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November 28, 2011

Understanding the Enemy and Our Mission...


As I took time away from the office to give thanks for the many blessings in my life, with family and friends, I had plenty of time to reflect upon the last year at Patriots Union and in particular, our recent 11.11.11 Event in Washington D.C.

I also had time to read mail from those who attended and those who did not, and compare the impressions left upon both, an interesting contrast.

Before assessing the success of the 11.11.11 Event, one must first understand our enemy and our mission. I will attempt to connect the necessary dots for you, if you will only research the links.

Many have concluded that the Federal Reserve is our enemy - it is not. Others have concluded that politicians are our enemy - they are but a symptom of the illness. Still others have concluded that some unknown international force or the UN is our enemy - closer to the truth, but not yet on the mark.

The people who wrote Agenda 21 are indeed our enemy, an enemy to all who love freedom and liberty, here or abroad. But even they are not the enemy at your door...

No, the enemy at your door is the people who wrote Global Governance 2025 - Your own Federal Government. We are not fighting the UN, we are now fighting our own Federal Government and yes, all three branches. They are forcing every American into bankruptcy - where Global Marxism looks better than starvation.

This is the U.S. Federal Governments version of the UN Agenda 21. It is issued by your elected officials. It not only remains intact since the '90s, its timeline has been bumped up from 2025 to 2013. Every patriot MUST read this document to fully grasp what we are up against today.

Next, we must reconcile with the reality that WE have been the problem, and therefore, only WE can become the solution. We must solve this problem state-by-state, as nobody in federal power is on our side.

To grasp the current condition of our society, look no further than events on Black Friday. Realize that while many think $29.00 per year is too much to commit to freedom and liberty, the new vampire movie took in over $62 million over the Thanksgiving weekend. This is the society we must work with...

Last, when you ask about the 200-300 who dropped everything on 30 days notice and traveled to stand together in D.C. on 11.11.11 - and whether or not that event was a success, remember that only 55 signed the original Declaration of Independence in 1776. Our numbers were much better than our founders.

When you ask people to show up and celebrate past accomplishments, thousands will show up to receive a pat on the back.

When you ask people to show up for a multimillion dollar Vegas show complete with marque entertainers and headline acts, tens of thousands will show up - for the wrong reasons.

But when you ask people to drop everything they are doing for the sake of the future of freedom, only the most committed people will show up. That's who we were looking for on 11.11.11 and that's who we found on 11.11.11 in Washington D.C. - from almost every state!

Now we will begin to seat real leaders in every state, and then have them bring other leaders aboard locally, and then mobilize a network of real leaders ready to do the heavy lifting it will to take, to turn this country around.

It's not too late to be part of the solution... or, to sit it out. The decision belongs to every individual. We know where we are going and how to get there. Are you coming along?

To lead in your area - contact Twana Blevins NOW. Put in subject line "State Leadership." Time is short, and we are moving ahead. There is much to be done and we need all the help we can muster!

11.11.11 was a success! We found committed leaders from almost every state. JOIN them in becoming part of the solution... don't sit anything out anymore!

UNDERSTAND THIS! - In so far as federal elections are concerned, we passed the point of no return in 2006 and 2008. There IS NO election solution available in 2010 or 2012 - at the federal level. The rush towards the cliff has only accelerated since 2010. 

The solution MUST COME from the state and local level now. The states MUST fight the federal governments move into Global Governance. Nobody in the federal government can or will fight it!

GET UP TO SPEED NOW! We are ready to ramp up ALL operations at the state level. If you are ready to lead in your area, speak up NOW!

JB Williams
Tim Harrington

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  • JB, Tim; You could not be more correct.  Most Americans do not know about what has been going on through the UN and all of the affiliated organization that are hell bent on taking our Sovereignty in their quest for a One World Government. 

    One gets lost in trying to follow the thread from one organization to another, but to reinforce your point about how local government is paramount in stopping this movement as developed and promoted by Agenda 21, I want to refer everyone to this site and get an education about their own local government or one nearby that has totally jumped on board.

    ICLEI, International Council for Local Environmental Iniatiatives is a cancer that has been around a very long time now and no one has been aware of the connection.

    Whatever the reason a Mayor, Council Member would do this you can bet the common reason is personal popularity that relates to votes, not the future of their communities.  I hope everyone checks this out and when they find their elected representative is a MEMBER that they challenge them as to why they are supporting this subvervise organization that has based its existence on incomplete, inconclusive, inaccurate studies and theories with the only objective to change America into a subservient government to the NWO.

    Agenda 21 is a cancer with tentacles all the way down to every State, County, and City in America.  It is Agenda 21 that has brought us the CFL crap, engineered to provide China with a manufacturing monopoly as an emerging nation. 

    The best thing that could ever happen for the benefit of America is to get completely out of the UN.  But like honoring the Constitution it will be almost impossible to find enough candidates to support it.

  • Local gov’t is just as loco and/or corrupt as the feds, they take orders from the feds (eg they don’t want to take hussein off the ballot, even NOW –although anything is better than hillary)… changing local gov’t will not lead to changing the fed, only slowing the fed (and like you said, We are way past the point of no return!)… notice that most local governments were much more conservative than they are now and always more conservative than the feds. The feds change local governments top down with the power of the purse… it will be much more effective to change the system back to where it belongs by going after the top fed heads and replacing them with People Bound by The Original Constitution with The Bill of Rights… eventually perhaps even back to The Articles of Confederation.

    Only if / when We remove the power of the purse, will local governments be able to affect the feds, bottom up (you know what I mean?!).

    • I respectfully disagree.  Where do you think the Feds come from?  As long as the "power of the purse" is whealed by the Feds you may be right, but if you are told to jump off a cliff I don't think you would accept the check.  The local governments have the option to say NO to the Fed.  They have forgotten that they are part of a SOVEREIGN State and sign away that sovereignty every time they look beyond their own means.  The part about selling your soul to the devil for an immediate want is what is ignored in today's society.

      Semper Fi

    • @phrowt: feds come from the power of the purse, just like local governments do, except the feds are so high in the sky they’re much less connected to We The People… therefore by saying NO to the feds, local gov’t say give me more to We The People in that state… do you know of any state where most people want higher taxes?... look at California, they jumped off the cliff, yet they’re still here… one by one more states will jump off that cliff and at a point of no return a ONE world gov’t will be formed, funded by you know who... also, living within one’s means is not as easy as it sounds… people in Nebraska are at a fossil oil disadvantage over people in Alaska, while in Alaska they’re at a livestock disadvantage over Nebraska, etc… that’s why states formed a Union, to more effectively share resources.

      • I guess I need to define what I mean by the "FED".  It is apparently different from your definition.  The Federal Government and all of its bureaucracy to me is the FED.  They create or at least allow what I think you mean.  The outside money that is in control comes from sources that like the States, the Fed chooses to accept the strings attached.  Therein lies the problem.  Our Fed, supposedly elected to represent We The People, forget their oath and should all be brought up on charges of treason.  I won't go into your assessment of why the Union was formed as it is off subject.  I do hope you have taken the time to review the link I provided as well as looking into the UN's Agenda 21.  It will probably give you a headache.


        Semper Fi

      • @phrowt: Our definition of the fed is the same, their life blood is money not Love, that’s why they did not forget The Oath and are deliberately destroying The Constitution… hence need to be tried for Treason.

        …I usually do not take the time to read bureaucratic mambo jumbo, it is always written by the limited mind, hence it requires an unlimited gov’t.


        Semper Fi my Friend!

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