San Juan County Sheriff, wants me to do a drug class ,My Charges for calling 911 for help ,alternatively  I was tricked Sheriff  took year old hemp  about 5 grams (yellow, hay ),In Magistrates Court Trudy Chase Reed ,calls it a drug  ,and seeds . They were male dry balls. That sat in an open blender over a year, covered with dust. They do need to take a drug class. So here it is. Originally wrote in November 2013 .Im  not a writer it just came to me .

Marijuana is classified under federal law as a Schedule I controlled substance, defined as a drug with a high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use in the U.S., and unsafe for use even under medical supervision. Other Schedule I drugs include heroin, LSD and PCP.
Schedule II drugs -- still considered to have high abuse potential but with accepted medical uses and considered safe for use under medical supervision -- include cocaine, morphine and methamphetamine. That's right, federal law currently classifies marijuana as more dangerous than methamphetamine.
It gets stranger still
. THC, the component responsible for marijuana's "high" (but not all of its therapeutic benefits) is available as a prescription pill called Marinol. Marinol is classed in Schedule III -- rated as having lower abuse or dependence potential than Schedule I or II drugs.  Indeed, the abuse risks of Schedule III drugs are considered so modest that your doctor can phone in a prescription! This is the case even though the American College of Physicians has noted that Marinol's psychoactive effects are "more severe" than marijuana's.
This federal classification -- enacted by Congress in 1970 and not based on any scientific or medical assessment -- stands reality on its head. It ignores the massive evidence of marijuana's medical value, and treats marijuana as more dangerous than pure THC, heroin, and meth. This is simply ludicrous, which is why in February 2008 the American College of Physicians stated, “ACP urges review of marijuana’s status as a Schedule I controlled substance and its reclassification into a more appropriate schedule, given the scientific evidence regarding marijuana’s safety and efficacy in some clinical conditions."



Parent Node: 

Should Medical Marijuana be Federally Legalized?

 WE THE Brothers and Sisters (Not people),  are dying, and Killing our  MOM (Green Beautiful  Natural Earth ) The world  is going to end ,ever see the movies .   :  means:  WE ARE KILLING OUR MOM SHE IS GOING TO DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                         AND SHE GAVE US the life we have now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!               IF your BROTHER WAS KILLING YOUR MOM, and your brothers and sisters WHAT WOULD YOU DO. Help him? Wonder how they know what it will be like when the world ends. Everyone is recycling we have jobs that are classified as green jobs. We have Organic this and organic that. We have green soaps green good for the earth (OUR MOM). The worlds (brothers and sisters) are going green. IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY (you are allowed to eat organic) which means you are allowed to live .But REMEMBER our big brother King is jealous and greedy, so he is taking more and more money, (making sure, that we cannot have the nutrients to live). Only the rich can afford to eat organic food. In addition, why do we have organic food now? You would think organic came first. IT did But King ruined, killed part of our MOM already.                                NOW we  our  trying (SAVE OUR MOM) .done by man-made plastic ,chemicals and pollution ,oil spills ,King is  killing  , us with prescription drugs . Will we sisters) and (us brothers come up with a green prescription drug. No because we know, our Dad already gave it to us.  Marijuana   is Natural it is GREEN it is our medicine, and it comes from our mom part of us.  Just like Apples.  In addition, Trees.                                                                                King knows he won’t be able to kill us ,if we have our mothers medicine .                                                                                                 So he hired, with our Inheritance, Sheriffs and Judges and Politicians , to make Laws Up . In addition, punish his brothers and sisters (US) for nourishing medicating (saving ourselves.) Mom: sprouts Marijuana just as she sprouts Apples. SHE FEEDS US, HER BABES. King gets worried that if too many of his brothers and sisters, get together and think that (he stole Dad’s Guide To Us), he would get caught. (Some of us knew Dad and did not think he would give us a Guide (Bible), that we could not make sense out of and that contradicts its self.                                                                                                          King has a great time for years and years and years.                            He knows our Mom is dying, his brothers and sisters are trying to save our mom But King They have been drugged by prescription, by their brother King.                     Then a couple of brothers think, they want what King has ,and if they can get the people(US brothers and sisters ) to believe a  they can do as King and they think if they get everyone to believe, there version of the Guide    and they still don’t know that King stole Their Guide ,they keep reading and different versions  of how to take care of ourselves and our Mom ,become different versions  (religion).                                                                   He loves the life He thinks he is better than anyone else because he has (Nice Home, Nice clothes ,Toys ,Boats )  . His employees (trustees, sheriff u fffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal s, judges) they want  too . of our gold  he can  But we have been drugged (with pre u fffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal PREscription chemicals, poison  ) better than  and changed the words  our brother King is greedy and he knows ,we need it ,(we know we need it ,and we need it because ,King our BROTHER is killing us .  It helps us SAVE OUR MOM. as long as it can be prescribed by a doctor that you have to pay in order to  receive . Alternatively, if you pay money (root of all evil) for a license. 

