
  • It's about time generals started taking a stand: The left-wing radicals that occupy the white-house hate the military and the left-wing, blame America first crowd in the State Department are even worse. Under Obama's rules of engagement troops are sent out on suicide missions. They are not allowed to return fire unless they are 100% sure no innocent civilians will be hurt. This is not war, it's a joke.
  • I read the article.

    First we all know Biden has his head up a certain portion of his body. How he could be elected as a Senator is beyond me.

    Everything that the writer seems to observe would FIT with a hard charging SF/Ranger/Special Ops Commander.

    Obama CAN not fire the General. If he does.. then Obama will definitely be on the short end of the stick.

    The General NEEDS to be done with the back stabbing POLITICIANS in the War Zone. Let the Politicians that are former Generals, straight legs.. spend time with the troops.

    The only issue I have with the article. "Let God Sort them out At the pearly gates." protects the troops and KILLS the enemy..

    Seems like the General has a staff that let's their mouth over run that same portion of their body as Biden... but at least they are not Obama who had to back date his selective service paperwork while in Chicago as a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.

    More power to the General and his staff.

    Perhaps they have evidence that OBAMA is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and thus no eligible to be the Commander in Chief.
    • Maybe he is backing up LTCol Lakin?
      What more evidence do you need? His father was a British Citizen and when BO was born, British Law gave him his fathers citizenship. That makes him a British-Amercan citizen. DUAL Citizenship, not Natural Born Citizenship. Pelosi vetted him as Eligible along with the DNC.
      I can't understand why the RNC didn't press this when he was nominated. Maybe they didn't want to be labeled 'Racist'.
      I look at it this way: Someone is breaking into your house, threatening your wife and family, stealing all your goods and money. You have a gun and know how to use it. Do you shoot or do you check to see what color he is? If you shoot and he is white, you get the country behind you. If you shoot and he was black? You are a racist and a lot of Blacks will riot. Sharpton and Jackson will lead the way. (I shoot and call my buddy with the back-hoe. Don't care what color he was. 18 feet down it don't matter. If we find his car, it will take longer but he can sit in the front seat. Let his family and friends figure out what happened.)
      • Nope, he was born in Kenya, and later adopted by an Indonesian national. Under Indonesian law you can't hold dual citizenship so he lost his KENYAN citizenship under British jurisdiction, at that time; There's absolutely NO evidence surfaced as yet that he ever even naturalized to become a US citizen. He started college as an Indonesian on a foreign student scholarship. He's using an SSN that was issued in CT in the mid '70s to a fellow born in 1890, and it's illegal to reissue a number, but he was living and working in HI, using a DIFFERENT SSN at that time, also illegal; only 1 SSN to a customer for life, except if you go into witness protection, which he didn't. What we have is a wetback in our Oval Office!
        • I hear you there; I'm closing on 64 and also disabled, which is infuriating me, just now, too, Robert. I do thank you for your kind words in the other post. If I could be of help, I'd sign on in a New York minute! In the field, I'd just be a liability, and I know that. I just can't move fast or long enough, period. I could probably help with casualties, I'm rusty as hell, but it'd come back I'm sure. That'd be about it, unless I had a gun I could fire. I did learn to shoot with a hand gun, but have arthritis in my hands, and some related problems. Still, I'd rather go down that way than not try.
      Every one I served with that was on the ground was a true patriot.The so called politicians making decisions along with the corporate machine got rich off the BLOOD of these TRUE American men and women who gave and some gave all. Again I will say I will stand with any veteran against this treasonous House.
      • I believe, Stone Cold, you'd do better to thoroughly investigate the man you're standing up for,because unless you are a Muslim, I can about promise you he would NOT do the same for you! And if you care about this nation, as you claim, you need to get SERIOUSLY informed about the coup happening in front of your face!
  • Few in any kind of media will give our military decent publicity.

    Prayers for the troops and getting involved in the political processes at home on every level is not a suggestion, but a necessity now for those who value the liberty of America.

    The founders are denigrated at every turn. People who wish to follow the constitution are considered terror suspects. Returning vets are automatically under suspicion. These situations are a direct result of the politics of the day.

    No one can sit back and expect things to get better.

    • Not just the newly returning vets, all of us. Napolitano put us on the domestic terror suspect watch list last year.
  • this administration's rules of engagement jeapordize our troops lives causing the problems-no night flights for heliocopters when black ops works best vs helio's being daytime targets When insurgents are found troops cannot attack, they have to arrange to meet with the village chief, giving insurgents a heads up they're found. The chief will decide if an attack is warranted and then troops have to KNOCK on the door, not kick it in, alerting insurgents to an assault.
    This is like a very bad movie or when Congress told troops in Vietnam they were using too much ammo.
    Either fight to win or come home. Why get killed for stupidity by Congress or the administration. This is like the pirates and the SEALS incident. The Capt requested action WH said no.
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