
  • Maybe time to pull the short rope and tall platform out of storage. I was just at Leavenworth last month and I am sure they are still capable of carrying out the required mission. I'm an MP Officer and will come out of rtirement for the event.
  • He did not get this "stuff" w/o help from HIGHER up..He has been used.
  • I've seen enough.SPEC2-
    HACKED US intel.
    SPEC 3-Knowingly passed this intel on to UA parties.

    Once upon a time,this Man would be hanging from a bridge.HOW He got away
    with it is cause for further investigation,but the immediate traitor should hang.

    A short drop and a quick stop. Sorry.
    The reason My career in the Navy was short-lived was EXACTLY because any
    dissent I had was taken right up the Chain of Command,and not blabbed to the
    NY times,which would have been almost the equivalent at the time.

    A HACKER leaking intel is the starting point of making examples,and I hope that
    INTERPOL catches that bastard Assange,and I mean soon.Maybe they can
    waterboard his arse and find the bigger fish behind this stinker of a problem.
  • As an old Non-com, I can say, the actions of Manning are deserving of hanging. He willfully ignored order after order, willingly sent the documents and other materials to persons unauthorized to view nor handle them. His actions scream traitor and are worthy of the maximum penalty, that being death by hanging in wartime.
  • Only way Manning can possibly unravel these charges is to give up the information as to whom else is/ was in on this. Then if he turns out to be a hero for that information then he might have no chance to go free for this conspiracy of information leak. Either way this moron needs to be dealt with to the Maximum . Providing that be hung then so be it right along with his partners in association of this issue.
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