule by Kings with the concept of the Divine Rights of Kings. Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil Government went on to reduce to writing the concepts of Natural Law, Natural Rights, The Social Contract and Consent of the Governed. [Free audio book of Two Treatises of Government here http://bit.ly/1FLpI2b ] [Free text of Two Treatises of Civil Government Here http://bit.ly/1q11pGd ] [Free text of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government here http://bit.ly/1NCKfu6 ]

"The end of law is, not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom."

John Locke

Great social turmoil arose when the metaphysics supporting Governance under the “Divine Right of Kings” could not be reconciled with new ideas, beliefs and metaphysical concepts which were evolving during “The Enlightenment”. The Kings underestimated the resolve of the masses to have their Unalienable Natural Rights recognized and acknowledged by their Kings. Among the Natural Rights the masses clamored for were Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Due Process, Free Travel, Self-Ownership, Self –Determination and Private Property Rights, etc. Quite simply, most Kings insisted on continuing to rule in the same old manner, and with the same power and control, as before. This great metaphysical social upheaval could only be resolved either by compromise or violent revolution.

As England's upper class became more educated, they were amongst the first to ask questions like, “Why is the King the King?” and “Why can't the King's decisions be challenged?” This resulted in the first fracture in the Governance Doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings; the English Revolution of 1688. England's “Revolution of 1688” gave a very few, but important, basic Rights to the English masses (on paper). However, England's Revolution of 1688 was mostly about dividing the power, control and wealth the King held under “Divine Right of Kings” amongst more people. Those additional people being the Members in Parliament(MPs). While the English herald the Revolution of 1688 as the demise of the Governance Doctrine of the “Divine Right of Kings”, in practice it was not.

The “Divine Right of Kings” continued all over Europe for a hundred and/or more years. In England they simply began calling it “Indefeasible Hereditary Right” to reflect this new, shared power arrangement of the King with Members of Parliament. So we see that just as with the Magna Carta, the major benefit Revolution of 1688 didn't accrue to the masses but to a relatively few aristocrats. The overwhelming majority of rank and file English folks remained subjects with very few legal rights. Circa 70 years after the English Revolution of 1688, what the American Colonists were experiencing makes it clear that even the limited the reforms for the masses the English had reduced to writing did not match the reality; King George and the Parliament had continued to practice the Governance Doctrine of the “Divine Right of Kings”.

As time passed, the rank and file subjects of the British Empire also became more educated and were exposed to the ideas of The Enlightenment. The masses also would also begin to Establish Truth for themselves. And the rank and file subjects of the British empire would come to ask the same questions England's upper classes did just before the English Revolution of 1688: “Why is the King the King?” and “Why can't the decisions of the King and Parliament be challenged?” Once again, the new ideas, beliefs and metaphysical concepts of The Enlightenment caused great social turmoil. Once more, the persons with power were reluctant to surrender any of it. And once again, this great metaphysical social upheaval could only be resolved by compromise and/or violent revolution.

The American Colonists' Declaration of Causes evidenced their attempts to reconcile Natural Law and Natural Rights with the Divine Right of Kings Governance Doctrine. The refusal of King George and the Parliament of England to reach an accommodation with the American Colonists was the

cause of the First American Revolution. Evidence that the American Revolution was more about ridding themselves of the metaphysics of, and Governance under, the Divine Right of Kings, as opposed to a collection of unrelated grievances can be found in this passage:

By one statute it is declared that Parliament can 'of right make laws to bind us in all cases whatsoever.'”

American Colonists', “first” Declaration of Causes

In essence, the American Revolution was a “Metaphysical Revolution”, reflecting the change in the way the masses viewed their relationships with their Government. The American Colonists formalized their Revolution with the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Violent Metaphysical Revolution, spurred by similar metaphysical social upheaval, followed in France in 1789, with the storming of the Bastille. Other European Governments resolved the situation with a combination of negotiation, recognition and accommodation (often in the face of violence by the masses) of the new ideas and metaphysical context spawned by The Enlightenment.

Following the American Revolution, the Founders replaced the Governance Doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings with the Governance Doctrine, now better referred to as “The Social Contract”, of “Consent of the Governed”. “Social Contract” better describes the individuals and the masses relationship with Government from the Metaphysical context of the Founders. Again, both “The Social Contract” and “Consent of the Governed” are concepts derived from Natural Law and Natural Rights. (Proof that our country was founded on Natural Law, Natural Rights, The Social Contract and Consent of the Governed may be found here http://t.co/rZswNupbeO )

The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” Americans, just as Turks, Russians, Frenchmen, Spaniards, or any other people, may assert their independence, “shake off the yoke of servitude,” and “model their government, upon the principles of civil liberty.

