The Patriots News


Penned by Thomas D. Segel - (10/28/11)


Harlingen, Texas, October 28, 2011:  They have already given many years of their lives to America.  They have given of their bodies and in many cases their life’s blood to defend our way of life, property and the Constitution of the United States of America.  They took up arms and served around the world as a protecting force for American interests…even the Occupy Wall Street protesters who litter and soil our landscapes while making their incoherent demands.  This force that has always stood in readiness is made up of 2 million retired military personal and 22 million veterans.  Many of them are once again preparing to do battle on behalf of a Constitutional America.


These veterans and patriots call upon the people to act now.  They call upon all members of the U. S. military, the U.S. Supreme Court, federal, state, county and local law enforcement, and intelligence agencies to direct all assets of the people toward restoration of the Constitutional Republic and to stand with patriotic citizens in compliance with their oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the people of the United States.


Leading a nationally organized march on Washington D.C. scheduled for 11/11/11 or Veterans Day, November 11, 2011 are nationwide chapters of The Veteran Defenders of America. Partnered with them in this call to action is The United States Patriots Union.  All members of these organizations wear the title Patriot and have either served honorably as members the United States Armed Forces or are strong supporters of those who wear our nation’s uniforms.  This is one of the most respected assemblies of men and women in America.


These organizations at and have some distinguished leadership speaking out with one voice in a “Call-To-Action” on behalf of The Constitution, the Republic, the Rule of Law and equal justice for all freedom-loving citizens. They are seeking to rally millions of Americans to assemble at the Washington Monument starting at 6 a.m., (EST) on November 11, 2011.


The planned assembly at the Washington Monument is led and organized by some distinguished retired military personnel and veterans, including former Deputy Commanding General of the Pacific Command, Major General Paul E. Vallely, United State Army (Retired), Colonel James Harding, United States Air Force (Retired), who is the recipient of Air Force Cross and Silver Star with two clusters, Colonel Harry Riley, United States Army (Retired), a Silver Star and Bronze Star recipient, along with co-founder of the Patriots Union, businessman and political writer JB Williams.


Speaking of the planned demonstration on Veterans Day, Colonel Riley says, “Our nation is teetering under the illegal weight of a domestic enemy in the White House and supporting members of Congress. Over 230 years of sacrifice, blood, lives lost, families destroyed, and other treasure have been spent defending and supporting the Constitution of the United States…and we will not, repeat, will not allow the demise of our Republic fostered by gangs out of Chicago, Illinois, supported by greedy, unprincipled politicians in Congress.”


Riley says all Americans are called to assemble with the Veterans at the Washington Monument on 11-11-11.  There they will speak out against the multiple violations of the Constitution they have witnessed.


He also urges everyone to call their two U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative, suggesting they do so by calling the toll free numbers 1-866-272-6622 or 1-877-851-6437, which will connect to the U.S. Capitol operator in Washington D. C.  He says, “When the operator answers you can ask to speak with your representative.  You may need to call a second or third time to reach your Senator.  With that telephone call you can let your elected officials know you are a constituent and along with veterans and patriots are coming to Washington to assemble at the monument on November 11th.


“You can also tell him or her you will be bringing a Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic, which is much like our original Declaration of Independence.  It outlines the demands for this restoration.  It would also be fitting to say we are assembling in a peaceful but resolute manner with the determination that the Obama Administration must go now, not on November 22, 2012.  The representatives and senators should hear that we have endured the trampling of our Constitution by the Obama Administration and Congress far too long and enough …is enough.”


As these patriotic organizations prepare for their Washington Monument protest, Colonel Riley concludes his remarks saying, “We can no longer sit idly by and tolerate the utter destruction of our country at the hands of anti-American elitists in Washington D. C.  who have mistaken the people’s peaceful tolerance with acceptance of their ill-advised behaviors.  The time for all good and decent Americans to stand together in defense of the Constitution, the Republic, freedom and liberty has arrived.”


Semper Fidelis

Thomas D. Segel

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  • "LET ONLY AMERICANS STAND GUARD" GENERAL OF THE ARMIES GEORGE WASHINGTON - Domestic enemies, and Traitors must be tried; and if guilty deported.
  • "The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.” - George Washington


    ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ! - Me

  • Amen.

    Courage and strength, God will be with us

    United we stand and in God we still trust.

  • We Veterans and Patriots other than Veterans ARE the Teeth!
  • For too long corruption has been the way of Washington DC.It is high time to put a stop to it.

    It is better to die for something,than to live for nothing.

  • I'm proud to be part of this group. I wish I could be there in body. But I will be there in spirit and like all the material on this event I will share this also. Thank you Tom for this wonderful post.
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