We have many good Americans serving prison time with NO VICTIM, NO CRIME, put there by our 4th branches of our corrupt government. It is time to get all these people pardoned and we can do it with our newly elected government....Join The Freedom Coalition and help Sheriff Mack with this worthy cause. He has so many good people on board and they will be going to Washington, but they need our help....any small donation will help with the cause.
I have been in contact with many of the ranchers families, in Oregon, Nevada, Idaho and even Washington State and Montana. It is just horrible what is going on out west, so many were incarcerated just a little over a year ago, they were abused, put in solitary for days without food and water and some still being abused. There is NO VICTIM, therefore NO CRIME, but this out-of-control federal government which Obama had put in place and then judges in these District Court were paid off, are abusing the American people. I would say our new administration has a real mess to clean up, but that is just saying it nicely. I don't think people realize how bad America was and to think right now we could have lost our America forever if the election would have put Hillary Clinton into office! I was told by those for Freedom and believe in our Constitution, she would have taken this Country completely down within 3 months of becoming President. Thanks to all the good Christians who got out and voted this past election, and to God who has opened the door for us to change this Country for the good, but that door will only be opened for a little while. We have a whole lot of work to do. The Freedom Coalition is working to help us get all the abused out of these prisons...https://www.facebook.com/TheFrdmCoalition/
Too many innocent Americans being abused by this system that was previously in power, we are hoping this Administration pay attention to what has happened in America.   I believe The Freedom Coalition can be the answer to stopping the abuse of the American people....first though Trump must drain the swamp and quickly.
I am attending many rallies in support of our new administration, but already got attacked by the left or those who are absolutely blind as to what they do support....our rally on March 4th in Columbus Ohio was just awful, with Communist Flags and Black Flags being carried by those who are against Trump. They invaded our rally, pushed and shoved us, tore up our signs, they burned the American Flag and burned someone's hat.  The Columbus Police did nothing to stop them.   We had a 3 month old baby near us and a young girl, which we had to help the adult with them to get them out of this rally.  It was very unsafe after the infiltration and they no longer could be part of our peaceful rally.  We have another one with more people attending, in Columbus Ohio at the State House, and I wonder, will we have the same problem?   Militia and the Ohio Mintuemen will be attending this one.  Just wonder how toxic this one will be or will these KIDS back off with people there that are armed?  I know the Militia will be open carry.   If we can no longer have peaceful rallies in America, do we really have a Free America yet?  


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