American Truths


obama-smile-happy.jpg?width=240Those of us in the troop support movement know that we have lost more of our Heroes on Obama’s watch than all of this war!  The insane and cruel ROE’s and Catch and Release Policies give the enemy the upper hand and leave our Troops so very vulnerable!  It is disgusting and disgraceful and now this Campaigner-in-Chief wants to take credit for the excellent work of our Navy Seals in the killing of Bin Laden.  Well Obama, that road goes both ways! Since you are campaigning that you are responsible for the killing of Bin laden, then you need to take responsibility for the perilous mess our Troops are in over in Afghanistan!   Your failed policies continue to get our brave men and women killed, maimed and incarcerated, as you release terrorists back to the battlefield.  Now you want to be called a War President?!!!!   Then step up and take responsibility for the killing zone you have placed our Troops in with YOUR failed policies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers

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  • If we were to impeach Obama, do we REALLY want Foot-in-mouth BIDEN as IDIOT 'N'CHIEF?!

    • I could live with brain dead Biden for a few months.

      • Debby,

        Do you really think we could start and conclude Impeachment proceedings before the election?

        Impeachment is only to indict. Assuming you get an indictment and conviction, then comes the tough part,"Removal From Office"

        We cannot get the courts or congress to ask for citizenship documentation,.... do you really think we should go down this road?


        My best effort would be to get VP Cheney to take BO hunting!

  • Once we all realize that the The Great Pretender, The Enemy of our Country and our People, now Properly Labeled "THE ENEMY WITHIN"  is sitting in our Oval Office the sooner we may all grasp the gravity and yes...  the extreme danger our people and our posterity face. 


    It Needs to be repeated again and again until such time as the American People realize the gravity of what we face.  His name is Barry Soretoro and we know not his identity nor his heritage. We Only know that he refuses to prove who he really is.   We DO KNOW that he is doing EVERYTHING Possible to Destroy This Great Country.   We DO know that he is Tearing Down the very fabric of Religous Freedom and the Constraints of a Constitution that has held this country together AS A REPUBLIC for over 240 years.


    The solutions will not arrive until we as a people demand accountability from those we think we elect into office or such time as we find ourselves wishing we had done more when we had the opportunity, the tools and the brass at our disposal.



    State Department Policy Manual 7277 (Public Law 87-297)  Outlines our Future unless we Stand Up and Demand the United States Our Parents and Grandparents ceded us to Protect and Defend.

    Freedom From War is REALLY SURRENDER WITHOUT A FIGHT....   WOULD YOUR PARENTS BE PROUD OF YOU?  I know for a fact what mine would have to say........    "Hell NO... Not in this Lifetime!"



  • Lets be honest here. Obama should not take credit for what the seals did but he also can't be blamed for what every armed conflict has turned into for years. Look at almost every war or conflict since WWII and see if mos of them didn't turn into political games where  our military were not allowed to win. When we actually did win it was due to the lack of participation of our politicians. I dislike this administration as much as anyone but I won't try to blame him for a systemic problem that has been around for years.

  • Obama is all mouth.

  • 8142863455?profile=original

    • When sick molly props a healthy double, dollies will rally for molly (eg sadam husein, kim john ill and their doubles)… but when dollies want molly dead they create an opportunity for a dead double bluff for a dishonest incumbent rally.

      I think Bush didn’t do enough to prove osama was dead, hence created an opportunity for his successor to kill the double.

  • As a veteran of veterans, father of veterans, I oppose Resident Obama!


  • mayday, mayday... chrislam in the navy has begun, starting with the navy seals...

    Navy SEALS “Too White,” Seek More Arabs, Muslims – Why Anti-Semitism Was Added to “Act of Valor” -By Debbie Schlussel

    "On the one-year anniversary of the Navy SEALs assassination of Osama Bin Laden, the Navy has announced a special effort to recruit Muslims into the SEALS, setting up shop in Dearbornistan..."


    Navy SEALS “Too White,” Seek More Arabs, Muslims – Why Anti-Semitism Was Added to “Act of Valor”
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