Arrest Rogue US Senators that support National Defense Authorization Act (S1867)
Published 1 week ago by AnAverageJoe
379 signatures
Petition Statement
A Lawful Act
(under the I and X Amendments, Constitution of the United States)
in which Citizens of the United States of America Petition the pertinent
State's Government's of the United States of America
for a Redress of Grievances
Concerning a Matter of
(as defined by Article III, Section III, of the Constitution of the United States)
A - Summary of Approach:
The following document is of a formal petition which is meant to gather signatures two-thirds of all adult American Citizens (greater than 18 years of age). This petition is meant to display beyond a reasonable doubt that Senators which are currently in office have committed an act(s) of treason against the people of the United States, dishonored their sworn oath of office, and are in fact to be considered hostile forces set against the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States does not assign an immediate recourse of action for committing treason, rather assigning the ability to punish treasonous acts to the United States Senate, and the Senators in this case the very focus of this document. As no such immediate recourse is assigned, under the Tenth Amendment:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
We the people hereby declare our lawful right, under the tenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States, to better define this process and take on the task of laying more precise framework for a redress of grievances concerning the matter of treason. We take on this task to better guide future generations and also for the express purpose that our countries liberty would be strengthened in our time.
This document shall go into effect when the following two conditions are satisfied:
1. At the moment the first United States Citizen, or Legal Resident Alien, is subjected to confinement, without due process, by the United States Military (or any federal agency) under the National Defense Authorization Act on United States soil.
2. Two-Thirds of all adult American Citizens sign this petition.
This petition should accrue signatures constantly until two-thirds of all adult American Citizens have signed it, and in the event the NDAA (S1867) is used for the unscrupulous purpose of revoking the Constitution of the United States, then shall the people and pertinent state government's act in accordance with this document to have these Senators brought before a unbiased jury of their peers for a speedy trial.
In past cases of treason, federal and state courts have traditionally held the trials accompanying charges of treason. Since these members of Congress all belong to the states first, and given the likely intransigence of federal district courts to intervene on the people's behalf, this document charges both state and localities with accomplishing the will of the people. In the absence of a state courts actions, the people's localities should then bring to bear the actions needed to restore order and preserve the American way of life.
These few persons should be held accountable, their positions afford them great power over a great country, and such acts are not becoming an American Citizen or a United States Senator, and should be dealt with without delay upon the satisfying of the two conditions (A(1), A(2)) previously mentioned in a court of law in order to protect the American Way of Life. The signers of this document charge those who have sworn an oath to the Constitution of the United States to obey that oath and see this matter through accordingly, so that our country does not devolve into lawlessness.
B - Pertinent Law:
1. Article III, Section III, Constitution of the United States:
Under Article III, Section III, of the Constitution of the United States, which is the highest Law in the United States of America, Treason is defined as:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"
The act of levying war against the Citizens of the United States by a United States Citizen is clearly considered an act of treason.
2. The VI Amendment, Constitution of the United States:
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."
C - Violation Recognized, Signers Documented:
1. S 1867 (More commonly known as the National Defense Authorization Act), Section 1031, clearly states:
(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the
Authorization for Use of Military Force.
(2) Trial under chapter 47A of title 10, United States Code (as amended by the Military Commissions Act of 2009 (title XVIII of Public Law 111� 84)).
This portion of law specifically allows American Citizens to be wrongfully detained for an indefinite length of time, violating the Sixth Amendment (see b(2)). By suspending the sixth Amendment indefinitely, 1031 levies a war time condition directly against every American Citizen, this is unlawful and treasonous. It is never permitted to violate the rights of American Citizens for any reason.
