I find myself intrigued with Ron Paul on a regular basis.  The man can get up and say some of the most patriotic and sensible things in once sentence and then in the next sentence sound like he just came out of an insane asylum.  Paul has great ideas when it comes to fiscal responsibility, spending, freedom, and the Federal Reserve.  On the other side of the coin, though, his ideas on foreign policy leave me wondering where he left his brain, or if he has one that is properly balanced.  When he speaks of fiscal issues he sounds like Ronald Reagan.  When he speaks of foreign policy he sounds like Hugo Chavez and even to the left of Barack Obama.

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  • Bob, The present foreign policy that both republicans and democrats support is the foreign policy of the banksters and the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about and not the long standing position of the republican party whose foreign policy was that of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Taft and Barry Goldwater of trading freely with all nations and being at peace with all nations and NOT BECOMING INVOLVED IN FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS like Iraq and Afghanistan and so called nation building which keeps America involved in endless interventions abroad while Homeland Security at home regiments the American people as in a Soviet style dictatorship and when nations go on empire, as we have their nation soon falls as tyranny replaces the rule of law, the Constitution, which both parties declared dead with passage of NADD 2012 when they declared America a war zone and all Americans subject to codified tyranny in this evil bill taking away all Constitutional protections and making all Americans subject to endless detentions and to be murdered on suspicions and orders of the President! Ron Pauls foreign policy is perfectly sane being it was always the foreign policy of the republican party until the Vietnam War was started by the military industrial complex took over!!! When we are attacked you swiftly use overwhelming force to destroy the enemy bringing hostilities to a swift end and coming right home and not staying indefinitely engaged in so called nation building which is unconstitutional and drains the nations treasury,resources and the young men who die for nation building and to enrichen the military industrial complex and the banksters!!!

    • I don't agree with the wars either but to say that 9/11 was our fault and that Iran should have nuclear weaopns is crazy talk. I am all for bringing our troops home and putting them onour borders to stop the terrorists and drug cartel activity. I said Paul has some good ideas and I support much of what he says but he goes off the crazy cliff too often for me. I don't like any of the rest of them either so don't worry about me being infavor of the military industrial complex and big bankers. Of course, if you read all of what I wrote with an open mind you would have seen that.

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