With the liberal melt down over Trump being duly elected the 45th President of the United States of America, those who are unwilling to accept the reality that Trump is their President there is a solution. It is a principle of the American Government that the right of expatriation is a natural and inherent right of any person and that the manner prescribed by law for renunciation of American citizenship is the execution of oath before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in the established form. This cannot be done from within the United States so must be done at the American embassy within the country where the disgruntled citizen wishes to reside. By doing this, those who claim Trump is not their President will be able to legally make that claim. If these candy ass spoiled brats want to establish any credibility then they are welcome to use this solution to calm themselves and live out their lives in whatever country they choose. Please!
In the news are stories of protesters rallying at airports carrying signs that say "No Walls - No Ban" in response to President Trumps new travel policy. For those sorry individuals here in America who don't believe the security threat is real and that this action is necessary for the safety of all Americans, they can also use the aforementioned solution. Better yet, they should travel to any one of the seven countries of that ban and see how long they would survive as an American in a hostile Muslim environment. They could also travel to Mexico and test their survival skills when confronted by members of the Mexican cartels or gangs. I am certain if they were to experience first hand the reality of the fate that awaits them, they would quite possibly have a changed perspective and a better understanding of life in the real world. So before you liberal crybabies self implode, it may be best if you wake up, grow up, and shut up. I for one am tired of your senseless whining and inability to support this country you call home as you should. If any of you feel life is better in any other country, please pack your bags, get on your high horses, and get gone. You won't be missed.