Rise of the Global System

Nations Approve Landmark Climate Accord in Paris;

If your blood isn't boiling yet, take the time to read this one. The "New World Order" is upon us.

A One-way One World Global Governance, Global Warming My A$$. The only Global Warming that's going on is coming from my blood pressure and temperature. The World is heating up alright, getting ready to explode into WW-III.

Drudge Report, 12/12/2015

LE BOURGET, France — Representatives of 195 countries reached a landmark climate accord on Saturday that will, for the first time, commit nearly every country to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions to help stave off the most drastic effects of climate change.

Delegates who have been negotiating intensely in this Paris suburb for two weeks gathered for the final plenary session, where suddenly, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius of France asked for opposition to the deal and, hearing none, gaveled the session closed.

With that, the delegates achieved what had been unreachable for two decades: a consensus on the need to move away from carbon-based fuels and a plan for the 195 nations to do so.

Though the final deal did not achieve all that environmentalists, scientists and some countries had hoped for, it set the table for further efforts to slow down the slide toward an unlivable planet.

In the end, it was an extraordinary effort at international diplomacy. Supporters of a deal argued that no less than the future of the planet was at stake, and in the days leading up to the final session, they worked relentlessly to push skeptical nations to join their ranks.


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  • Old Rooster - thanks for opening this topic which effectively ranges across just about all topics of this Forum.

    By documents, reports, FOIA records, this international state temporary agreement did NOT ! result from "...an extraordinary effort at international diplomacy...". Very much more this "agreement" was foisted upon lesser industrialized nations and secondary economically developed nations by G-12 nations & these nations beholden to an already accomplished global financial plutocracy, AND, an oligarchy of few nations extorting resources, geopolitical controls, and fiat money / financial controls upon lesser developed & 'third world' countries.

        Now - what the hell ! does the above mean ?!! Britain / UK is a country entirely ! dependent upon imports of all ! categories from a global market for its survival. America is a debtor nation entirely dependent upon International Monetary Fund; Sovereign International [banking] Center; and Mid-Eastern and South American oil producing countries -- at the least ! China and Russia recently signed a diplomatic pledge of mutual financial, industrial, commodity resource, and military mutual support. China is choked ! with industrial pollution & quickly emptying reserves of industrial - financial wealth. There is a chaotic tipping of the scales of "industrial pollution" onto the lesser & "third world" countries. This is a 'carbon tax' upon every single citizen of the world !

       Secretary of State Kerry [ VietNam whistle-blower; totally faked ! military medals honoree; accomplished ZERO diplomatic positive outcomes of 'foreign policy', etc.] stated that even if ! America alone reached its minimized goal of climate control pollutions - IT'D MAKE NO ! DIFFERENCE TO THE OUTCOME !

       Hundreds of scientific reports; NASA & NOAA admissions of faked ! records of climate change records continue to be totally ! disregarded. Al Gore recently back -tracked quickly ! from his proselytizing of "Climate Catastrophe".

        One end result, of hundreds, of this "treaty" is a global 'carbon tax' upon all ! countries. Totally in line with fiat financial control by 'federalists'. Of course, as many know already, the new ! Federal Gov. is the United Nations! Already, there are coalitions of lesser developed nations of Africa, South East Asia, western Pacific nations demanding that the G-12 nations begin immediate payments to them for their 'climate catastrophes' occurring to them. China is already firmly stating, on diplomatic records, that the European nations & Canada & America bear the bulk of costs for 'climate change'. China is broke ! They cannot afford the new treaty !

       Has anyone widely reported that the axis of the earth has drifted over 15 degrees westward ? During the years of 2010 through 2014, NASA, NOAA, international - European & India - space agencies  - ALL ! reported this finding. One conclusion, projection, is that the "north pole" of the world will ! end up in Siberia ! The Antarctic has increased ! it's ice buildup by over 20 percent in the last three years !

