Ross Perot Warns of Government Take Over: We're in A 'Fiscal Mess'

By Brittney R. Villalva , Christian Post Reporter
October 1, 2012|2:37 pm

One of the most successful third party candidates in American history, Ross Perot has cautioned that the U.S. is in such a weakened state that it faces the threat of being taken over by another country.

After dropping out of the political scene following his Reform Party's 2000 political race crash, Perot has come forward with his opinion on the current state affairs: it doesn't look good.

"We're on the edge of the cliff, and we have got to start fixing it now. Otherwise, we're leaving a disaster to our children's and our grandchildren's future," he said in a Monday interview with USA Today. "Nobody that's running really talks about it, about what we have to do and why we have to do it. They would prefer not to have it discussed."

Perot feels that the system has failed to be fiscally responsible and believes that the people who compose it should pay before the country is taken over due to its financially weakened state.

Under fire are public schools, allegedly selfish teachers' unions ,the media outlets who have underplayed the deficit problem, Congress, and the president himself. The latter two "should cut their salaries until they resolve the fiscal mess they've created," warned the businessman.

"The last thing I ever want to see is our country taken over because we're so financially weak, we can't do anything," Perot says.

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Lacking the initiative to handle matters on his own because he is "too old now," Perot has instead backed David Walker in his "Comeback America Initiative." His advice going forward begins with the debates; there's a need to inform voters better of the fiscal troubles that America is facing.

"We need these (presidential) debates to be more specific, substantive and solutions-oriented on these issues, so that the American people can make an informed judgment about who to support, (and) so that whoever wins will have a mandate to act," Walker said in the USA Today interview.

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  • What Perot says is true but he needs to stay out of the race.... period.  Backing a third party candidate will insure Obama is re-elected and thanks to Ross Perot we ended up with that traitor Slick Willie Clinton. So, Ross....please ....stay out of the election !

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