Most of you are probably familiar with the Bundy's in Nevada and what has taken place out in Nevada lately.  Ammon and Ryan Bundy were put in solitary for over 38 days and just release, and now back in and this time, they targeted Ammon for having a shirt on his bunk and when Ryan stood up for him, They were both put back into solitary and Ammon was left for 12 hours shackled in chains and not provided any food or water!

I am embedding Ammon's wife Lisa's video of her cry for help on this matter:

Also here is the link to the article explaining what happened to them and how you can help...   I am posting the actual numbers to call if anyone can make these calls to help these men it is very much appreciated.....this should not be happening in America.


*****Nevada Department of Corrections, Inspector General*****
P.O. Box 7011
Carson City, NV 89702
Phone: (775) 887-3247

The Inspector General of the Nevada Department of Corrections is authorized to investigate any matter arising from the Department or any person employed, incarcerated, or present in an institution or facility.

State Attorney General

Office of the Attorney General
100 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: (775) 684-1100
Fax: (775) 684-1108

To Contact the office of Senator Dean Heller
Las Vegas

8930 West Sunset Road
Suite 230
Las Vegas, NV 89148
Phone: 702-388-6605
Fax: 702-388-6501

Washington, DC

324 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6244
Fax: 202-228-6753

CCA Corporate Office: Southern Nevada Detention Center


10 Burton Hills Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37215
P: 615-263-3000
P: 1-800-624-2931

DOJ – Ask for Civil Rights Division

Department Comment Line: 202-353-1555
Department of Justice Main Switchboard: 202-514-2000
TTY/ASCII/TDD: 800-877-8339 (or Federal IP Relay Service (link is external))




After being handcuffed in a 3x3 foot shower for 13 hours, stripped naked and then thrown in the hole. All for refusing to let a guard take his shirt that was hanging off his bed which is against the rules to have anything hanging over the side. Had he let them take his only shirt he would not have been able to come to the morning meal.
So he ended up being tortured, beaten, had both shoulders dislocated HE was forced to put them back in place on his own! He was isolated over night with bloody ankles from the shackles. 
America, This is not our beloved nation any longer. It's been hijacked by tyrants. 
We have to call and tell CCA of Pahrump Nevada that this is NOT OKAY! 
Meet a group of supporters there Friday morning of this week to have a talk with the Warden or Guards who allow this abuse to take place. We are hoping the sheriff and some attorneys will be joining us. 
--Kelli Stewart
INTERVIEW LIVE WITH KELLI STEWART AND AMMON BUNDY STILL IN SOLITARY: (Warning, Ammon does not sound good at all, you can tell he has been treated very badly)
Praying that today on the 4th brings better news!!!! Ammon still in solitary, and we must make sure they don't kill him or let him in there without food and water!

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  • What in hell do we have to do to get someone's attention in this BS.???
    I've been trying to get messages to anyone that I can to try to get some relief for these men. All of them, This whole thing is nothing but pure Bull Shit. We've got a crooked judge, tyrannical jailers and prison guards, a corrupt judicial system, and Harry Reid walks free and rich because of it all. AG Jeff Sessions is more concerned about withholding money from sanctuary cities and like everyone else in Washington he has completely isolated himself from any public comments or contacts.

    As usual Washington is completely useless and does nothing at all to help anyone. The whole damned system is screwed up. You can call any one of those numbers listed here and all you'll get is some stinking secretary or a voice mail telling you to go to hell - we don't give a shit.

    • Old Rooster:   I sent a strong message to AG Sessions on Facebook....he actually has a message link on his FB Page....if you want to send him a strong message as well....I sent him one with Lisa's video attached, hoping he sees her desperation for her husband.    Here is Sessions FB Page and the link is on the right side of the page under "About".   Just click on message.  I posted this in all my patriot groups in Facebook and hope that Sessions gets loaded with messages.   Gavin Seim also did a video where he was calling the prison and evidently many others doing the same thing, as he first got someone in person and then they just started switching all the calls over to the public information line.   Here is what happened when Gavin Seim called the prison, it is on video....   I contacted Sheriff Mack's"The Freedom Coalition" and got a return message back from them, so they know about this.   They are supposed to be working on getting these men out of that prison.  At least they respond back to me and are really concerned about what is happening.    If we continue to allow these people who are abusing and imprisoning and killing Americans get by with it, we are in real trouble.    They will have no problem doing this to any American and it will only continue to get worse.   All need to be held accountable, I am praying that day is close at hand.

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      • Patricia, We have to be a little careful how we voice our complaints to AG Sessions and others in Washington. Sending complaints about how Ammon Bundy is being strip searched and beaten will become a complaint about that and that alone,, The bigger issue of why these men are even there in the first place will be thrown aside. Is being beaten, strip searched, and thrown into solitary confinement important? YES of course it is. But we can;'t allow Washington to narrow their focus onto that issue alone. These men shouldn't even be there in the first place. Perhaps the issue of strip searches and beatings will help us get the attention we're looking for but we can't let it stop there. This whole damn thing has to be resolved, get these men out of prison, ALL of them, including those two who were already found guilty by that crooked judge Gloria Navarro.

        • You are right.  I basically shared Lisa's video with him and told him that these men should not even be in prison, as they have done no crime and are innocent until proven guilty.  In fact I reminded him that they were found not guilty in Oregon for the same charges that this government has placed upon them in Nevad.  I let him decide how to think about it, and he probably will after hearing Lisa's video.

          • Thanks Patricia, Another point to consider is that if/when these Government officials review the Bundy case, we need to be sure to tell them, - - - Do NOT simply regurgitate the original prosecutors charges and complaints. If the only review they make is to examine the original prosecutor's complaints then who in hell needs a trial at all.???

            • ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ABOUT THAT.   Good thought....I am slowly losing more and more confidence in anyone in our government, even skeptic about the ones that are supposed to be good now.   Wondering how can they just let this keep on happening and not do anything for the American people.   I know these Senators know what is happening, so why the silence?

  • patricia and old rooster; the best thing now is to keep posting it all over soc media

    i hope pres trump knows.   

    we are at w r in the nation and have been for awhile.    i know you understand.

    this is not one we can loose.  the left is out of control as are many estab repub. 

    paul ryan ; mitch mcconnell; pelois; c. schumer; d. durbin to name a few of our political

    rinos and other dem progressives are part of the bigger prob. our schools are the other

    what do we have to do maybe what the libs are doing march and keep throwing our issues in their face.   

    • I have posted on AG Sessions FB page and have posted a link on the WH comment site.  Here is the link:

      If every member here posts about this, it should get some attention. 

      • Thank you Judith.  I did the same thing on Friday Morning. Hoping it would help, and if they get enough of these they know something is really wrong.

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