       Additionally, these facts > NO ! significant climate change temperature occurred for over the past 30 years or more ! The sun has entered its 11 year cycle of modulated heating & cooling. The sun is now well within the cycle of cooling ! Huge solar eruptions, with its very intense gamma radiations & solar explosion magnetic pulses already have altered earth's protective outer magneto shield.

       And, what ! does America, and few other developed nations do ?!! The USAF has orbited a huge HAARP machine controlled by USAF, NORAD, and the international space agency - but primarily USAF. The orbiting HAARP station will beam down frequencies into the earth to effect climate & geologic alterations - including causing earthquake changes - not tremors which warn of an earthquake - these changes will bring about movements of plates bordering pre-existing faults.

       And, a major geopolitical catastrophe visited upon North African states was the killing of Omar Quadafy and total destruction of Libya. This after ! Quadafy tried to organize a "United States of Africa"; after Quadafy began the production of a 'united African' currency backed by huge gold reserves; after Quadafy opened up huge water resources deep below the Sahara desert & began building oases of huge fertile agricultural plots - to be given FREE to Libayans ! Saudi Arabia wanted the entire North African coast for gas & oil pipelines to feed into Europe. Saudi Arabia strongly ! argued & harangued UN diplomatic protests against Libya. Of course, Muslim Obama [ Quadafy stated Obama was Muslim; and predicted his own country's destruction by Obama & UK], went totally for "Arab Spring" revolutions within Libya carried out by El Qu'aeda !

        The entire ! 'global change', 'climate control' puppet show is a farce ! It is an orchestrated, planned & designed & militarily backed show of force by the global 'New World Order' - as predicted by George Bush & others over a decade ago.

        So, Old Rooster, thanks again for bringing this extremely important issue up to the Forum. This issue is an octopus stretching its controlling tentacles into every single other issue within this Forum.


  • Progressives and the International cabal of Progressives throughout Europe are selling out to Globalism and Islam.

    America is on its own.

    We must destroy these progressive traitors and sellouts in BOTH PARTIES.

    Nationalism and a return to law and order is all that will save us.

  • Well Garie, You're absolutely right, this "Climate Change" and global "warming" BS is the biggest scam and transfer of free-nations wealth that has ever occurred. Is there really any such thing as "Climate Change? A better more accurate question would be - - - "Has there ever been a time in Earth's history when the Climate DIDN"T Change? Of course there is climate change. Earth would not exist without it. Life on Planet Earth would not exist without it. It's all due to something we now understand as the Milankovitch Cycles. For the laymen on this terminology -it the Earth orbital - elliptical - orbit rotation around the Sun. But that has nothing to do with this "Climate Change" treaty and agreement. They threw science out the window years ago. This mess is purely political and financial.

    For centuries past the only way to adjust and correct a massive debt cycle and global financial corrections has been to start another world war. Or at least something on the scale of a world war. For America it started during our original Revolutionary war. The new colonies didn't have the funds required to battle England. So we Borrowed the finances needed from France and Spain. After the revolution we ended up paying England. Those discussions are probably still here on this network some place, or on the OAS forum back up archives. The correct specifics to that are not the issue right here. What IS the issue here is how will this effect America in the years to come.
    You're right Garie, this mess is effectively the UN Agenda-21, Complete transfer of ALL US soil and mineral rights to the United Nations. (Read the BLM and the Bundy Ranch and the Hammond Family land confiscation) That is what we will ALL experience in the next two to five years. Personal income - How about a 97-98.5 % tax rate, and a 98 % Tax on all personal wealth. If you've got an IRA/ 401k, or retirement savings, forget about it. If you've got 1/2 million dollars in the bank - (good luck on that) but forget about it anyway. This Climate Change accord and agreement was the best and easiest way to hit the reset button on the world banking system. It effectively moves the world wealth to the banking system and the United Nations, plus it sucks in those poorer nations so they can help pay their share, (taxes).

    World Nation sovereignty ? USA National sovereignty?  How many times do we need to hear the term "New World Order" and "New One World Governance", "Global Governance", to get the message?

    The "Fundamental Transformation of America" is nearly complete. All that remains is to disarm all these crazy American loyalists.

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