The Blaze

Screen-Shot-2011-08-23-at-9.57.09-AM-418x620.png?width=141WASHINGTON (The Blaze/AP) — The Supreme Court has struck down a federal law making it a crime to lie about having received the Medal of Honor and other prized military awards.

(Related: Stolen Valor: Supreme Court Asked to Uphold Military Impostor Law)

The court voted 6-3 Thursday in favor of Xavier Alvarez, a former local elected official in California who falsely claimed he was a decorated war veteran. MSNBC has more about Alvarez:

The case involved Xavier Alvarez who was an elected member of the Three Valleys Municipal Water District Board in Pomona, California. In 2007 Alvarez said at a public water district board meeting that he was a retired Marine, had been “wounded many times,” and had been “awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor” in 1987.

In fact, he had never served in the United States armed forces.

Alvarez had pleaded guilty to violating a 2006 law that was adopted with the nation at war in Afghanistan and Iraq and aimed at people making phony claims of heroism in battle. The court, in a judgment written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, ordered that his conviction be thrown out.

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  • Okay, veterans in the area need to step up to the plate. Every time this POS leaves his home he should be aware that there are veterans watching him. Everywhere he goes in public life he should have someone dogging him and chiding him for lying about such a thing. He is lower than dog feces and should be looked upon as such.

  • With the "Supreme" Court nothing is sacred:  A veteran of Veterans, Father of Veterans; on active duty in the Army of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    • Mike, John, Tom, `I've  waited  real  patiently  for  this  to  come  out, My  honors  and  awards  are  stamped  in  writing, along  with  DD-214,  and  to  keep  my  security  clearance,  When  those  POI's  are  bragging  I  want  proof ,  or  so  to~~~Stop  Ron 

      • Ronald I have some somewhere as well, nothing to brag about but all of them earned. Anyone who would buy military medals and claim that they earned them are contemptible. Most folks I know, including myself, wouldn't mention medals and such so maybe we have to suspect anyone who does, in the way this POS did.

  • They had to strike down this law so that one of their Democrat buddies could claim she was a Cherokee Indian so she could get the Native American vote.  I wonder how we could write this so that it would be a tax, like in Obamacare, and the Supremos would approve it?


  • I am suprised Ovomit ismt wearing a CMH now.  Have they no respect for our military?  Don't answer that I already know the answer to that.  The people making these rules couldn't do a 1/10 of the things our military does

    • Dennis, it goes so much further than a lack of respect for our military, it crosses that and goes into utter contempt. The demoncrats see our service men/women/other as inferior and not to bright and have said as much. I can't remember exactly who said it but one of them said that there is nothing wrong with folks serving in the military if they can't make it into or through college.

  • I am more pissed about this than the health care issue.....Don't ever let me catch anyone wearing a medal they haven't been awarded....Illegitmus non carborumdum

  • our govt, our courts, our legal system, the cops, fbi, and all that ......truely are a bunch of inferior people, the only way to fix it is to clean house, make it a FELONY to have a law degree and start taking this country back.  Our leadership is based on lies, denies, and stories to the contrary.  The biggest criminal organization on this planet is CAPITAL HILL and all its subsidiaries...   y'all know what im talkin bout....  we have to instill fear intothe govt,  they need to be AFRAID of U S

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