SEALS having voters backs at specific locations to make sure there is not a repeat of the Black Panthers intimidation of voters.

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  • God bless them one and all.

  • I like that idea.

  • we the people,who are thhe real government,we the people by me will be going to vote together,we will be watching the voters,and if we see something,we will be focused,alerted and will be photographing and recording the events as they unfold,we will report it to the polling supervisor immediately,as will as the local police,and anything we see wrong will be reported and put on the internet as fast as it happens,and gather intel for later law suits,we pray all goes well,but we will observe and gather all pertinet info.god bless romney/ryan,sheriff joe and all american veterans/citizens,one nation under god,and don,t listen to any bought and paid for medias.

  • I have written to the governors of the critical states to enforce their voter I.D. laws and the hell with Holder, consider using paper ballots, and encouraging all voters to photograph their ballots before submission. I wish we could have had the sheriffs in every jurisdiction deputize citizens to police all polling places with radios and cameras. But the veterans' presence is outstanding! God bless them for their vigilance.

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