NOGALES - A school in southern Arizona was put on lockdown after a group of apparent illegal immigrants was spotted walking near the campus.

Students at Continental School in Green Valley were ushered into their classrooms and kept inside while Pima County sheriff's deputies and the Border Patrol was called.

Sheriff's spokeswoman deputy Dawn Barkman tells the Nogales International ( ) that the group of men and women had not stepped inside the school fence and seemed wary once they realized they were being watched.

Superintendent Virginia Juettner of the one-school district says students were kept inside for only about 15 minutes after a PE teacher spotted the migrants at about noon on Wednesday.

They were last seen headed for a neighborhood.

Juettner says she didn't hesitate to use the school's lockdown procedure.

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  • What needs to be done, is lock down the border.

    • my thinking also... pretty soon it's the border is going to be the front lines in a war.


  • What a shame that this has to be done in order to guarantee the safety of children. If the border patrol was called, why weren't these people arrested???

  • Obama's voters coming across. It's funny but true!!!!

  • How bout we "lock down" the illegals instead of American Citizens?

    Oh wait...(dripping with sarcasm) that's not how we do it in obummer's Amerika.

  • If the perception is that these groups of wandering illegals are a threat, then they ARE a threat and need to be prevented from crossing into the U.S. They are NOT welcome here by the majority of American citizens as they compete for jobs and services, are granted unentitled benefits for which they have never worked and are a source of further inplementation of UN Agenda 21. We desperately need to throw the brakes on the ever more encroaching control of the Federal Government of the very essence of our Constitutional freedoms and return to the constitutional Republic in which we once lived in peace and prosperity as opposed to the violence and penury of today's United States.. This is the plan of the Obama Administration and all those in Government . We need to rid ourselves of EVERY incumbernt and begin anew with those who will protect our interests in OUR country. End of story.

  • Illegal immigrants are not arrested, they are checked to see how much money they have on them and then but on buses to travel through-out America. When they are arrested they need to be held 3 days, no facilities to do that - some get nice hotel rooms if they do arrested them. They wait for ICE Agents that never do anything - so the new policy is just stand their and watch them or put them on a bus because the Southern part of US has too many!!!!   THAT OUR IMMIGRATION POLICY and every election everyone continue not to ask their candidates how they stand. Now it's gone so long, their enough illegals to out vote the strong illegal enforcement candidates. WE SAT ON OUR HANDS TO LONG and aloud these pro illegal candidates to get into office.I'll bet u Obama will not be ask about illegal policies and why he is sueing Arizona and Alabama from trying to crack down in their states. Look at Sheriff Joe, when these people need our help, we sit and do nothing.

  • here we go again

    Support & defend our military personnel & their familes act (Alien naturalization in the military). It may sound good BUT in the bill it says:"served honorably at ANYTIME in the armed forces of USA. It should say WARTIME ONLY. Lots of American citizens join to finish their education. Now we will have illegals joing the serve, taxpayers paying for their education and living expenses, then they become an American citizen + their family. They are trying to pull the wool over our eyes again. It is co-sponsored by all democRATS. It's another "born here, ur a citizen", It's taxpayers paying for politicans votes.

    On the website above u can voice ur concerns : the box SPEAK UP AT POPVOX. It will be deliver to ur representatives. If u enjoy the site - sign up - u pick what ur interested is (immigration,bucget etc) or track ur representative how he is voting. It will be emailed to u when their is any action. TIME TO SPEAK UP and let them know - we no longer will allow this to continue without speaking up or protesting.  

  • what i would like to know is. how did anybody know they were illegal immigrants ? were they wearing immigrant cloths, selling tacos,speaking spanish and not English, etc. did anybody talk to them ? Remember the Japanese kid that was shot to death on Halloween, he was lost and only knocked on a man's door to get directions.


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