Alexander Hamilton (1775)

The metaphysical beliefs of our Founder's are embodied in their Declaration of Causes, the Declaration of Independence, our American Constitution and our Bill of Rights. The Founder’s believed and asserted that the purpose of government was to protect the individual citizen's Unalienable Natural Rights and, in so doing, to allow the individual to enjoy more liberty than the Individual would have experienced in the chaos/anarchy of the pre-government Natural State. The metaphysical beliefs of our Founders can best be summed up as, “Natural Law”. Maximum liberty of the Individual was the priority of the day. Self-Ownership, Self-Determination, Self-Preservation and Self-Sufficiency were the celebrated ideals of the day. The American Colonists rejoiced in their new found freedom which had resulted from casting off the tyrannical metaphysical basis of the Divine Right of Kings.(This seems like an opportune time to advise the reader, that while the Founder’s and Framer’s of the Constitution were overwhelmingly Christian people, in the interest of Religious Freedom which WE THE PEOPLE hold so dear, our preference is to allow the individual to

Establish Truth for themselves as to whether Natural Law and Natural Rights are an innate quality of being human or bestowed upon humanity by a Deity.)

The many problems and impracticality of the Articles of Confederation (1781) http://bit.ly/1E4ds6b led the Founders to deem them to be unworkable. This precipitated a Constitutional Convention in 1787 to address these issue, and the Constitution Convention led to a call to replace the the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were replaced with our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, which went into force in 1789 and 1791, respectively.

The Founder’s and Framers of the Constitution actually debated whether a Bill of Rights was necessary. https://t.co/4i1yEqkiY1 The Declaration of Independence itself only refers to “certain unalienable Rights, amongst these life, liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. The Federalists opposed including a Bill of Rights while the Anti-Federalist demanded it as further protection of the masses from the power of a centralized government. Some of the Founders and Framers insisted a Bill of Rights was necessary to guarantee our Natural Rights. While other Founders and Framers argued that the metaphysical context of Natural Law and Natural Rights were so well known and understood by all, there was no need for the Bill of Rights. Other Founders and Framers were concerned that if only some Natural Rights were listed, persons in the future would deem those Unalienable Natural Rights not listed in the Bill of Rights, as not existing. The Anti-Federalist essentially forced the inclusion of a Bill of Rights as a condition to them agreeing to ratify the Constitution. A Bill of Rights comprised of 12 proposed Amendments to the Constitution was submitted to the States, 10 of which were soon ratified by the States(One of the originally proposed Bill of Rights was ratified more than 200 years later.)

In light of our current circumstances, WE THE PEOPLE find it fortuitous that the Framers of our Constitution drafted and adopted the Bill of Rights. Despite having a Bill of Rights, our current Government has infringed upon both WE THE PEOPLE's Unalienable Natural Rights specifically lists in the Bill of Rights, and those Natural Rights do not appear in the Bill of Rights, but which nevertheless exist. It is chilling to consider what may have already have transpired without our Bill of Rights.

The Founder's included other elements of their metaphysical context in constructing our Government. The Founder’s agreed with Locke and others that government must be constructed with the “Nature of Man in the pre-government Natural State” in mind. [First Principles http://wp.me/p4Oxv6-a ] As we indicated earlier, Locke characterized the nature of man in the Natural State to be “tending toward reason and tolerance but who can be selfish”. However, the Founder’s found the characterization of the Nature of Man in the Cato Letters http://t.co/MR4EVm6mAg perhaps closer to their own:

All [people] have free will and are not virtuous by nature.”

Cato Letters

Therefore, our government was constructed with Checks and Balances, Transparency and Accountability. [Federalist Paper 51 http://t.co/vzE9aOhgn4] The belief being diffusion of power, and the resultant jealousy of power, created by having three separate branches of government hold

each other in check and in balance would occur out of a desire by each of the branches to not lose its equal share of the power. The requirement for Transparency is based on the human nature to not commit crime when others are watching to avoid punishment (accountability) for being caught . And Accountability came not from just the other branches of government, but also by the ultimate accountability to the sovereign citizens in casting their votes in elections.

