Something to think about


Taken from the Militia Site for reading by all.  ENJOY !!!

Are We Prepared For What Is About To Happen?

Reposted with permission by the writer-- the commander of the Westmoreland County PA 1st Battalion Militia Christian Yingling

I am no linguist, I am no scholar, I am NOT the be all, end all of warfare. What I am is a Father, a Christian, and a Veteran... in that order. I am also the Commanding officer of my militia unit, The Westmoreland County Militia, Regulators 1st Battalion.. with my people placing their lives in my hands, in hopes that I will keep them safe and ultimately lead them to victory and someday a better life than what is being presented to them now. This is a very large responsibility and one I do NOT take lightly. I have lost ALOT of sleep because of it. I promise you.

What I want to discuss is something that I NEVER see being mentioned on this board or any like it. It is something that NEEDS to be discussed. ESPECIALLY now.. as we are on the brink of something that NO ONE here is prepared for..I don't care WHAT type of training or warfare experience you may have.

People are getting awfully itchy to start the fight. People WANT to take our country back. People are TIRED of being scared, for themselves and their families. People are SICK of being railroaded by a government that almost daily, tries to strip of us of our freedoms. People are READY to draw that line in the sand, lock and load, saddle up, and move out.. Well I say ARE YOU? Are you REALLY ready?

As militias, we have trained. We have prepared. We have stocked up on food and ammo and other things we think we will need. We have gathered intelligence and continue to do so. We have networked with other units, we have prepared our bug out locations. But there's one thing I feel people haven't prepared for..because the truth of the matter is you cant prepare for this particular "thing".

It is the consequences of our actions. What we are about to embark upon is going to be what will probably be the most EPIC civil war in history. What we are about to do isn't just going to change what happens here, but will most likely change the entire world as we know it.

There have been uprisings all over the world as of late, there is no questioning that. But not ONE of those uprisings has involved the type of sheer firepower involved that this one will. The United States is unquestionably the most heavily armed country in the world. Our Military is the best the world has to offer, and our populace is the most well armed and well trained known to man. The sheer bloodiness of this coming conflict will be mammoth to say the very least..

This "war", should it happen, will be like nothing ever witnessed by humanity. And there will be a heavy price paid for that. You people NEED to think about that and understand that before you go marching off with intentions of blowing away the nearest federale' or Blue hat you see.

To quote Mel Gibson in the Patriot, (a VERY powerful movie you should all watch, or watch again).. This will be a war fought in our OWN back yards. In FRONT of our children. You NEED to understand the ramifications of that. As a father, and a husband..this weighs VERY heavily on me. I hope it does you as well..because if not it damn well better.

This wont be an overnight undertaking, this will be no two month Gulf war, This war will drag on for YEARS, and will COMPLETELY change the face of the United States as we know it. Some people say we NEED that change.. And I agree to a point... But are you ready for your hometown, where you grew up and played as a child.. to be turned into a 3rd world bombed out S#%t hole like Mogadishu? Like Iraq? Like Afghanistan? Are you prepared to see EVERYTHING you've ever known destroyed in the blink of an eye? All in the name of "Freedom"?

Who will rebuild all that? Who will heal the scars we and our enemies will burn into our children's psyche's? What will come out of the ashes of this great "war"? Will it be something new and beautiful? Or something darker.. Perhaps by engaging in this endeavor we are unwittingly ushering in the dreaded New World Order as we have come to know it.

There's no way of knowing. Thats the cold hard truth. And NO ONE will tell me otherwise. And anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is a liar. That is a fact. Know this though.. NO ONE will come to our aid.. We have burned our bridges with pretty much the entire world. We ARE a hated nation. We have enjoyed this wonderful lifestyle our whole lives on the backs of the rest of the world and you'd better believe they wont forget it.

So.. it's just US vs.THEM. in a fight to the finish. This will be a war for ALL humanity and for the future of the human race as we know it. AGAIN.. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THIS. The whole world is watching..waiting.. for that first shot to be fired, for that ONE shot will change the future of the entire world as we know it. Are YOU prepared for that? Because if it is indeed YOU who fires that first shot.. good or will go down in history as the person who changed the world. Think about it. Think LONG and HARD about it. And then.. come to me and tell me how "prepared" you really are.

I have only scratched the surface of things you need to THINK about before we do this.. But hopefully this gets you thinking seriously about the consequences of what so many people seem "eager" to do.

Just my 2 cents.. hope this helps. I would ask that you PLEASE re post this on ANY boards you may visit like this one in hopes of sharing this insight with others.

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  • Clois, Good post, good find.
    Extremely important questions and conversation.
    My answer is a short one; Are any of us prepared for what a civil war could bring? Or would we all rather bow down and live under the oppressive boots of this Left-wing Communist despotic Marxist regime that these people are trying to force down our throats?
    For what I see we have a choice, we can either bow down - Lay down and wait for the ax to fall or we can stand like men and fight for what America was and should be. Will anyone be willing and ready to stand and defend freedom and liberty and our Constitutional Republic?

    Yes - We DO have a choice; We can do NOTHING and die if they are allowed to succeed, Or we can stand and fight when that time comes. At least we can die on our feet like men.

    • I watched that entire Congressional hearing with Mathew Whitaker today.
      What I saw was shocking and very disturbing to say the least. I saw a room/chambers filled with Democrats consumed with rage, hatred, for President Donald J. Trump and anybody in his administration. Their rage and hatred is fueled by their own lies and fantasies which they have now come to believe themselves. They are fueling their own hatred and rage with more and more of their own lies every day.
      They are all now at a point where they are willing to kill more than half the US population in order to get rid of this perceived "evil" man in the White House.
      We know who is feeding and fueling these lies.


      sure was a joke
      A joke yes, but not very funny. I am no big fan of this bloated out-of-control Federal Government but the actions I saw today coming out of the Democrats was completely over the top. The hearings resembled the 1938 NAZI Germany Hitler Blood-judge trials where everyone was found guilty and sentenced to death before even entering a court room.
      At one point Mathew Whitaker was accused of being the cause of the destruction of the DOJ. How far over the top is that, the man has only been ACTING AG for a little over three weeks.
      • I don't think William Barr will be any better.  We may have to defend our 2nd Amendment, if Barr is named the Attorney General of the United States, but if they push confiscation, then so be it, then Lexington will come to pass. I have great respect for the Legal laws based on the Constitution, but I have no love for illegal laws not based on the Constitution or the original intent of the Framers.

    • Oh Rooster, all of those questions have crossed my mind, but I guarantee, unless I am dead before this happens, I will be standing with you when it becomes necessary to take up arms in defense of this nations' citizens who respect the constitution and what it stands for, for its Citizens.

      • The problem is that neither Barr NOR Trump is a real hard--core Constitutional Conservative.
        Trump DID ban the AR-15 "bump-stock", That's a useless piece of junk but that doesn't matter, it DOES fall under the category of Gun-Controls.
        If the Democrats put some kind of gun control measures into other (Necessary) legislation then Trump is just liable to sign it.
        THAT would loose his base voters, and at that point the Dem's could win in 2020.

        If that happens it could be GAME-ON for self defense measures.

        We have to fight to make sure Trump does NOT sign anything with gun controls in it.

This reply was deleted.


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