ef977051eaf33effded1993a3597d6b6.jpg?itok=eUHoInTS&width=400Today marks the beginning of the first full week of class for most colleges in America. Yet Freshmen who have long looked forward to greater freedom at college may be in for government surprise. It seems the Progressives don't think College students are developed enough to be trusted with Free Speech.

Over the summer, the Progressives have been busy attempting to covertly launch another one of their agenda items. The Progressive's newest agenda item being the control of information that reaches the minds of young adults and their exercise of Free Speech. The rest of Americans may also know this as censorship, propaganda and repression. Fortunately, American College students seem predisposed to not quietly accept the slaughter of Free Speech. Young patriots on college campuses across our country are rising up in resistance and outrage to the latest attempted repression of liberty by Progressives.

All this concern about the First Amendment and Free Speech was incited by the pronouncement of Progressive U.S. Civil Rights Kommissar Michael Yaki that :

This Progressive Kommisar doesn't even seem to understand that Free Speech is an inalienable, Natural Right of Americans reduced to writing in the First Amendment to the Constitution aka the Bill of Rights.

This writer has long warned Millennials and young adults that Progressivism is not what it portrays itself to be. The duplicitous nature of Progressivism is cause for concern, especially those undisclosed motivations and true goals. One must remember that one of the fundamental beliefs of Progressivism is that the individuals rights are subordinate to the interests of the Community as determined by the educated elites.

For those who want more in depth information, this writer has written extensively about Progressivism here:

Just as the Progressives have undisclosed motives and hidden goals behind such agenda items as Common Core and Agenda 21, so also do Progressives have undisclosed motives and hidden goals behind this attempt to control the information received by young adults and the exercise of their free speech rights.

The pretext of saying College Kids can't handle Free Speech is merely...

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Those were my thoughts.

In Closing:

Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.

If what is written here rings true to you, perhaps you should contact your local elected officials and let them know. If you are afraid of repercussions, snail mail it anonymously and ask them to respond in the local paper or their own monthly/quarterly internet newsletter. Even if this article refers to something outside you geographic area, it still likely applies to your location. Remember all those taxpayer training junkets we taxpayers send the bureaucrats on? They all learn the same “livestock management” techniques to use on WE THE PEOPLE.

And that leaves WE THE PEOPLE with this conundrum: While our #Government works full time with compensation and funded with our money for the cause of #Tyranny; WE THE PEOPLE are forced to work part time without compensation for the cause of #liberty with what is left over of our time, money and energy.

Finally, this article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I, Don Mashak, seek no leadership role. I, Don Mashak, seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense” http://amzn.to/kbRuar

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

In Liberty,

Don MashakThe Cynical Patriothttp://twitter.com/dmashakhttp://Facebook/Don.Mashak (Warning, IMHO run by Progressives)Don Mashak Google Plus http://goo.gl/1AUrE (Warning, IMHO run by Progressives)

WE THE PEOPLE TAR #WETHEPEOPLETARhttp://WETHEPEOPLETAR.blogspot.com (Google censored this blog by deleting)http://facebook.com/WETHEPEOPLETARhttp://twitter.com/WETHEPEOPLETAR

End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System) #ETF (Lupdate 7/9/2014)National http://on.fb.me/U4YQo7 Minneapolis http://bit.ly/tjZJKF

Bring Home the Politicians #BHTPhttp://BringHomethePoliticians.com

Lawless America #LawlessAmerica @LawlessAmericahttp://LawlessAmerica.com

Term Limits #TermLimithttp://TermLimits.org

Justice in Minnesota #JIMhttp://JusticeinMN.com

Critical Thinking Notice - This author, Don Mashak, advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking (http://exm.nr/Jkbfy6) in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author, Don Mashak,... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.

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