Status on situations, waiting for the other shoe to fall:

Obama and his administration have opened the flood gates and our southern border to any and all that can simply get there and get across into the USA.
That has naturally captured the attention of nearly half the country. Everyone seems to be either working on how to close the borders or trying to figure out what to do with all those "poor little kids".

My answer to it all is simply - watch the other hand. The border and immigration problem is a smoke screen for something else. Just like everything else this administration is involved with, there is usually something else, generally far worse, that they are up too. And like everything else they do it probably wont be long before we find out what surprises they have in store for us.  July 1st is just a day or two away now and there have been rumors of some kind of new money policy or an interest rate change to take place on the 1st of July. Plus the November mid-term elections are only a few months away now. Obama cannot risk the possibility of loosing the House and Senate to the Conservatives in November. They can't afford to have Harry Reid pull another stunt like the Bundy Ranch fiasco with the BLM between now and November elections, but you can damn sure bet that after the mid-term elections the BLM will be going after Cliven Bundy and that Nevada land grab.
So all of that leaves us with some kind of potential crisis either in the middle East or something coming out of the United Nations.
Either way I'm watching and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Remember what they said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

Just my thoughts on the current situation.

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  • Store food, water and ammo and get out of the cities!

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