I’ve studied the growth patterns of each of the states (and D.C.) since January 2010 utilizing twelve (12) available national networks. The results are heartening and Americans are each in their own way working to re-fresh the nation and our government.

Even the slowest state growth of patriotic activism in the past five months still exceeds the growth necessary (I believe) for a healthy re-birth of our Constitutional Republic:

CA – 6% (51st)

NY – 8% (50th tie)

FL – 8% (50th tie)

KY – 8% (50th tie)

VA – 8% (50th tie)

For a conservative majority on every level, the nation needs AT LEAST 5%-10% growth month-over-month of patriotic activists and aware citizens. This occurs throughout embracing community & networking, humanity & faith, and participation. This great country of ours has been growing conservative activism (an aware electorate) at an average rate of 16% for five months straight!!!

The fastest state growth of patriotic activism in the past five months is as follows:

                DE – 21% (3rd tie)

                OR – 21% (3rd tie)

                MT – 22% (2nd tie)

                LA – 22% (2nd tie)

                NV – 22% (2nd tie)

                MS – 39% (1st)

Top Ten in terms of conservative political activism by state population:

1 – Alaska

2 – Montana

3 – Wyoming

4 – Idaho

5 – New Hampshire

6 – Mississippi

7 – Nevada

8 – Delaware

9 -  Kansas

10 - Maine

Bottom Ten in terms of conservative political activism by state population where our brothers and sister must surround these states and provide support:

42 – Hawai’i

43 –  Connecticut

44 – Minnesota

45 – Michigan

46 – Massachussets

47 – Wisconsin

48 – New Jersey

49 – New York

50 – Illinois

51 – California

 Vermont Ranks #17 out of the 50 States (and District of Columbia)

Pennsylvania Ranks #35 out of the 50 States (and District of Columbia) 

We’ve still got a lot of work to do. Please bring one person into your life each week, that’s all, and the movement will swell to a majority beyond scale as we do surround them. PA, FL, OH, TX, IL, CA and many others still have a long way to go, and they will need all of our help, so don’t forget to put some thought into our other sovereign states during your travels.

You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

Join The Patriots For America

Email me when people reply –


    • My study tells me Texas ranks #37 in the country and is growing at a 16% rate month over month.
  • North and South Carolina?
    • South Carolina - Ranked #18th in the nation and has been growing at a rate of 16% month over month.
      North Carolina - Ranked #39 in the nation and has been growing at a rate of 14% month over month
  • Take a Bite Out of Tyranny!
    GO TEAM!
  • What are you basing this determination on? Just curious. Is it people joining this site?
    • It is a culmination of the membership of twelve national networks that provide ''portals'' or hubs to individual states, approx. a 1% sampling of the movement of over 113,000 people from coast to coast.

      States typically have been found to have an undertow of grassroots growth, caused by citizens becoming aware and taking the baton into thier own neighborhoods, communities, and towns in an order of magnitude seven times greater than what is on the front page, highly visible national networks.

      Given that, I assume that each person has a personal network/touch-points of over 200 people and that of that 200, thier personal network espouses 75% who share the same values of conservativism (i.e birds of a feather flock together).

      That leads me to believe there is an aware conservative electorate right now of near 117 million people.

      I believe we need 135 million to break the back of the system and begin to see Justice in the courts and a re-freshing of the nation.
  • My results show Oklahoma is ranked 15th in the nation (in terms of population) and is growing month over month at a rate of 18%.
  • The networks used are freedomworks, asamom, oathkeepers, tea party nation, resistnet, smart girl politics, paul reveres riders, america coast-2-coast, patriots for America, 9/12 Project, 912 Coalition, and Sarah Palin.

    JBS and Libertarian elements were not included as their focus is on a limited target.

    These are all springboards to share information quickly across the nation, to envoke awareness, distribute education materials and ideas, then citizens take the baton and their own ideas and expand the movement within their communities.
  • Maine is making great strides, it is now a slight left leaning state and we are positioning to replace both representatives with constitutional conservatives and replace a communist loving dead-beat governor with a tea-party conservative constitutionalist in Paul LaPage. We've spent great efforts in re-shaping and defining our future by re-writing the GOP Platform and continually expand our networks and collaboration and blogging efforts throughout the entire states. Our off-shoot organic grassroots networks are popping up in the most remote of areas, and tea party conservatives are standing up and throwing thier hat in the ring for state house and senate seats and we network hard and volunteer for them.

    To give you an idea, see what's going on in Maine: Here is a site, a grassroots spin-off from one carpenters awareness brought about by Resistnet, he created his own group, now over 800 strong.

  • First column is State
    Second column is month-over-month growth
    Third column is state population
    Fourth column is an estimated Aware Electorate Goal
    Fifth column is the state rankings as of September 1, 2010.

    CA 8 36457549 2740969.012 51
    IL 13 12,831,970 964739.3504 50
    NY 9 19306183 1451486.751 49
    NJ 21 8724560 655934.073 48
    WI 12 5556506 417751.9109 47
    MA 10 6437193 483964.1453 46
    MI 11 10095643 759015.4956 45
    MN 11 5167101 388475.4766 44
    CT 15 3504809 263500.2387 43
    HI 15 1285498 96646.92993 42
    OH 14 11487006 863621.619 41
    MD 11 5615727 422204.2927 40
    NC 14 8856505 665854.0255 39
    RI 11 1067610 80265.56934 38
    TX 16 23507783 1767373.466 37
    KY 9 4206074 316223.0818 36
    IA 14 2982085 224200.5511 35
    IN 13 6313520 474666.1022 34
    FL 9 18089888 1360042.674 33
    AL 13 4599030 345766.4891 32
    PA 14 12440621 935316.7613 31
    GA 10 9363941 704004.3234 30
    LA 25 4287768 322365.0394 29
    NM 18 1954599 146951.6036 28
    VA 12 7642884 574610.9869 27
    NE 21 1768331 132947.5131 26
    WV 17 1818470 136717.0876 25
    WA 10 6395798 480851.9664 24
    MO 21 5842713 439269.6635 23
    UT 11 2550063 191720.065 22
    ND 19 635867 47806.05912 21
    SD 21 781919 58786.61095 20
    AR 17 2810872 211328.3328 19
    SC 16 4321249 324882.2241 18
    VT 19 623908 46906.95182 17
    AZ 13 6166318 463599.0905 16
    OK 18 3579212 269094.0409 15
    TN 11 6038803 454012.1964 14
    CO 22 4753377 357370.6796 13
    OR 23 3700758 278232.1708 12
    DC 20 599657 45083.70146 11
    ME 14 1321574 99359.21314 10
    KS 18 2764075 207810.0182 9
    DE 23 853476 64166.4438 8
    NV 25 2495529 187620.0635 7
    MS 40 2910540 218821.6204 6
    NH 22 1314895 98857.06934 5
    ID 17 1466465 110252.4781 4
    WY 13 515004 38719.27883 3
    MT 23 944632 71019.7781 2
    AK 18 670053 50376.24745 1

    AVG (Growth) 16%
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