Washington Post

Rep. Allen West (Fla.-22)

Party: Republican

Age: 50

Previously: Adviser to the Afghan army; lieutenant colonel, U.S. Army

FYI: A decorated veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the only Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

All I wanted to grow up to be was a soldier. That's all I thought about. My dad was a soldier, my older brother was a Marine, my mother worked for Marines, and so I couldn't wait until the days that I could step into line just the same as they had done. It's just who we are, who we were raised to be.


For a young, black teenager growing up in the inner city, those influences got you on the right path as far as discipline, as far as commitment to your country. I did 22 years' service in the Army. And I'm here continuing service to the country, just in a different uniform.


I know everyone is kind of perplexed about, you know, a black Republican congressman from South Florida who's a very strong conservative. But I think when you look at the basis of a conservative ideology -- individual responsibility, accountability, faith, good education and national security -- that's how I was raised.


I think it's important to talk about conservative principles and values and not make it such a boogeyman thing. You look at what's happened in our country, and it does seem so overwhelming. But I've been in some tough situations before. I mean, in 2003, they were talking about sending me to prison for eight years [for aggressively interrogating an Iraqi detainee]. I took responsibility for it and said to the Army, "You judge me as you need to judge me, and I will accept that punishment." I think that is what showed a lot of people that here is a guy that will stand upon what he believes, will not try to blame others. And I moved on with my life. So those are the type of things that I can bring to the table, being able to stand with resolve and resiliency and to just keep going forward.


Character always prevails -- that's what I tell my daughters. And character means doing what is right when no one is watching. You never want to question that. Because then it just becomes easier to question it the next time, and you end up being like some of the guys we see up here in Washington, D.C., where all of a sudden it's easier to, you know, slide that little ethics rule or do the things that you know are not right. (emphasis added)


That doesn't mean you're perfect; we're human, and all of us have our faults and shortcomings, but you never want to question what's right. And even though you get off of your azimuth, you come back onto your true north.

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  • I am so pleased to see a man of conviction, character, and principle taking leadership in our government.  I am especially pleased that Mr West is not influenced by what it politically correct, and he can tell the difference between right and wrong.
    We look forward to great things under the leadership of LTC West! 
    • Oh, I agree with you there, Lowell. I just hope one day it is Lt. Col. West who lives in the White House. A real Patriot (capital "P" intended), a military man, which should be a requirement for the president, in my opinion. A man who will lead in the right way and the right direction.
      • I also agree that it should be a requirement for the job of CIC to have been a military man, or woman.  One doesn't have to have fought in a war or even served during one, but to have SERVED, so as to understand the military; how it works, how they think about things, etc, and to better work with the military leaders, especially when there is a war or similar conflict with which to deal.  I also agree LCOL West would make a fine POTUS.  He has the qualifications of leadership experience, working with foreign leaders, and SOLID patriotism for America.  Also some COMMON SENSE about fiscal responsibility, which is sorely needed  there as well.
  • He makes that comic Janeanne Garofalo's comment not make a bit of sense now because that would mean West would have a WHOLE lot a self loathing which he doesn't have. She said the Tea Part was all about white people hating a black man being in the Oval Office. Boy is she ever WRONG. 

    In April 2009, Garofalo drew criticism when she denounced the Tea Party protests, saying:

    Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House. That is racism straight up. This is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks.[20]

    In response to the controversy Garofalo has continued to criticize Tea Party protesters, and has been reported to open her shows with "If there's any tea baggers here, welcome, and as always, white power."[21]




    • Janeanne is wrong about a whole lot of things. She does not know comer here from sic em! Why is she even given any face time??
      • They(janeane and crew) keep calling TEA partiers -> REDNECKS.

        I lived among REDNECKS for over 10 years and never found a patriot or republican conservative among them. They were all liberal democrat on the government teet.

        No offense to rednecks, I just don't get the comparison she and her crew keep making to rednecks, in which the term came from field farmers.


        • Apparently you need to watch the Blue Collar Comics like Jeff Foxworthy and Ron White. They seem conservative to me and they consider themselves to be rednecks. I consider myself to be somewhat redneck like.
  • He is a man with a future.
  • Gf I just had a long talk on the phone to a helper/assistant to Larry Kissell which is a congressman from my state of North Carolina. This assistant a female was blown away at how articulate I was and the fact that I am considered developmentally disabled/autistic. She said to some degree I should run for office. I am getting ready to be a part of Partners in Policymaking for my state of North Carolina which makes policies for people with developmental disabilities. This organization started in Minnesota. I quoted her my favorite passage from the Declaration of Independence which happens to be the most FAMOUS passage of the whole document. I am hoping on March 11th to me Mike Huckabee when he comes to the Billy Graham Library.
  • No biggie sister. My reply can stay because I am basically kissing my own A$$ and tooting my own horn and showing yall I am trying to work with the system FOR NOW. I don't know about later.
This reply was deleted.


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