This is being sent to those brave and hopefully honorable agts. of the BLM that I and other patriots have had the opportunity to work with.  Damien Hayes, Wes, Angie, Robert and on and on.  For a time in space, we had the honor to work side by side with you all in attempting to halt the invasion of illegal people and drugs into our country from South of our border.  I remember well the dedication and pride that you all represented in your daily efforts to do your jobs, that on most occasions, you were outnumbered by the Mex. Cartels but regardless of that, you continued to honor you oaths in protecting our country and its citizens.  Now, we have come to a crossroads in our efforts to save our country and its constitution and I must, as a fellow patriot and citizen, exhort you to continue to honor your oaths.  To look into your hearts and do what you know is right.  Hopefully, that decision will not put us on opposite sides of what is right.  God bless you all and forgive us for what we must do,  to do what we think is right.

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