


Sheri Krass, a retired Secondary Math teacher, and the head of Patriots United - a Tea Party organization - has created the Florida Textbook Action Team (TAT). County TAT’s have been formed throughout the State.

Citizens for National Security (CFNS) - Dr. Bill Saxton, Chairman - spent over 14 months researching all Social Studies textbooks approved by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE). They identified over 200 excerpts that have pro-Islam/anti-Jewish/Christian/Israel bias.

Although the CFNS research was focused on Islamic inaccuracies, the TAT is also concerned about incorrect information our children are learning about our history, government, and Constitution.

This is a Grassroots effort - not organized by the Tea Party Patriots or 912 Project. The majority of members of the TAT’s are parents and grandparents who want to ensure that the children in our State are taught accurate information. The excerpts identified by the CFNS were found to be slanted, distorted, and biased.

A few excerpts found in the APPROVED textbooks that are being used in our Public Schools:

EXCERPT #1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (IL: McDougal-Littell, 2007)
Page 1017
The land now called Palestine consists of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.
The implication of this excerpt is that Israel occupies land that actually belongs to Palestine.

EXCERPT # 2: World Cultures and Geography: Eastern Hemisphere and Europe Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/McDougal Littell
TWTT pgs. 84, 101:
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share common traits. Judaism is a story of exile. Christians believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah. The Qur’an is the collection of God’s revelations to Muhammad. 18, 32 [emphasis added]
This implies that it is only with the emergence of Islam that the truth is revealed.

Children who read something in a textbook assume it is accurate information. It becomes more clear why our youth, born and raised in the United States, are becoming “radicalized”.


On January 10, 2011, County TAT’s are mailing letters to School Districts, County School Boards, the FDOE, and State Senators and Representatives - listing the flawed textbooks used in each county.    

Because it is unreasonable to expect these textbooks be removed in this school year, the TAT wants each School District to provide a handout to the students listing the faulty excerpts. Teachers should be required to provide an explanation as to why these excerpts are unacceptable. The CFNS will provide these excerpts.

The State Instructional Materials Committee (SIMC) is meeting this year to approve Social Studies textbooks for the coming 2011-2012 school year. This approval is for six years. The TAT wants the FDOE to inform the publishers of these textbooks that they will not be approved until a revised edition is issued correcting these faulty excerpts.

The Florida TAT would like to have members - who have already applied to SIMC and are aware of the misinformation in these textbooks - on the committee.
Contact: Sheri Krass, Patriots United
Dr. Bill Saxton, Citizens for National Security



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  • These f'n libturd book writers and NEA educators are poisoning our children's minds and filling them with garbage. When my oldest daughter was a freshman in college, she came home for spring break and we talked about what she was learning. She told me that they were studying the middle east in one of her classes and that the professor went on and on about what a great "freedom fighter" Yassir Arafat was. I exploded and told her the truth about that murderous, pedophilic pimple on the ass of himanity. And then I wrote an email to her professor and let him have it with both barrels and told him it was not just job to teach politics and liberal agendas, it was his job to teach HISTORY, and not that liberal agenda-driven bullshit re-written history either college professors are so prone to doing. I never got a reply but I was soooo hoping he would so I could beat him like a red headed stepchild (metaphorically of course). I am so sick and tired of this crap. These people are poisioning our children's minds
  • What bothers me is nobody is charged or goes to jail over this stuff, that means the communist are in charge.
    • Judith.......I urge you to get in contact with Sheri Krass who is spear-heading this Florida action....
  • Marxists have been rewriting history forever.
  • the Oklahoma Director of Language Arts sent out an email to OK teachers abt "good teaching", using a newsletter from--THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER!!   The SPLC is a Soros backed propoganda project that bakcs the obama agenda!!  One of the "good teaching" lesons was to commemorate 9-11 by confronting ISLAMOPHOBIA.. and "teaching tolerance"...

    Warn your deptments of education--and all teachers-school boards abt the hatred coming from the SPLC..

    As of today, Oklahoma has a new governor, Republican Mary Fallin, our 1st woman gov--and we have a new SEc of Education... 

    Those "good teaching" lessons from the SPLC will be stopped!

    • Also, any history book written by Howard Zinn has a radical far left worldview- America is bad, racists,etc.  Zinn who died in 2009 was a Communist and he wrote history textbooks for the public schools.
  • According to the American Heritage Dictionary, copywright 1969:  1. Palistine who's biblical name is Canaan.  The land between the Meditererranean Sea and the Jordan River that was occupied by the "Hebrews" (Jews) in the second millenium b.c.and was the scene of most of the events described in the Bible.  2.  British mandate territory divided up between Israel, Jordan and Egypt in 1948.  In 1967 Israel occupied the Egypt and Jordanian sections".  There were no so-called Palistinians until those would come to be called Palistinians were expelled from Jordan.  Although there is a vast amount of land available for the Palistians in any of the Middleastern-Arab countries, they don't want them.  Radical Islam would rather try to force Israel's demise using the so-called Palistians as a lever.  By the way you should see the new shopping malls and water parks in the Gaza.  MSM will never show you.
    • Thank you very much.  This is what should be taught to our children.  As a Christian, I will always stand with Israel.
    • with our tax dollars.
      • I meant the water parks and shopping malls.
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