CNS News


“To report a tweet that concerns you, call the nearest field office in your state,” the Secret Service tweeted on Oct. 23.  The agency then links to a list of contact numbers for Field Offices in each state.

The Secret Service sent another tweet on Wednesday, again asking its followers to report tweets.  “Contact your nearest field office with time-sensitive or critical info or to report a tweet,” it said.

The agency has accrued more than 44,000 followers since joining the social media platform on May 9, 2011.  Twitter surpassed 500 million user accounts around the world earlier this year, 140 million of which are in the U.S.

Twitter has become a popular platform for political engagement, as demonstrated by the surge in tweets during the three presidential debates.  Twitter reported that the first match-up between President Barack Obama and his challenger Mitt Romney on Oct. 3 was the “most tweeted-about event in U.S. politics,” with 10.3 million tweets and as many as 158,690 tweets per minute.

“By comparison, during the 2008 debates between Obama and John McCain, only 500,000 tweets were created total during all four debates,” according to PRO OnCall Technologies.  “The first two minutes of the Obama/Romney debate saw two million tweets.”

In September, a North Carolina man was arrested for threatening to kill President Barack Obama on Twitter.

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  • I say we start contacting them with concerns about the tweets of citizens who are threatening people who vote for Romney, Agencies which are stocking up on more ammo than they need, people impersonating the President of the United States who is killing American Ambassadors, CIA operatives, Border Control Agents and SEALS who come to the rescue of their fellow Citizens.....THAT WOULD BE A START!


    Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis

  • And report all the lies told by leftie bloggers and the media along with all the lies being told by obumer and biden.

  • I'm also REALLY CONCERNED about that bus we bought.......the fact that it's barely been used, HOW CAN the President understand our pain at the pump if he doesn't fill the bus up????


    Just sayin.........

    • You are talking about the big black bus made and furnished in Canada and paid for with our tax money?  That bus?  lol

      • Yes

        I'm very SENSITIVE to wasteful spending; and CONCERNED!

  • Tweets that concern me???  Does that include muslims?   LOL.   I'd like to report apathetic and stupid American people who don't see the huge threat from the WH.   Now THAT concerns me but of course that isn't politically correct, huh?

  • We need to let them know every time Obama tweets a lie, that would shut down the bandwidth for sure.

  • This reminds me of Germany when Adolf Hitler was coming to power.

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