Interesting how the so-called moderate muslims are just like the ones that dhimmis call extremist. They all live by the same quran, hadiths and suras. They all practice Taqiyyah!

We do not learn our lessons. We just keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over but hey, we hope it will work one of these times.

We see no justice in our corrupt and broken judicial system. Example: jihadii nidal hasan who infiltrated the U.S. Army and in a terrorist attack at Fort Hood killed our Soldiers and an unborn baby. Muslim Brotherhood has been invited into the Whitehouse and has infiltrated every branch of our defense.

Plus I'm sure many of you can add other troops that have been removed from positions for telling the truth about islam.



Pajamas Media

One lost detail following the arrest on Friday of Kassim Alhimidi in San Diego, charged with bludgeoning his wife to death with a tire iron last March, was that Alhimidi was reportedly a former Islamic cultural affairs officer for the U.S. Army (HT: Daniel Greenfield).

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported:

Alzaidy said her father and Alawadi’s husband had previously worked together in San Diego as private contractors for the U.S. Army, serving as cultural advisers to train soldiers who were going to be deployed to the Middle East.

A remaining question in this case is whether the media, including the New York Times, the Daily Beast/Newsweek and the Huffington Post, which used the murder of Shaima Alwadi to falsely grind the ‘widespread Islamophobia’ narrative and compared it to the case of Trayvon Martin to fan the flames of racial hatred will revisit their misleading coverage and apologize to their readers for their own bigotry and bias. Not holding my breath on that one.

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  • I've had enough of muslims.  i want them out of my country!!!  felonious murderers!!!  this is BS!!!!

  • Wondering how many others are out there we don't know about?
    • The State Dept set minumus quotas of those to be immigrated from muslim countries, it's in the millions per year. Between Valerie Jarret (Born in Iran) and Huma Abeddin, (whose father and brother were on the terrorist watch list, and whose mother belonged to the Muslim Sisterhood (designated a terrorist group) (she also worked for the MB student group in college)  our country not only opened the door, it's giving them the red carpet treatment. May God protect us, we sure can't depend on our government to do so.

  • It's easy to tell the "good" ones from the "extremists" -- the good ones have no pulse.

    • Then we turn the extremists ones to good turn their motor off.  It's just that simple.

  • It is a oxymoron to refer to Muslims as Peace Loving. It is a radical cult committed to the execution of all non-muslims.

  • Muslims have to be ejected from the U.S.A. they refuse to assimilate, expect us to bend to their ways. They must be shown the door, their Mosques  knocked down and  the cult they worship banned from American Society.


    • Well said and agreed.

    • Agreed.

    • 5  Stars  statement  for  all  50  Stars~Log It..

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