During the 1930's an alliance grew between Nazi Germany and Arab nationalist leaders and is well documented in history books. From this, there was an exchange of ideologies, books translated in to Arabic with Nazi Germany capitalizing on the anti-colonial sentiment. Some of this anti-colonial sentiment is documented in Dinesh D'Souza The Roots of Obama's Rage and movie 2016: Obama's America. Many Arabs believed the Germans would free them from the colonial rule thus Marxist populism was indoctrinated in to Islamic studies. Marxist populism feeds on unrest, controversy, economic disparity and more, all to feed power toward a Totalitarian society. It is hard to understand the sides and what direction all this is coming from because most in the news media twists or inaccurately use words. An example of this would be conservative Islamic ideology is often exchanged for Nationalist Islamic ideology, both are correct in meaning but only Nationalist is the more accurate leaning when properly translated. This is also true for the abbreviation Nazi that means Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei that is translated to National Socialist German Workers' Party, a Nationalist ideology. Currently these are considered by most a fringe ideology however being caught up in the Marxist populism is becoming more mainstream.    


Marxist populism is nothing new parts of which dates back to the Roman Empire, the Populares Party or the Peoples’ Party. As written in the Communist Manifesto, Bourgeois and Proletarians, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles, populism as a political ideology sides with the "the people" against "the elites" or class warfare. Marxist populism has corrupted other faiths as well such as liberation theology and this corruption of faith extends to all faiths including atheism. The warning of Paul VI remains fully valid today,  "it would be illusory and dangerous to ignore the intimate bond which radically unites them, and to accept elements of the Marxist analysis without recognizing its connections with the ideology, or to enter into the practice of class-struggle and of its Marxist interpretation while failing to see the kind of totalitarian society to which this process slowly leads." Paul VI, "Octogesima Adveniens", n.34 AAS 63 (1971) pp. 424- 425 Practitioners of liberation theology such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. is said to be a second father to Barack Obama and helped shape his political ideology.


Marxist populism is an ideology that cannot be won with guns and bombs alone thus this is an ideology war of indoctrination and propaganda. Starting with the Afghanistan war of the seventies as an example, the populist distain from Vietnam War prompted the Soviets to escalate their involvement in Afghanistan. In reply, US pledged and promised support to Afghanistan people, an oath taken seriously by the Afghanistan people. An area denial weapon was used extensively, landmines, one of the most feared was the squashy as locals called them. This was a small plastic landmine dropped from the air triggered by internal pressure, camouflaged, spread over large areas and almost impossible to detect, the making of a humanitarian disaster causing unrest, controversy and economic disparity. Bush Sr. signed an accord with the Soviets on withdrawal that included the withdrawal of US support, the US broke its pelage and withdrew all support including humanitarian support from Afghanistan. Thus, this set an environment of unrest, controversy, economic disparity and Marxist populism took over. I think you know the rest of the story. Like it or not, we stepped in it big time, withdrawing support was clearly the wrong thing to do then as it is now and now we must deal with it properly. Every situation is different, extremely complex and there is no easy fix or any one answer for every situation.   


This type of socialism, Marxist populism is an ideology that makes everyone complicit in a crime under the guise of social justice. It destroys the moral fabric of society and is in many ways like an addictive drug wherein the euphoria conceals the slow rot from within. You can’t tell others to stop if you are complicit and an accomplice in the same crime. There can be no recovery, no way forward unless the guilty parties are condemned, the historical accuracy is established, and the lessons are properly illustrated. If you are corrupted, it is most often a very painful process of recovery and you have no one to blame but yourself.


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