It's called The Minerva Initiative
It's part of a secret government plan for martial law...
...ready for the next big crisis.
That'll put Obama's boot back on the neck of any American who truly values their freedom...
It's all been exposed here by a Wall Street pastor trapped at the heart of America's Biggest Economic Scandal...
Set to leave millions homeless...
Acting as the perfect cover for a government clamp down, and backdoor constitutional change...
>> All Exposed Here in This Short Video. <<
(That only take a few minutes). And it won't be up for long...
>> Click Here to See More <<
This is another of those ridiculous ads, trying to sell services, IMO. My money says this guy is a fake, simply trying to sell something.
I am sorry folks, I did not go over the Video a head of time-DISREGARD. BETTER YET, ROOSTER REMOVE THIS PLEASE....
You can delete it, Clois - open up the discussion, then click on "Options" at the top right.
It will not allow me to delete, just close the discussion which is what I am doing after I post this.
Sorry Clois, But being the Admin here, I've re-opened the thread discussion, for a short time anyway.
Actually you were right in posting this, maybe not this specific advertisement video, but in your attempts to bring additional information to the people of this PFA network.
This advertisement (and sales pitch) is about Aquaponics farming. This is a process of small green-house gardening that utilizes both water and fish to grow vegetables for food. The internet is filled with good information on the subject. And for the most part you don't have to spend your brains out to get that information.
For anyone that is interested in the subject just go to YouTube and search the subject Aquaponics.
Here's one example, these are mainly for large scale operations but they can be build for smaller systems.
Here's another example:
And a much smaller "Home Back Yard" system
And here are some examples of how you can build a small system if you have even a small back yard:
This is a Hydroponics vegetable system, (Just circulating water, no soil required).
And here is an example of how to build a small green house.
Here's one that I built (started) in our back yard, Haven't quite finished it yet, ran out of money: I have a 100 gallon tank that fits under the bench at the far end of this picture. Haven't completed the grow beds yet.
continue in a minute.
It is an interesting subject if anyone is interested in growing their own food and like to play around in gardening at all.
Did I ever mention that my wife is descendant from the Mennonites up in Lititz Pennsylvania. (Great cook).
As you can see from the photo we live in the city, a small town, but everyone knows this place as "OH - The house with the big garden"...