2. Those who voted for this treasonous act are as follows:
HI Akaka, Daniel [D]
TN Alexander, Lamar [R]
NH Ayotte, Kelly [R]
WY Barrasso, John [R]
MT Baucus, Max [D]
AK Begich, Mark [D]
CO Bennet, Michael [D]
NM Bingaman, Jeff [D]
CT Blumenthal, Richard [D]
MO Blunt, Roy [R]
AR Boozman, John [R]
CA Boxer, Barbara [D]
MA Brown, Scott [R]
OH Brown, Sherrod [D]
NC Burr, Richard [R]
WA Cantwell, Maria [D]
MD Cardin, Benjamin [D]
DE Carper, Thomas [D]
PA Casey, Robert [D]
GA Chambliss, Saxby [R]
IN Coats, Daniel [R]
MS Cochran, Thad [R]
ME Collins, Susan [R]
ND Conrad, Kent [D]
DE Coons, Chris [D]
TN Corker, Bob [R]
TX Cornyn, John [R]
ID Crapo, Michael [R]
SC DeMint, Jim [R]
IL Durbin, Richard [D]
WY Enzi, Michael [R]
CA Feinstein, Dianne [D]
MN Franken, Al [D]
NY Gillibrand, Kirsten [D]
SC Graham, Lindsey [R]
IA Grassley, Charles [R]
NC Hagan, Kay [D]
UT Hatch, Orrin [R]
NV Heller, Dean [R]
ND Hoeven, John [R]
TX Hutchison, Kay [R]
OK Inhofe, James [R]
HI Inouye, Daniel [D]
GA Isakson, John [R]
NE Johanns, Mike [R]
WI Johnson, Ron [R]
SD Johnson, Tim [D]
MA Kerry, John [D]
IL Kirk, Mark [R]
MN Klobuchar, Amy [D]
WI Kohl, Herbert [D]
AZ Kyl, Jon [R]
LA Landrieu, Mary [D]
NJ Lautenberg, Frank [D]
VT Leahy, Patrick [D]
MI Levin, Carl [D]
CT Lieberman, Joseph [I]
IN Lugar, Richard [R]
WV Manchin, Joe [D]
AZ McCain, John [R]
MO McCaskill, Claire [D]
KY McConnell, Mitch [R]
NJ Menendez, Robert [D]
MD Mikulski, Barbara [D]
KS Moran, Jerry [R]
AK Murkowski, Lisa [R]
WA Murray, Patty [D]
NE Nelson, Ben [D]
FL Nelson, Bill [D]
OH Portman, Robert [R]
AR Pryor, Mark [D]
RI Reed, John [D]
NV Reid, Harry [D]
ID Risch, James [R]
KS Roberts, Pat [R]
WV Rockefeller, John [D]
FL Rubio, Marco [R]
NY Schumer, Charles [D]
AL Sessions, Jefferson [R]
NH Shaheen, Jeanne [D]
AL Shelby, Richard [R]
ME Snowe, Olympia [R]
MI Stabenow, Debbie Ann [D]
MT Tester, Jon [D]
SD Thune, John [R]
PA Toomey, Patrick [R]
CO Udall, Mark [D]
NM Udall, Tom [D]
LA Vitter, David [R]
VA Warner, Mark [D]
VA Webb, Jim [D]
RI Whitehouse, Sheldon [D]
MS Wicker, Roger [R]
D - Public Statements of Treason Accompanying S 1867 National Defense Authorization Act:
1. Senator Lindsey Graham - made this statement publically concerning "The National Defense Authorization Act" on or about the 29 November 2011, 1721 EST:
"1031, the Statement of Authority to Detain, does apply to American Citizens. And it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland."
This clearly indicates that Senator Lindsey Graham personally means to levy wartime conditions on, and against, the people of the United States of America, such measures are considered treason under Article III , Section III, of the Constitution of the United States.
2. Senator Kelly Ayotte - has stated on or about the 29th of November 2011:
"America is part of the battlefield."
This clearly indicates that Senator Kelly Ayotte personally means to levy wartime conditions on, and against, the people of the United States of America, such measures are considered treason under Article III , Section III, of the Constitution of the United States.
3. Senator John McCain - was questioned by Senator Rand Paul on or about the 29th of November, 2011 in the Senate Chamber:
Question by Senator Rand Paul:
"My question would be, under the provisions, would it be possible that an American Citizen then could be declared an enemy combatant and sent to Guantanamo Bay and detained indefinitely?
Answer by Senator McCain:
"I think that as long as that "individual" (American Citizen included), no matter who they are (American Citizen included), if they pose a threat to the security of the United States of the America should not be allowed to continue that threat."
-parenthesis and content within parenthesis added by writer of this document
This clearly indicates that Senator John McCain personally means to levy wartime conditions on, and against, the people of the United States of America, such measures are considered treason under Article III , Section III, of the Constitution of the United States.
E - Summary of Contents:
This document lays charges against the aforementioned senators, and calls for greater civic participation on behalf of the populace of the United States. It also begins a framework for a more rapid recall of Senators, and uses the I, VI, and X amendments to make a solid case before the American people. It better defines a process of prosecute treasonous acts by the highest offices so as to reign in rogue Senators, furthermore, it allows the people to implement emergency powers as deemed necessary.
Signers (you must be a United States Citizen)
Petition Target: Prosecuting U.S. Senators for Treason
Here is the link if you want to add your name to the Petition.
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