Start to Change the Primary System

Ifwe intend to start to turn this ship around, we need to start a grassrootsuprising to change the primary system. We are building more membership in allof our various organizations and now we need a tactical mission on which tofocus all of this energy. We The People know that having Iowa and New Hampshireserve as the biggest players in deciding the next presidential candidates isjust wrong, period. We must start beating the drum NOW to start the fight tochange this incredibly foolish system. We have about 14 months before theprimary season starts for the 2012 presidential races. If you don’t think itcan be done, just think of what we have accomplished in the last 14 months withbasically no organization in place. Now we are better organized and able toconnect and communicate much more efficiently. The key now is to FOCUS!


Ipersonally think we should push to establish at most 3 or 4 primary electiondates and establish a minimum of 10 states to hold primaries on each of thesedates. These dates should be at least 2 or 3 weeks apart to allow forinformation to be disseminated and acquired by voters and to allow candidatestime to make their decision to get in, get out or continue. It would stopthings like thousands of Illinois state resident union members, supportingObama, being bused in to Iowa and totally undermining their caucus proceedingsby both participating in the caucuses and by intimidating opposition caucusattendees from participating. This has been documented and is the biggestsingle event that resulted in Obama being the current resident of the WhiteHouse. If Obama doesn’t win Iowa, he’s done, period. We must understand thatthe enemies of our Republic think tactically and act as such. We must start todo so also. This is something we can and must do for the future of ourRepublic. And now is the time to start the push.

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