Professional Victims

Yep there are many of these... This is an article with links to definitions on/of Professional Victims.

This article is titled "Is your girlfriend or wife a professional victim?" It is in Men's News Daily
It has valuable info that can be used in all interaction with people, plus helpful links. As you read this think of CAIR and muslims. They are professional victims.

At the end she suggests staying away from professional victims. With family members that may work, but with CAIR, islamic groups this will not work. We have to deal with them and stop their evil desire to dominate all of us and force us to live under islam/Sharia Law or die. We don't have the option to avoid them. We must deal with them.

Does your girlfriend or wife blame you for everything that’s wrong in the relationship, even her bad behaviors? Does she refuse to take responsibility for her own actions, especially the hurtful ones?

Do you frequently feel forced into a role of contrition in which you have to make up for some imagined or exaggerated “wrong” or that you “owe” your girlfriend or wife?

If so, you may be involved with a woman who is a professional victim. Don’t be fooled, she is no victim. Victim-hood is a powerful role. In fact, women who play the victim are really the aggressor in relationships. They play the victim to manipulate and control others by holding you emotionally hostage.

Professional victims are stealth bullies. Being caught in a never ending blame game with one of these women is a form of emotional abuse for the man at whom she points her finger in accusation.

The following characteristics are signs that your girlfriend or wife may be a professional victim:

1) She never acknowledges when she hurts others. She has exclusive rights to the role of “injured party.” When you call her on her  behavior, she provides ample excuses for why she’s not accountable. The excuses she provides assign blame for her actions to someone else, usually the person she’s wronged. It’s always your fault or someone else’s fault, but never, ever is it her fault.

2) The victim must be victimized. If you’re not an abusive person, she’ll pull it out of you in order to play the victim script she has in her head. For example, she needles and needles and needles one of your sore spots, until you can’t take it any more and snap at her in defense.

Presto! She just got you to “victimize” her–never mind the previous 2 hours in which she psychologically tormented and bullied you into it. She needs to play innocent victim to someone’s bad guy. It’s the foundation of her identity.

This is a very primitive defense mechanism called projective identification, which, if you’re on the receiving end, is truly awful in that it makes you feel like the crazy person. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy whereby she believes you’re the “bad guy” and she’s the “victim.”  She then behaves or interacts with you in such a way that you change your behavior in response to her actions and become the “bad guy.” A telltale sign is that you feel like you’re being coerced into being someone that you’re not. It’s highly, highly emotionally abusive.

3) She blames others and circumstances for her own shortcomings or failures. The professional victim lives in “Never-Never Take Personal Responsibility Land,” which is bordered to the North by “The Land of If Only.” This allows her to blame her parents, siblings, co-workers, bosses, professors and you for her life, career and relationships not being as she thinks they should be.

She’d be running the business if only her boss recognized her talents. She’d have graduated from design school and been wildly successful if her prof hadn’t looked at her cross-eyed. She’d have sex with you more often if you did more of x, y, and z. Don’t fall for this malarkey, men. She’s right in that there’s someone to blame for her sad life. She need only look in the mirror to direct her blame accurately.

4) She admires and respects people who actually treat her badly. This is a fascinating aspect of the professional victim: They defend those who harm, exploit and bully them and vilify and lash out at those who want to help and care for them. She may fondly describe a relative or ex-boyfriend who sounds like a real S.O.B. and follow it up with, “but he’s such a good person.”

Meanwhile, you bend over backward to tiptoe around her extreme sensitivities and she accuses you of “beating her down” and “not being supportive.” Huh?

The fact that she admires and respects bullies and people who abuse their power is a huge red flag because we emulate those we admire. Let me make this point crystal clear: SHE ADMIRES BULLIES AND ABUSERS BECAUSE SHE IS REALLY AN EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE BULLY IN VICTIM’S CLOTHING.

It’s impossible to have a loving relationship of equals with a professional victim. She goes through life feeling slighted and angry, never taking responsibility for her actions or life. Good luck trying to talk to her about this. You’ll meet with extreme defensiveness and more blaming behaviors. Her only identity is that of victim: If she doesn’t believe she’s being victimized, then who is she?

Someone who treats other people like crap and who is pissing her life away. It’s a matter of psychological self-preservation versus ego annihilation.

You can’t have a healthy and happy relationship with someone who holds you hostage and controls you through guilt, emotional blackmail and blame. This type of person rarely changes and usually has characteristics of one of the dramatic cluster B personality disorders, including Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Anti-Social Personality Disorder or some variation.

If you’re involved with one of these women, I encourage you to reconsider the relationship. When I come across them in life, I try to avoid them altogether or, at the very least, minimize contact. It’s really the only way to deal with them.

by Dr Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

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  • Sounds like Barry to me.
  • YUP! Dat sho do be him, alright.
  • "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country...."
    If we weren't all greedy racists, we'd have a US that needn't be fundamentally changed.....
  • I spent 13 years with a woman like this, sadly she has never learned. We have been divorced for 20 years and everything is still my fault. Our 3 children have virtually no contact with her as she continues to berate them in everything they do, nothing is good enough for her. She has never done anything wrong. She came to my daughters 21st birthday party and told me (That she made a mistake when SHE let me divorce her) She left me then refused to allow me to see my children. I had no choice but to file for divorce to get visitation with my children. She then went through 11 live in boyfriends in 6 years. She is also bipolar but refuses to get any help, she says there is nothing wrong with her. It is sad!!!
    • She may be a sociopath to boot.
  • Sounds like my brother actually. The whole family keeps enabling him to continue his BS. If he is getting along with a family member,he will steal something.Be it money or personal belongings. Then we will stay away from him for years at a time. Thus making him the victim. Time and time again.Same old story. I always replace Bi-Polar with "Not mature"
    I'v studied the bi-polar crap for years and have had my share of immature relationships. You learn to see it from afar and totally avoid it. Totally. I'm 40 and never married. I listen to my Mother, haha. A persons life and surroundings usually give a more accurate description than our limited perception of them. HAHA I have had several friends my age get married just to get married,and out of 7,all 7 have had a rough time and all are divorced now. Parkpage
    This domain name has been activated for a customer
    • I think everyone is immature from time to time in their arguements with spouses or live ins. There are a lot of the ME generations out there and it isn't mine thank god. I'm 53. But, there are some people who truly want a Real Relationship with someone, they truly do. My advice has always been, dont just jump into the bed with anyone, take your time getting to know someone, and ask every question under the sun, if they are open they will answer your questions honestly but you must do the same for them also. If you really like someone and have known them for about 5 months but get the "feeling" they are not quiet being totally honest, then check them out and go ask questions from the last person they had a relationship with or marriage.
  • I notice that the article is written about a woman, but I know men who are exactly the same. I think as many men as women suffer from this problem.
    A very interesting article, thank you.
  • Holy Cow! Someone knows my Ex-wife.
  • Describes My Ex-Girlfriend to a T.And I put up with that crap for 2 1/2 years.
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