Under the guise of “racism” the Maxist/Socialists using the #BlackLivesMatter have managed to force America to bend to a violent revolution at all levels. Using the complicit “main stream media” and elite controlled social media many Americans are now feeling guilty for crimes they did not commit and would never endorse!
And this idea of "white privilege" has been wholeheartedly embraced to the point of being crammed down our throats.
The leader of the original BLM movement noticed infiltrators as far back as 2015, and that the "movement" has been compromised. Posting in 2017 Chaziel Sunz spills the beans on his point of view. He was on the INSIDE of #BlackLivesMatter and he saw it happening!!!
It's the same playbook described in REVELATION, Dawn of Global Government The "elites" such as Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Soros pit blacks against whites, left against right, to divide and conquer.
If foul language bothers you, please don't click on the link below, but this young man expresses an honest account of the takeover he saw and issues a dire warning to other blacks that they are unknowingly being used. So are the LGBT crowd and other disenfranchised groups.