Prayers for a fellow Patriot Please!

Hey everyone,
PLEASE PRAY for Steven B, who is a patriot that has gone out of his way to ensure the safety of other patriots, including getting them out of harm's way and to safe locations on more than one occasion.

He's currently in the ER and really sick with an infection in his leg called MRSA, which is spreading to his organs. The doctor says he's in very serious condition. They've got him on Fentanyl and oral Demerol at the moment.

He's a US Marine Vet who has continued serving his country and its people every day and who now needs our prayers, PLEASE.

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  • We'll keep him in our prayers Jessica.  Keep us updated on his progress.

  • I will put him in our prayer list at our Trinity United Methodist Church here in Kankakee, IL. On any given Sunday he will have 50-75 people praying for him during srevice in our collective prayer--


  • !!WILL DO!!

  • I will add Him to my prayers.

  • Thank you for information and I will and spread the word My prayer are with him and loved ones.
  • I will be praying for him
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