Is Marijuana Green? Is it organic? Did it come from God? WE, man are made of the earth so marijuana is part of us. We are of the soil. In addition, God is the only boss we all have. OUR MOTHER IS THE EARTH, WE Are KILLING OUR MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                      In Gods Last Will and Testament to us (The Bible), He told us to take care of our Mother!!!!It is our Mother and we are its children, and we are killing her.  There does exist greedy, jealous, and ignorant. Everyone wants to control command be the MASTER of slaves. And put us in Bank Vaults they call jails. As collateral, slaves for the Queen of England .That we already are slaves to her. Our birth certificates prove it.                                          We gave up our inheritance from our father when we made a deal with the Devil, Social Security we traded our Gold in the Federal Reserve, for that.    The RICH KINGS, QUEENS.                                                                                    Well We the People Do not Need A Master ,. WE HAVE ONE HE IS THE BOSS HIS NAME Doesn’t Matter HE is THE FATHER AND MOTHER EARTH IS OUR MOTHER!!!WE are breaking Our Fathers commandment and he only gave us one simple job, TAKE CARE OF YOUR MOTHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well some dumb ass thought he could be the father and he wanted to be the commander ruler he wanted slaves and gold. HE WAS GREEDY AND DID NOT CARE IF HE KILLED HIS OWN BROTHERS AND SISTERS .HE JUST HAD TO RULE. HE IS THE DEVIL. (GREED AND JEALOUSY) Route of all evil. So how do you get people to slave for you and give you all there jewels? You rewrite the Bible to install fear. Remember The Bible is OUR FATHERS LAST WILL AND TESTIMENT TO US. HE GIVES US INSTRUCTIONS OF HOW TO DO THE JOB HE GAVE US.  TAKE CARE OF YOUR MOM. BUT THE  KING, our older brother was jealous and greedy he wanted all the gold we inherited (federal reserve ) .And he wanted to boss He  Took  OUR FATHERS GUIDE FROM US ,AND  Changed the words .  OUR Dad told us not to do that!!!!!!!!   King thought if he made us scared of him, he could have everything for himself. (GREED) We would love him fear him and obey him. We would sacrifice for him. THERE FORE HE WOULD HAVE ALL his brothers and sisters giving him their part of their inheritance, willingly, because King knew that his little sister knew that Dad said Do Not Steal. Therefore, he stole our   Will and Guide for Us, Our Owner’s Manual, (BIBLE) changed the words when his brothers and sisters were asleep.    That is why it makes no sense.                                                                                                   King our brother is Murdering Our Mom (EARTH).  In addition,  his own brothers and sisters.   So to my brothers that thought they could take THE MAN’s place hahahahahaha This is YOUR DDADY and you better listen to Ur BIG Sister  IM gona kick u fffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.And I’m paying you!~ and  you don’t want me to blow you  little house down do ya !make me pay you a visit ….jessene-roe:beecroft 

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  • Are you trying to fulfill a court order requirement by posting that stuff?

    If not we will have to remove it. It just doesn't fit here and we don't have time for it.

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