Poke The Bear - Jade Helm-15

I have posted some of this in the forum threads but I think it's worth the effort to put it up here again.

This Jade Helm-15 operation is just another administration scam operation. It's a follow up to the Fast-N-Furous which was a scam run by the administration so they could claim all the guns and weapons going into Mexico were coming from the US. The ultimate goal of course was to confiscate all weapons from US citizens.

Jade Helm-15 is no different, except this one will get people killed. (Read on because apparently it already has )

Poke the bear;
That term is for the most part self explanatory. You poke a bear and he's going to react, and probably attack and rip your head off. Only a fool would deliberately poke a bear, unless of course he WANTS that bear to respond.
The term has recently been applied to the "Draw Mohammed" cartoon meeting in Dallas/Garland TX this past weekend. Why do it unless you WANT the response that they got? (That one was ok by me by the way).
But this Jade Helm 15 thing might be precisely the same tactic. Washington Poking the Texas bear.
I know places around here that will not take kindly to any presence of the Military walking down the street at 3:00am. Even if they don't knock on any doors or try to confiscate any weapons. All they have to do is show up and look like a Spec-Ops swat team and things will get nasty real fast.
Poke the Bear and when he reacts or attacks, then you have a perfect excuse to attack and confiscate all civilian weapons. Then declare Martial Law.

Game ON.
Would this Obama administration attempt such an obvious move and put our Military, and citizens, in harms way right here in our own country?
Would this Obama administration deliberately set this up to provoke an attack?
Does a Bear shit in the woods?

Remember the Governments Fast-N-Furous? This was the exercise where the Feds gave and sold American 'Assault' rifles to the Mexican drug cartels so they could subsequently blame Americans for all the guns and weapons entering Mexico. The idea was to set things up so they had a good excuse to ban all weapons, and then even lead an all out confiscation of American guns.
So what is the next step in that same process? Try to provoke some dumb ass Red Neck Rebel to pull the trigger against an American Military soldier just doing his duty in a "training" exercise.

I think we've figured out what Jade Helm 15 is all about.

One of my better informed contact sent this response;

I had a meeting with Congressman Farthenthold (R-Corpus Christi) this am and this subject came up as part of the Jade Helm "War Game" is going on in and around Bastrop, part of his District.  Abbott was catching alot of grief for ordering the Texas National Guard and the State Police to "monitor" the operations saying he is threatening the U. S. Military and looking for a Texas "take-over".  What this is really about is letting people know where these guys are so the scenario you just described doesn't play out.  It already has in a similar exercise in Colorado, a local deputy shot a soldier who was carrying an automatic rifle, dressed in black, in the night, in a neighborhood.  No one had informed the local police the "war game" was ongoing.  Tragic stupidity.  Even more interesting is that "conservative areas" like basically all of Texas are being designated as "hostile", while areas that voted blue are in "friendly" hands.  Most of CA is designated "friendly", while Orange County is designated "hostile".  Someone is sending a message?

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  • That someone is obamahitler.   His msg is this


    We are his war not ISIS or AlQaeda or Iran.  WE are 

  • This Jade Helm and other drills are so wrong....against our Constitution and why does our Congress allow this to happen.  Why can't we just say no?  Probably because to many are going along with it.   I don't know why people cannot realize our Constitution was put in place to protect us, but when it gets thrown out, we are in severe danger.   Not from ISIS, or AlQaeda, but in danger from our own military (those that will have no problem killing Americans) and in danger from the UN and foreign troops which are already here.   What they have planned for the Americans is not good.

    Don't expect any Christians (who could care less about our Constitution) to help either.   Everyone of them I talk to are ready to go to heaven, they so say, and they are in a hurry.   I don't know what has happened to self preservation.   I even told many of them, you should be prepared because what if our electrical grid goes down, what if the collapse comes soon (and it is inevitable), what if martial law is a problem and you cannot get out to get groceries.  They absolutely don't care.  They absolutely think that God is going to rapture them up before it gets really bad!  I don't know what Bible they read, but the KJV does not say that people will be raptured up.   Why would Americans think this, when you have all those Christians in the middle east going through hell and being slaughtered.   They are not raptured up.

