Pajamas Media

UPDATE: Well, that didn’t last long. Earlier this morning before I posted this item the OIC press release noted that US Consul General in Jeddah Anne Casper would be attending the OIC’s meeting:

The Session will be attended by Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the OIC Secretary General. It will be chaired by Ambassador Ahmad Taib , Director General of the Branch of the Saudi Foreign Ministry, Makkah Al-Mukarrammah region. It will also be attended by Sergey Kuznetsov, Consul General of the Russian Federation and Anne Casper, US Consul General in Jeddah.


But within the past few hours that mention has been scrubbed. The press release I linked to earlier now reads:

The Session will be attended by Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the OIC Secretary General and members of the Jeddah diplomatic community and other invited guests.

No more mention of Anne Casper attending today’s OIC session on banning ‘defamation of Islam’. Let the cover-up begin!

Here’s a screenshot of the earlier version noting Casper’s attendance at today’s meeting (click to enlarge):


ORIGINAL POST: After the disaster of trying to blame an obscure YouTube video for the attack on the CIA operation in Benghazi and Obama’s prophecy at the UN that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” Hillary Clinton’s State Department appears to be taking another run at the First Amendment free speech rights of American citizens.

A notice was posted yesterday on the website of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) about a symposium to be held today at the OIC headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on “Defamation Acts Against Islam.” And one top U.S. State Department official will be in attendance:

The headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation will host a symposium on “Defamation Acts against Islam: conflict dimensions and perspectives of co-existence between Islam and the West” on Monday 19/11/2012.

The Session will be attended by Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the OIC Secretary General. It will be chaired by Ambassador Ahmad Taib , Director General of the Branch of the Saudi Foreign Ministry, Makkah Al-Mukarrammah region. It will also be attended by Sergey Kuznetsov, Consul General of the Russian Federation and Anne Casper, US Consul General in Jeddah.


The OIC has made no secret of its intentions to use the UN and international law to criminalize what they consider to be “defamation of Islam.” For example, OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu gave a speech last Friday on “An OIC Approach for Combating Discrimination and Intolerance against Muslims,” in which he gave a road map of how they plan to do it:

OIC’s position has all along been entrenched in international legal instruments and we need to build on this tradition. We must emphasize that there is no hierarchy of human rights whereby a single right can trump others. Freedom of opinion and expression is among the fundamental rights.It does not include a licence to hate mongering. Freedom of expression does not mean the right to vilify. Our position must also be rooted in history and culture. Having indicated our seriousness at building consensus, we must seek to be reciprocated in the same spirit. We need to seek multi-stakeholder support for an international discourse seeking an intercultural solution – A solution that acknowledges that denigration of symbols and personalities sacred in Islam must be viewed as a matter of identity. It inflicts the psyche of Muslim all over the world. It is in that context that we seek an end to the systematic pattern and increasing frequency of events that contribute towards stereotyping, stigmatization and alienation of Muslims. Such events constitute an affront to human dignity violating the whole range of human rights of victims.


Coinciding with that “brainstorming” session during the OIC’s annual meeting of foreign ministers, the OIC released its Fifth Annual Report on Islamophobia, which is primarily directed at acts of free speech committed in the United States.

Hillary Clinton’s complicity with the OIC towards these ends is no surprise either, since she met twice with the OIC last year as part of the “Istanbul Process,” including her vow to use “old fashioned techniques of peer-pressure and shaming” to target “Islamophobia.”

Those meetings played out last December when the State Department backed the OIC-drafted UN Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18. Check out the membership of the UN Human Rights Council.

No word on when Hillary Clinton intends to press the OIC about the pandemic racism and “kafirphobia” of the Muslim world.


Patrick Poole is a national security and terrorism correspondent for PJMedia. Follow me on Twitter.

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  • couldn't say it better.

  • ISLAM is an excrescence on the backside of humanity.

    Light your next barbecue charcoal with pages of the Islamic Koran...

  • Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Please...stay on topic.
    If you want to talk about "impeachment" then we suggest you start another thread! I'm sure you'll have plenty of participants and comments!
  • Islam is an insidious evil and needs to be destroyed in this country. It will be the end of us if we don't raise the awareness of everyone who thinks it's just a religion of 'peace'. It's anything but.

    Islamist radicals believe that to deceive your enemy is one of their most prized virtues. This should tell you everything we need to know about them. No wonder lies are pouring out of this regime's mouth at every turn.

  • All I needed to know about Muslims...I learned on 9/11/01 and I was reminded again on 9/11/12...

    This is Obamas ultimate goal...The Islamazation of America and THE WORLD...The dirty sob isn't going to get away with it here,... unless we LET HIM...Like we have LET HIM do everything else...

    Actually it is better to learn about your enemy...Go to Warner has been teaching about Islam for a long time...He is a great source and he also gives reports on Christians being attacked worldwide, as well as women that are being persecuted worldwide.

    The Arab Spring...The Overthrow of Mubarak and Quadaffi were all part of the plan, and Libya figures very strongly in the treasonous soup...DO NOT ALLOW any further SANITIZATION of Muslim material or news. They are still The Enemy!


    • If anyone has head the Koran, or see how they persecute woman. This is just a ploy to cover up who they r. If u speak something good about something evil enough times enough people will believe it. That is exactly what hitler,s propaganda machine did. We must continue it come against evil!!!!
  • All I need to know is that Muslim's hate Christians and they hate JESUS!

    We as Jesus loving American have got to stand up for our rights as Americans

    and let them know how we feel. We've been too sissy fied and not wanting to

    hurting anyone's feelings. Well we've got to shake it off and get ready for the

    fights of our lives. WE have people in Washington that are not there for America.

    The devil is sneaking in slowly. Piece by piece. God help us!

  • Muslims have to go ASAP.

    • How exactly is that going to be accomplished? Outline the steps you would propose to that end?

  • Here is a bit of trivia. In 1970 there were aorund 900,000 muslims in the US. In 2006 there were approximately 12-million (and that's 12-million too many) 

This reply was deleted.


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