« Obama's Katrina | Main | Jobs for Citizens? Imagine that. »February 05, 2009$20.3 Million for the Resettlement of Radical Muslims$20.3 Million for the Resettlement of Radical MuslimsPRESIDENT OBAMA INVITES HAMAS TERRORISTS TO AMERICAbyPaul L. WilliamsBos SmithandMichael TravisBy executive order, [USURPER] President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.President Obama's decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by "the urgent refugee and migration needs" of the "victims."Few on Capital Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.The charter for Hamas calls for the replacement of the nation of Israel with a Palestinian Islamic state.Since its formation in 1994, Hamas has been responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks, including the 2002 Passover suicide bombing. The leaders of the movement signed the World Islamic Statement of 1998 - - a document, penned by Osama bin Laden, which declared war on America and Israel.President Obama's executive order is expected to bring hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, many with ties to radical Islam, to our shores, furthering a process that was inaugurated in 1995 by Senator Ted Kennedy and the Cedar-Hart bill.THE OPEN GATE In 1965, Allah in His mercy raised up Senators Ted Kennedy and Edward Celler to initiate changes in the immigration law that made it possible for millions of Muslims to make their way to the New World - - as the Christian Europeans had done in the early years of the 20th Century. The Cedar-Hart bill, which was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on October 3, 1965, abolished the national-origin quotas that had been in effect since 1924. In the spirit of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it barred discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, or national origin. America, by fiat of liberal secular humanists, was to be become a multicultural country - - a country severed from its Judeo-Christian roots.Remaining cognizant of the common roots as the American people, our legislative had enacted stringent laws pertaining to immigration and naturalization. The Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that "any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States" The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prohibited Chinese families from immigrating to the United States. The Immigration Act of 1907 reorganized the states bordering Mexico (Arizona, New Mexico and a large part of Texas) into Mexican Border District to stem the flow of immigrants into the U.S.The Immigration Act of 1924 further limited the number of new immigrants by the establishment of a stringent quota system. The number of newcomers was now limited to 2 percent of each nationality who lived in the country not in 1924 but in 1890. The reliance of this legislation on the ethnic composition of the country before the turn of the century guaranteed that the majority of new arrivals would be from Northern Europe. Since few Italians and Eastern Europeans lived in the U. S. in 1890, the quotas for these nationalities became fixed at marginal rates and the number of new immigrants from "undesirable" regions greatly reduced. The following chart shows the effects of this legislation:Immigration Statistics, 1920-1926Year Total Entering U.S. Country of OriginGreat Britain Eastern Europe* Italy1920 430,001 38,471 3,913 95,1451921 805,228 51,142 32,793 222,2601922 309,556 25,153 12,244 40,3191923 522,919 45,759 16,082 46,6741924 706,896 59,490 13,173 56,2461925 294,314 27,172 1,566 6,2031926 304,488 25,528 1,596 8,253It is hard to conceive of an act of Congress that could be more culturally biased than the Immigration Act of 1954 and yet it received nearly unchallenged bipartisan support. Yet The New York Times editorialized: "The country has a right to say who shall and who shall not come in. . . . The basis of restriction must be chosen with a view not to the interest of any group or groups in this country . . . but rather with a view to the country's best interests as a whole."1In 1952, The McCarran Walter Immigration Act affirmed the national-origins quota system of 1924 and limited total annual immigration to one-sixth of one percent of the population of the continental United States in 1920, or 175,455. The act exempted spouses and children of U.S. citizens and people born in the Western Hemisphere from the quota.THE KENNEDY PROMISEBut, in 1965, Kennedy and company viewed such legislation as pig-headed and prejudicial. Few elected officials, Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina - - being one of the exceptions, dared to disagree with them. Championing the Celler-Hart bill, which called for the abolished all quotas, Kennedy, being far from prescient, said: "Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any other country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. . . The charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligation of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage."2Forty years after Senator Kennedy made this pledge, Dean Steven Gillon of the Honors College at Oklahoma University assessed the results of the 1965 Immigration Act by noting: "The U. S. added at least 40 million immigrants after 1965. Before 1965, 95 percent of the new immigrants had come from Europe. After 1965, 95 percent came from the Third World. The 1965 act has transformed American society and had consequences exactly the opposite of what we were promised."3In his speech before Congress, Senator Kennedy had said; "Our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually." The level of immigration, he swore, would remain substantially same as it was in 1965 - -156,700. This, too, proved to be woefully incorrect. The present immigrant rate exceeds 1.5 million annually. Noting this, Pat Buchanan writes:The 1965 Cedar-Hart bill was the greatest bait-and-switch in history. Americans were promised one result, and got the opposite result that they had been promised would never happen. They were misled. They were deceived. They were swindled. They were told immigration levels would remain roughly the same and the ethnic composition of their country would not change. What they got was a Third World invasion that is converting America into another country.4From 1965 to the present, more than half of all the immigrants to America from the Middle East and Asia have been Muslim with radical ideologies.5 Malcolm is surely smiling in his grave, for he had written:As the Christian Crusade once went East, now the Islamic Crusade is going West. With the East - - Asia - - closed to Christianity, with Africa rapidly becoming converted to Islam, with Europe rapidly becoming un-Christian, generally today it is accepted that the 'Christian' civilization of America - - which is propping up the white race around the world - - is Christianity's remaining strongest bastion.Well, if this is so - - if the so called 'Christianity' now being practiced in America displays the best that the world Christianity has to offer - - no one in his right mind should need any much greater proof that very close at hand is the end of Christianity.Are you aware that some Protestant theologians, in their writings, are using the phrase "post-Christian" era - - and they mean now?6

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  • Please remember that as a usurper everything he does is illegal..........these are illegal aliens that he's bringing into OUR Country.

    How many actions does the usurper have to do before the people in the USA realize "he's a radical muslim bent upon destroying the fabric of Our Constitution"............Every action he has taken from his first interview to date has been to support our enemies, the hate-America organizations.

    While he throws up smoke screens, they are destroying Our Constitution bit by bit. WISE UP!.......don't just focus on one or two things he's attention to EVERYTHING HE'S SNEAKING BY US!.........

    We need to remove every dem from our 2010.......VOTE AMERICA NOT PARTY!
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