    The reason why this Administration is pushing the envelope and seeing how far they can get is because they have dumbed down Americans so much that most of them will walk right into those FEMA (Concentration) Camps because they are hungry and have not prepared for such disasters to happen.   I know most people on "Patriots For America" believe different, as everyone I have encountered on here know what is happening and care, they want to help and do what is needed, not help to make it easy for those who are trying to destroy America and take it down.  We have more ambition to do something.   I am dedicated to sending letters at least 2 times a month to my senators and House Representative regarding any important issue coming up or in the making.   I want them to hear my complaints, my cries and my voice for doing what is right and according to our Constitution.    After all they have taken an oath to uphold that Constitution.

    If people don't start standing up for these unconstitutional acts, then we certainly don't have a chance.   There are over 60 million Christians in the US, where are they all?   Like I said some of them here in this forum are doing and trying and at least not giving in or giving up.  

    • Patricia. In their desire to be raptured they forgot the scripture that says, "All who live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution"... Bonnhoffer a martyred German Pastor said to not speak out against evil is evil itself. The church should be front and center speaking out against this corrupt government and the persecution of Christians. They should be in the streets making thier voices heard, unfortunatly they are for the most part silent.
      To expect God to correct all wrong before His second coming is unscriptural. The Church is to be the light on the hill, the salt of the earth, the chief proclaimer of Truth. The bottom line is that the Church is a Verb, not a Noun!!! We have today pastors running Hugh corporations influenced by post modernist, progressive thought. Christians should be like those in the days of Nehimiah when they were rebuilding the walls, a brick in one hand a sword in the other. For all you Beluevers out there, "Dont expect God to do what you are unwilling to do". The Scriptures say that we are coworkers with God. If the church will not get active it has lost its light, and it's salt, it is good for nothing.
  • Jade Helm-15, The journalists reports are claiming that Texas is cowering in fear and paranoia. But they are wrong. Texans are not fearful, what the news media and journalists are hearing is not paranoia. It is mistrust and anger. And it is well deserved and earned. We remember the US Attorney General Janet Reno, David Koresch, the Branch Dividians, and the massacre in Waco.

    It will NOT happen again. Such an attack on Texas civilians will NOT be tolerated again. Make no mistake about it, do NOT make the mistake of thinking that Texans will not stand up against the US Military. It will not matter if Washington sends the entire strength of all the US military combined down here to take Texas. They will be out numbered 100, to 1. We will not fire upon our own military willingly or with glee. On the contrary, Texans love and have great respect and honor for our US Military. Many thousand of us here are veterans. We will not relish in the thought or task of having to defend our lands and our State against our own who may simply be following orders from a rogue Government. But we will not tolerate nor shall we cower or comply and allow another massacre such as the one that occurred and was initiated by the Federal Government in Washington against the people of Texas. We will always remember the Alamo, and we will also remember Waco.

    As for those of you who believe in the scriptures, remember that GOD's army will stand with you IF you are on GOD's side. His Army numbers in the hundreds of millions, they out number all standing armies of the world combined. And they can NOT be defeated.

    “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

    • Amen Old Rooster, well said. God Bless Texas and the United States of America. I lived in Arlington Texas for 8 years and ONE thing I know, Texans arnt scared!!! Like the bumper sticker says, "Don't mess with Texas".
  • Old Rooster:   Just got this in my email.   Billy Graham's daughter is so right....http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/billy-grahams-daughter-issues-mayday/

  • I posted this "Poke-The-Bear" article on other forums sites. Here is what may be the most intelligent response I've gotten so far.

    Posted by someone named D Turner:

    From the Houston Chronicle:

    "Training exercise Jade Helm is going to assist our Special Operations Soldiers in refining the skills needed against an ever changing foreign threat," he said.

