Suicide attack bid' on US Defence Secretary


The Sun


- Car bursts into flames on runway
- Fears Leon Panetta's plane was target

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta is feared to have been the target of a suicide attack at Camp Bastion today.


A vehicle got on to the runway and burst into flames as Mr Panetta's plane landed in Afghanistan this morning.

The suspected attack also hurt a British squaddie but the extent of the injuries are currently unknown.


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  • This is glaring proof that the Muslims have no reasonable or logical method to destroy us Infidels.

    They attempted to attack one of their most powerfu friends!

     Had they been successful they would have probaly upset Scumbama as well. He would have been forced to issue a strong note of protest after his next vacation..

    Isn't the attempted assassination of one of our highest ranking diplomats an act of war?

    We must not lose sight of the source for this story, The Sun...not one of Great Britain's most reputable newspapers but often fun to read

  • Interesting.

  • So he thinks( Panetta)he has to ask for permission from the country were fighting in to engage in battle instead of going through congress,to bad if he was the target that they missed.

    • Amen! American traitor Pantswetter was greeted by his fellow America haters. Obviously pissed off the haters who didn't get to give their approval before the UN (Useless Neanderhtals) or NATO.

  • Too bad the subneanderthals did not achieve their intended aim. Had they been successful; it is likely we'd have had one less domestic enemy with which to deal at some point in the future. We already have so very many.

  • OK, let's see...

    ...An attempt is assumed to have been made upon the life of some castrated, communist American "big shot" in a war zone in some foreign country where we and our way of life are universally hated.  The first order of business, then, is to disarm our GI's.

    Makes sense to most schizophrenics.

  • Read this AM that the truck never made it to the runway and that the driver burned, not the truck. Anyway, wasn't Panetta's visit un announced? How would dome raghead know who was there? This story is crap from the word go.

    • False flag to disarm the troops, maybe?  That's what I thought as soon as I heard that they took the guys' guns away.  Or, maybe, the truck just caught fire; I would think that regular maintenance and repair is not a priority for Afghanis with vehicles.

      •  Major General Mark Gurganus, was the Obama appointed PC Marine who gave the order to disarm the troops.

        Isn't that special!!!!!!!!


        Jim Bertram

        • I'm surprised that the Marines gave up their weapons.  "I'm not going in there 'naked'! Go ahead and give me an Article 15 or, even, a court-martial; I'm a U.S. Marine, damn it, and nobody is going to make me give up my f**king weapon(s) until after my last breath!"  Something about "...LAWFUL orders..."

          By the way...although they exist, "PC Marine" is an oxymoron.  Their existence is a sign that we're on the way out.

          We're hosed.

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