Before we go farther, We must directly address what in our Founders' time was the unresolved issues of slavery and race. The issues of slavery and race must be addressed here and now, because they have so very often been used by our current Oppressor Government and the Tyrant Class to divide and conquer the American masses. If we do not address those issues here and now, our Government and the Tyrant Class will use them derail the goals of our Second Declaration of Causes. (And even though we do address them, our Government and the Tyrant Class will likely still try to use these issues to derail our present efforts to restore our liberty and curtail their power.)

The issue of RACE is relatively easy to dispatch, so let us address it first. Modern Racism is an artificial construct promoted by our Government and the Tyrant Class as a means to divide and conquer the masses. When WE THE PEOPLE are fighting amongst ourselves, we cannot unite against our government and Tyrant Class and hold them accountable. And while we are so distracted by fighting amongst ourselves, the Government and Tyrant Class are expanding their power and robbing the masses blind. No matter how personally vested in racism you are, your every act and expression of racism further divides and weakens WE THE PEOPLE. In so doing, you further enslave not only yourself and your children, but every one of your fellow citizens, to our government and the Tyrant Class. Think about it; “Is your own racism so important to you that you are willing to allow the government and Tyrant Class dupe you, your children and future generations of Americans into further loss of your own liberties and property?”

Now to the issue of ..


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SORRY, NECESSARY TO DELETE OUT 400,000 TO MAKE THIS FIT THE SPACE LIMIT ---

But you can read the entire document here (Academia.com) or here (PDF) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



And finally, the sentiments of the last line of the Declaration of Independence seem appropriate to close with:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other out Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Respectfully Submitted for first review,

In Liberty,

Don Mashak (DMashak@aol.com with "#DOC" in subject line.

First “Committee of Safety” and

WE THE PEOPLE TAR (Transparency, Accountability and Reform)

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  • Don Mashak:

    This information has certainly got my attention. 

    In addition to all the information that you provided, I appreciate the article: "Against An Article V Convention Of The States", particularly the need to resolve issues with the Fourteenth Amendment.  Most of our legislators want an Article V Convention to legislate an avoidance of any accountability of fraud or charges of treason. 

    There must be a clear resolve to the allegations of whether or not the "Fourteenth Amendment was unconstitutionally machinated into place as a 'UNITED STATES CORPORATION' (law/mandate), which essentially negated the original Constitution of the United States and if the Fourteenth Amendment was ever properly ratified - and is null and void."  

    We should confront all of our leaders with these issues in the Election debates rather than let the MSM and their 'darlings' ask insignificant questions and engage in nonsensical chit-chat -- and not address the Constitutional crisis imposed upon us today. They need to be asked straight-up if they are running for a constitutional office or executive position in a corporation. 

    There is so much more reading and research to do, but I will get it done.  Don't know what I can do about it, but the first step is to prepare by becoming well-informed.  You may find the following links informative as well.  I'm in the midst of reading the 'source documents' and researching several 'Executive Orders' [whew!]. 

    09 May 2014



    Source Documents - Anticorruption Society: 


  • And where or to whom would such a document or set of documents be sent? Would this be sent to 'King' Obama and 'Prince' Harry Reid, 'Princes' es Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi?
    I think we can pretty well estimate their collective reactions. They will no doubt send this to the circular file - 13, issue a proclamation directing you where to stuff it, and then proceed with what they have been doing. Probably with even greater vigour and zeal.
    Yes, all of this appears in the surface to be well written, and could very well serve a useful purpose, (Document our grievances). Should it replace an artical V convention of the States? No - I think not, however it could serve as an accompanying document which could set the stage for why an artical V convention is needed and being carried forth.
    Would the filing of such a declaration of causes avert the up coming civil war or the pending WW-III that we are most likely facing? I doubt that.
    Barack Obama, the tyrant class, and the moneyed elite, just like King George before them, don't much care what We The People think or want. And I doubt very much that any documents declaring our Causes is about to deter them from their "Fundamental Transformation of America". Their agenda is set, and We The People have run out of time.

    • Old Rooster,

      I also believe that We The People have run out of time.  This Coup has been in the making for decades. 

      I will continue to hope and pray that we can fix this though.  I will fight until the bitter end. 

  • This is wonderful and who would receive it but all of the elitist waste  paper baskets.

    They know what they are doing it is OUR FIGHT NOW AND THERE IS NO ONE WHO WILL HELP.






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