So who is our friends over there again???

This does not surprise me in the least, I was waiting to see where his finances were coming from. What does surprise me is that the MSM is actually reporting it!


The Saudi National TERRORIST living in Texas has some new information being reported on him. A company owned by the Saudi Royal family was funding his endeavors here in America. So how many times have we heard that the Saudi are our friends and allies from the MSM and the political establishment, way too many. For each time that they have said it, we get ten incidents proving them wrong.

Saudi corporation aided student charged in terror plot


By Darci Heiskell

Published: February 26, 2011

A major Saudi Arabian chemical company largely owned by the country's ruling royal family paid tuition, living and medical expenses for the Lubbock college student charged in a terrorism plot.

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Khalid Ali-m Aldawsari, 20, a Saudi national and former Texas Tech University student living in Lubbock, was charged Wednesday with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.

Aldawsari made an initial federal court appearance Friday, two days after authorities arrested him on charges he bought chemicals over the Internet as part of a plan to mix military-grade explosives in his Lubbock apartment. He targeted sites across the United States, including the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush along with dams and nuclear power plants, authorities said. Aldawsari's attorney, Rod Hobson, declined to comment as he left the courtroom but said in a statement that his client will plead not guilty.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy Koenig asked the 20-year-old Aldawsari -- who was handcuffed with his feet shackled, and flanked by armed officers -- if he understood the charges against him, and ordered Aldawsari to remain in custody until a March 11 detention hearing.

A key global player in the manufacture of industrial polymers, SABIC acknowledged in a prepared statement sent from its Houston office late Friday that Aldawsari received money under the company's scholarship program.

"SABIC is prepared to assist law enforcement authorities upon request in the investigation of Khalid Aldawsari, the Saudi student who was arrested in Lubbock, Texas on weapons charges," the statement said.

"Aldawsari was studying in the United States on a student visa as part of SABIC's scholarship program."

Company officials declined to comment further.

A SABIC magazine article published last year said the company scholarship program sponsors nearly 400 students at 62 universities in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The universities include 42 in the U.S. - Texas Tech and the University of Texas among them - along with 14 in Canada and six in the U.K. Every year since 2005, the program has sponsored an average of 100 students selected from tens of thousands in Saudi schools. According to the company website, the mission is to "prepare tomorrow's SABIC leaders for their future roles."

According to the SABIC scholarship program handbook, the company pays tuition and fees, housing and meals costs and a $1,000 monthly stipend during the foundation year of the program. SABIC also pays for all health and dental care costs along with a yearly visit to Saudi Arabia.

Aldawsari obtained a student visa, entered the United States in 2008, completed English classes, transferred to Texas Tech as a chemical engineering major in 2009 and then to South Plains College as a business major in January, according to a federal affidavit. A Saudi-based industrial corporation paid for his education and living expenses, the affidavit said.

Although SABIC is a public company, 70 percent of its shares are owned by the royal family while the remainder are held by private shareholders in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council states, according to the company website. SABIC employs 33,000 people and produces fertilizer, chemicals and plastics, generating revenues of more than $42 billion in 2008.

In secret searches of Aldawsari's apartment, FBI agents uncovered bomb-making chemicals, a hazardous materials suit, beakers, flasks, wiring, a dismantled clock and a journal referring to his scholarship along with his terrorist plans.

Aldawsari said he received scholarship offers from Saudi corporations but accepted "the largest, which will help tremendously in providing me with the support I need for Jihad, God willing. And now, after mastering the English language, learning how to build explosives, and continuous planning to target the infidel Americans, it is time for Jihad," according to the affidavit.

When asked if the federal investigation has focused on Saudi Arabian students who received scholarships from SABIC, FBI spokesman Mark White said authorities haven't uncovered evidence that Aldawsari received any outside assistance.

"We don't just start investigating people because they've gotten a scholarship." White said. "We would have to see that there's some type of association for criminal activity. At this point, we have not seen any connection to him, to other persons co-conspiring with him or any association to a foreign terrorist group providing him any kind of direction or funding or anything. We will follow the path where the evidence takes us. Wherever that is, that's where we will go."

SABIC's 40-page ethics manual dated May 1, 2010, highlights the company's anti-terrorism stance. The company also participates in the U.S. Trade Partnership Against Terrorism.

"We are committed to complying fully with all anti-money laundering and antiterrorism laws throughout the world," the ethics manual says.

SABIC is one of hundreds of companies and organizations worldwide that sponsor thousands of students in the U.S. each year, said Ambassador Tibor Nagy, vice provost of international affairs at Texas Tech. More than 1,800 international students currently are enrolled at Tech, the largest group coming from India, Nagy said.

"We are educating their work force in the finest universities in America," said Nagy, referring to foreign countries.

Universities closely follow students on visas, monitoring their grades and attendance, Nagy said.

SABIC's scholarship program guide outlines requirements for strong grades, high attendance and punctuality. Students who miss class assignments lose money under the program, the guide says. A combination of 25 missed classes or assignments triggers a management review.

The handbook also includes a section on 'legal matters' in which it states "SSP students must adhere to the laws and regulations of their host country. This refers to both criminal and civil matters." The booklet outlines steps a student is to take in the event of arrest: Remain calm, be polite to the police, request a lawyer, contact SABIC advisors and remain silent until a lawyer arrives.

-- Breaking News Editor Jim McBride and reporter Janelle Stecklein contributed to this story.

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  • I would say that SABIC is not "commenting further" and assisting in the investigation because he was caught. He has failed his mission so they want him to pay for his insolence to Islam.


    Force feed him a Ham Sandwich and ship him back wrapped in a pig carcass.

      • That works too..... also feral hogs will eat anything, even bone.
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