Mail Online

A U.S. Marine who lost both his legs in Afghanistan was forced to leave a Charlotte restaurant with his family after local football fans hurled vile abuse at them for wearing Dallas Cowboys jerseys.

Marine Garrett Carnes, of Mooresville, North Carolina attended Sunday’s Carolina Panthers’ game against the Cowboys with his wife Courtney, their parents, and friends Brett and Nicole Coburn.

After the game, which the Cowboys won 19-14, the group stopped at the Moosehead Grill for dinner. Several members of the party, including Garrett Carnes, were proudly wearing their Dallas Cowboys jerseys.


Marine Garrett Carnes and his wife Courtney were taunted by football fans at a Charlotte restaurant on Sunday


A group of disgruntled Panthers fans spotted their jerseys and started to taunt Carnes and his group even before they entered the restaurant.

'Courtney was the first one out of the vehicle, and while she was getting Garrett’s wheelchair, one guy immediately started yelling at her,' Brett Coburn told The Charlotte Observer.

Once in the restaurant, the Panthers fans continued to mock Carnes and his group. One person told Garrett Carnes: 'Don’t use your wheelchair as a crutch.'


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  • I'm getting to where I really despise People...but then I remind myself, these aren't people...they're monsters! They're from the enemy and I just know they're gonna fry!

    • I agree with you, it is discusting how some people act especially after a few beers. Too bad the restaurant didn't call the police and had the troublemakers thrown out. 

  • They had to have been democRATS.  Normal people would not act that way.

  • These cruel people had better wake up and smell the coffee and realize that the military personnel made these sacrifices on their behalf. Unless the ObamaCare Health Care Law is not repealed, they will face even greater challenges if they ever need this type of medical care. They should spend their time educating themselves on the "Death Panels" and other harsh conditions contained in this law and vote accordingly, unless they wish to endure worst conditions contained therein.

  • By the way, this Statement is in regards to the "Foot-Ballers", not the Carnes.

    People have no respect anymore for anyone but themselves, that is why "We the People" must hold accountable those people in Government, State level and Local level to the Rule of Law and Decency.  You don't treat people that are disabled like this....May these people be held, judged and destroyed in the "Lake of Fire" in the Final Judgement by Jesus Christ as the Low-Life Scum that they are...

  • Anyone who can taunt a person who has lost his limbs, is the sorriest type of wussy that that lives

    regardless of how they were lost.  But to not think that there are a lot of young ment who lost their limbs because a

    Congress would not but the vehicles that were needed in combat.  They let the troops fight in courier vehicles. But you know they can support all kinds of garbage programs , but not the troops.  The DOD isn't much better.  Not many seasoned people of military backround to support the initiatives necessary to win.

  • What a disgusting thing to say to a man who's lost both legs. I agree with Cathy G. here. In addition, the old saying my Grandma used to say is that the more she knows of people, the more she likes dogs. So so true. These are the same people who've no doubt been spoiled all their lives and have no compassion whatsoever for anyone else. Talk about lowlives to have stooped so low in saying what they said. People like them don't deserve the air they breathe.

  • I am sorry MARINE I was unable to be at your side during this act of discretion and dishonor if I may help in anyway send me a message thru this site. Ooorahaa!!


  • Maybe The Moosehead refers to some of the customers. The political AZZ definitely refers to these customers. This treatment will come back  at them someday.

    • Round up the scum and ship them to Afghanistan in return for an equal number of my brothers in arms. Give them a wheelchair for transportation, a rifle and inform the personnel there of the acts of these cowards. Give them the honor of leading a mission against the Taliban and see how tough they are. This Marine is a hero and deserves to be treated with respect for his service and sacrifice. Semper Fi brother!

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