Read this people. Please be totally aware of how and when they will come. Prepare and act accordingly. Your choice. On your knees or in their faces on your feet

By; Hannelore Mortin; Posted on Face Book by a friend.


For over two years the United States Justice Foundation ( has been working with veterans trying to help them protect their Fifth and Second Amendment rights. The more we learned the worse it got. Then about a year ago we started filing legal memorandums opposing new rules and regulations being proposed by federal agencies like HHS and BATF. I began to see a pattern emerging that indicated to me that the all-out effort to disarm American veterans was only the beginning for the Obama administration.

I predicted that the next group under attack would be senior Americans on Social Security and I began talking about this on my radio show, in my speeches to various groups, and in my blog. For example, on May 15th of this year I did an article titled “Expanding the Assault”. In the last few paragraphs of that article I stated:

“Following the lead of an Executive Oder issued by Obama, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is directly violating the federal HIPAA law that was passed by Congress to protect the privacy of medical records. It is releasing the records to the FBI of anyone who has ever told their physician they were feeling depressed, even if never treated, and anyone who has taken certain drugs for things like PTSD, ADD, or ADHD, among others. All of these people will eventually be added to the NICS list.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) is issuing new regulations broadening the definition of people who are mentally ill and dangerous to include anyone, including children from ever legally owning or purchasing firearms because they were ever sent by a judge to be examined by a psychiatrist or psychologist. Unfortunately, such actions are often taken by family court judges when there are divorce and custody battles going on. In the vast majority of cases, there is no finding of mental illness, but under the new BATF regulations that won’t matter. The people will be banned for life from owning a firearm.

Then there are the actions of the Department of Justice (DOJ) threatening banks and credit card companies with investigations and sanctions if they continue to do business with any entity selling firearms or ammunition such as gun stores or pawn shops. This is another case of criminal extortion by the Federal government.

What is next? Will you have to surrender your firearms to keep your social security, or to stay on Medicare? Will you have to certify that neither you nor any of you employees own firearms in order to get a contract with the Federal government? The groundwork is clearly being laid for all of this to happen. After all, we are living in Obamaland.”

I confess to have met with some skepticism as has been the case with my claims about the veteran situations. Now the LA Times has confirmed all of it in a recent article:…/politics/la-na-gun-law-20150718-st…

We have already confirmed that seniors going on Medicare are being asked by their doctors if they have firearms in their homes. Seniors are going to be subjected to having their right to privacy violated by having their medical records turned over to federal bureaucrats who will then declare them incompetent to handle their own financial affairs for a variety of spurious reasons.

Once an incompetence determination is made their names will then be turned over to the FBI that will declare them “mentally defective to the point of being a danger to themselves or others” and prohibit them from purchasing or owning firearms. This has already happened to several hundred thousand veterans. Millions more are at risk and now millions of non-veteran seniors will be affected.

It won’t stop there. Under these criteria students who have federally guaranteed loans will be targets as will millions of other people who receive some types of payments from the federal government. Who is next, SSI beneficiaries, people who receive subsidies under Obamacare, Medicaid recipients, food stamp recipients, employees of companies that have federal contracts? In other words, the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights virtually all Americans are now under attack.

As we are doing with veterans, we will advise anyone affected by this at no charge. You may contact me at America needs to wake up. We are all at risk. We are in a fight for our very existence. --- Michael Connelly----

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  • Old Rooster -

    Thanks for posting a very important article. 

    Another maneuver that the government now does is set a person up with a 'telephone appointment'.  And they tell you that the phone call is recorded.   

    I found this out by checking on my Social Security benefits.  I went in person to the Social Security Department and filled out all the paperwork, then they scheduled me for a 'telephone appointment', for about a month later.  When I asked them why I needed a telephone appointment - they said just in case they had anymore questions or needed more information. 

    They asked me the same questions that were on the applications.  Then they asked me to 'swear under oath' that the information was true ...blah, blah, blah ... under penalty of blah, blah, blah ...  This really creeped me out. Akthough I didn't give them any information that was not on my signed applications. 

    However, whenever I speak to anyone on the phone, and they say: "This phone call may be recorded for ...", - 'click' - I turn on a recorder.

    • Just another "infringement". It is becoming even more obvious there is a great concern on behalf of the establishment that they are unable to move in the direction they would like due to the fact the public is armed. Otherwise, they would not be working overtime to try and find a way to separate citizens from their arms. This same attempt by the British set off the last revolution. There is little doubt the current administration is doing what it can to cause a reaction that will become the trigger of a provisional war within this country. Such an action will create a reason for the dictator in chief to declare martial law which will result in an all out civil war. This is not my assumption but rather the view of Gen. Paul Vallely and other military officers who know the score as they were trained to be able to deal with civil unrest scenarios before they were given the boot.

      • This is a good example of the saying, "The borrower is the slave of the lender". When you take
        Money from the government: VA Benifits, Social security, Food Stamps, welfare, section 8 assistance, Medicare, Medicade the government can attach strings and if you don't comply they take away your assistance. This is how they are attacking our right to bear arms and it is just the beginning. This is why the Nanny state is so important to them. They are not trying to help you, they are seeking to control you. People need to remember, "Nothing in life is Free". This was learned early on when the banking eliete starting lending money. Money is never lent for free and it ALWAYS has strings attached. Only a fool would think the lender really cares about the borrower.
  • Chattanooga Marine Unleashes BRUTAL Video On Obama, Says 9 Words That Are Going Viral

    A U.S. Marine offered President Barack Obama a tough lesson in what it means to show respect for his fallen brothers-in-arms.

    In the 11 minute video, the unnamed veteran, who said he is from Chattanooga, first called out the president on the manner he chose to speak following the Chattanooga shootings.

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