    Among the planned exercises, soldiers will try to operate undetected amongst civilian populations in some towns and cities where residents will be advised to report any suspicious activity they notice as a means of testing the military's effectiveness, said county law enforcement officials who had been briefed by the Army.

    "They're going to set up cells of people and test how well they're able to move around without getting too noticed in the community," said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff's Office. "They're testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover."

    I don't believe all of the alarmist stuff that this is going to turn into martial law; however what I quoted there worries me. These soldiers are testing their (from the title of the exercise) mastery of the human domain. This means that they probably won't be just hiding out in fields. Instead, they'll be conducting operations inside communities to see whether they get called out for their suspicious behavior. Right now the Ukraine is the only place where tensions are high that a bunch of Americans might be able to walk around without drawing attention. No matter how scraggly their beards are, a bunch of white guys (The general racial profile of SpecOps) will stick out like a sore thumb in the Middle East or North Korea. That means that this is either a very general test of psychology or it could be a very specific test to see how soldiers can blend in to communities just like ours. (Or only ours).

    Less sinister, but still worrying is the fact that they are putting troops on the ground in our communities and then encouraging people to report suspicious behavior. It reeks of a long game. Get the public used to seeing soldiers and militarized police AND get them used to helping big brother by reporting every little thing about their neighbor. It's smart; it's a long process of turning the average citizen into a complicit part of a intelligence gathering network.

    In the short run, I don't think that there is much direct threat associated with exercise. The nation has been too apprehensive about it.You and many others are concerned, you're paying attention. If there is something sinister behind it all; this would be the wrong time to act. Instead this is when "they" would play the long game. "They'd" conduct the exercise as low key and without incident as possible. And it'll be the first cry of wolf. After conducting several exercises to the point where everyone just ignores it all and treats it just like it's another thing -- that is when they'd act.

    Or at least, that's what I'd do as just one operation in a larger strategy.

    My reply to D Turner:

    D Turner, This is perhaps the most intelligent response I've seen to this Jade Helm exercise. It's indoctrination of the masses. Get the people accustomed to having the Military in their communities. Convince people that if/when they see something - say something. Turn your neighbours in, Pretty soon it becomes - turn your neighbour in if he has any guns, or if they have too much food stocked away. They did it in China, Russia, and in Nazi Germany.
    Thanks, intelligent reply. If you don't mind I'd like to share it with others. (patriots, not commies).

    • I certainly hope you are right about this, and I would not be suspicious at all about Jade Helm, but there is something about the UN and their vehicles showing up all over that really bother's me.   People are turning in videos of trainloads of UN ambulances, trucks, even military equipment being sent from Canada down to the west or from the west out to Texas.   This is what is very alarming, and then the fact that we already know that 15,000 Russian troops are here in America (for training purposes so they say) and that even Chinese troops are here.   This is what bothers me a whole lot.   Not only that, with knowing that the CIA/FBI have been involved with our 9/11 and other events, makes it very suspicious, as to what the lamestream media is projecting.   Every day, news that ISIS wants to kill Americans, ISIS wants to blow things up, and now ISIS could have a nuke.   Since we are aware that the CIA trained and made Al Qaeda which Obama funded and sent weapons to, and now Al Qaeda no longer exists, but this new ISIS comes up, and oh look they now got our weapons that were in Iraq!  This is the stuff that makes you wonder and of course our government warns us that we could have an EMP or even a nuclear bomb go off!   Can anyone see a theatrical theater being set here.   Just like all other wars we had to have because of 9/11, because of some supposed terrorist doing this, so we need to tear that country apart to get them.   They even do psychological disasters in order to try and get our guns, like Gabby Gifford's shooting, the Batman Theater shooting, the Sandy Hook Shooting and even Boston Marathon Bombing (where they confiscated people's guns and chased them out of their homes just to get a boy who was hiding in a boat.

      Maybe I am the only one that sees what could be coming.    It is scary because you are not sure how they will do it, but the theater is being set for one huge event, and I can see it coming.

  • Bingo!

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