If you have time today to make a few phone calls on behalf of the Parental Rights Amendment it would be much appreciated. If we are able to get this Amendment, our Nation could NOT sign on to the UN Rights of the Child agreement which would take parenting out of the hands of parents and put it under the control of - not the US Constitution or US Courts - but the UN!

Please forward as you are able to other states. Both Senator Coburnand Inhoffe have signed on. BEFORE the November elections, we must let our legislators know what we expect from them in the next legislative year.

Blessings and great thanks on behalf of our kids and our American way of life!

It's Time! Please Call Today

Today we are launching what we hope will be the largest call blitz yet, urging all U.S. House candidates (including incumbents) to pledge their support for the Parental Rights Amendment. If we are to be heard above the pre-election din and set ourselves up for victory in the spring, we need as many of you to participate as possible – and urge friends, family, and colleagues to join you!

Here is what you need to do right now, before you close this email:

1. If he or she is seeking reelection and isn’t already a cosponsor, call your current Representative’s local office and ask him or her to cosponsor HJRes 42, the Parental Rights Amendment.

2. Call House candidates’ campaign offices and urge them to pledge their support for the Parental Rights Amendment in the next Congress. Tell them if they lost their copy of the pledge, ParentalRights.org would be happy to send them another one. Have them call us at 540-751-1200.

3. If you have a contact number for a third party candidate whose number is not included on our page already, email Ashley@parentalrights.org with that information.

Where do I find the phone numbers? Just click on your state below, then scroll down to your district.

AlabamaHawaiiMassachusettsNew MexicoSouth Dakota
AlaskaIdahoMichiganNew YorkTennessee
ArizonaIllinoisMinnesotaNorth CarolinaTexas
ArkansasIndianaMississippiNorth DakotaUtah
DelawareLouisianaNevadaPennsylvaniaWest Virginia
FloridaMaineNew HampshireRhode IslandWisconsin
GeorgiaMarylandNew JerseySouth CarolinaWyoming

What do I say?

Tell them you’ve seen the Zogby poll, and you are part of the 93% of Americans
who agree with the traditional definition of fundamental parental rights. Tell them you intend to see the Parental Rights Amendment passed in the U.S. House next year, and that you want them to be part of that solution. We want sitting members to cosponsor HJRes 42 in this Congress and commit to cosponsoring the new HJResolution in January. We want challenger candidates to sign the pledge promising their support if they are elected.

What about candidates I don't plan to vote for?

The fact is, if they win they become your representative, regardless of their party affiliation. Our plan is to make sure that whoever wins your district, your next Congress member will support the Parental Rights Amendment. So please, call each candidate you can and let them know that if they end up representing you, you want them to stand up for families by protecting parental rights.

Of course, if you don’t plan to vote for them, it would be a bad idea to tell them such when you make your request. Tell them instead that you want your next congressman to support parental rights, and if they want the job, they should side with the overwhelming majority of Americans.

Thank you for participating!

Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

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Amendment Cosponsors

To date we have 142 cosponsors in the U.S. House and 7 cosponsors in the U.S. Senate.

Become a Member

Your gift of $35  will support our on-going efforts, and you'll receive a Membership Kit to share the word with your friends.

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P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * info@parentalrights.org

Jenni White
Restore Oklahoma Public Education
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  • The UN as a whole is WAY out of line with this proposal; on a global scale, although I admit some of the Muslim nations could use a bit more control on what the parents are teaching their kids and at what tender ages. However, that proposal would be a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water. We need far more parental involvement and control over what kids are learning and doing than less! Many of the problems we're seeing in children now are related to the lack of parental influence and participation in their childrens' lives, not the abundance of it. This is just more of the one world order/ chaos and control by terrorism of the UN that NEEDS to be stopped dead in its tracks NOW!
This reply was deleted.


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