Have you wondered if there really are enemies amongst our ranks?


Have you noticed people on all the conservatives sites that make you rub your head and, by their comments you realize they are not conservatives but selling you a load of bull crap? But if you dare challenge them on it, they immediately start calling you names or precede to educate you on how stupid, uninformed or "unfocused" you are?


Have you noticed some people will continue to push us to do works that don't work but again if you bring that up to them, they start calling you names or tell you - you are not "focused" on the "right thing?"


Have you noticed some folks on conservative sites always throw in a bunch of lies with just a small amount of truth? Wonder why? You get wore out digging through the misinformation you don't have time to go through all the truth information!


Have you asked yourself how the Republican party thinks it will contain infiltrators with bad motives? They didn't learn from the Democrat party history lesson. They too thought they could contain the enemies but use them. We see what happened there. What many refuse to see and acknowledge is the very same thing is happening to the Republican party. Even people in our conservative groups think they can "contain our enemies" and use them for our purposes. Is anyone else sick to death of this death trap?


Notice the attachment to this post. This is from Homeland Security about how they do it!


Oh and by the way, this is done to run off the true conservatives. Doubt me, think about the first tea party (Tax Day Tea party) and the 2009 March on DC. Number dwindled major big time. Why? The enemies within our ranks work day and night to discourage and demoralize them. They left our ranks because they recognized what was happening even though many of us thought we could contain it.  They become wary of people calling them names and belittling them and constantly telling them to wake up. That is what happens when folks allow their sites to be infiltrated by any of our enemies.


Let in the bad ones, they run off the good ones every time. Only the battle hardened will stay, the others won't play the "game."







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  •  That is quite "normal". In any communist country or any dictatorship for that matter, secret agents are infiltrating ANY and EVERY opposing organization. In their own organizations they do have informers to report any deviation from the party doctrine. In opposing organizations, the role of agents is not only informing, but neutralization as well. There are many examples of the moles in the highest positions. You do not have to go too far to see it even in the Government itself.

  • It seems to me that there is nothing new under the sun.(read that somewhere  But in American history ,from what I've read of it-and if I recollect correct these things were true even in the Committee of Correspondence. Even throughout the Revolutionary War.We are now at the other end of our  time as a world power. And these things are noted. The sunshine Patriots will run away. The Tories will insist they are defending kith and kin. History repeats I think --not in exact cycle but like one of them springy thingys  we used to call slinky. A near repetition of history  for those who slept through class the first time.Guns up- eyes open they's indians about.Like sneaky pete said in another life.

  • Too many people live too far from Nature, even a barking poodle can scare away many… if We take OUR country back and We Will! We must get back to Earth from within if We are to keep Her!

  • WND just posted today that there are over 35 terrorist trainning camps in America also that the terrorist have made over 50 hits accross the USA.. But as we all know our non American Government is not telling the people that we are under attack on US soil and are covering up the attacks that the terrorist are doing here in America

    • It never ceases to amaze me just how ass-backwards everything is now days.....How can 35 terrorist camps continue to operate while even discussion of Militia training camps will bring every federal law enforcement agency to your door-step.....Anybody thinking what I'm thinking?

      • Its simple the white house and its people are under control of a Islamic Muslim in charge, He want the USA to be fully under the control of the MB and if he were to be reelected then within a year the mb will be infull control of the USA, Just like they are doing in the Middle East today...

  • I'm a retired army counterintelligence agent and as such I spent a great deal of time studying and learning about the former Soviet Union and its political system.  As a result of this I see something happening in American politics which I find truly frightening because this is straight out of the CPSU play book.  In most cases our elected officials at every level of government, but most importantly at the federal level, no longer represent the voters who elected them.  They represent their political party and it doesn't matter whether they are Demorat or Republican.  As in the USSR everything is done for the good of the party and the electorate be damned.  This same attitude seems to be the prevailing attitude in DC.  There are very few in Congress who will oppose Boehner or McConnell.  We really need to demand that those we elect in November will be there to represent us and not the party.

    • yep. I got it Marvin.  And I totally agree.  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!!

      • And keep your powder dry.

    • You are so right about the "Party" issue.   Free men do not sell their souls to any party..........Amen

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