Ted Cruz eligability - Here it is.

A few weeks ago J.B. Williams said he would give Texas Senator Ted Cruz two weeks to bow out of the campaign for President or he (J.B.) would release the data he has.

Well here it is:


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  • I am one of those Texans who like Senator Ted Cruz. But I also LOVE my country. And I swore an oath to obey, protect, and defend our Constitution. Electing a person who does not meet the standards and requirements set forth by that Constitution only serves to further destroy those standards and requirements, it serves only to help destroy our Constitution and our Country. Senator Ted Cruz is NOT eligible to hold the Office of President of the United States of America. He knows this, and therefore he lied.
    Just like Barack Hussein Obama.

    • How can you possibly still like a man who would do such a thing?  SMH

      • I don't now, not any more.

        If you look back far enough into these threads concerning Senator Ted Cruz you might find one post I made that said I did NOT trust him. He reminded me of Fidel Castro back in the 1950's when Castro was running around the US trying to build support to take over Cuba. He had a fantastic speech and rhetoric about how the Cuban people were being oppressed under the dictator Fulgencio Batista. The American people fell for it hook line and sinker. And by the time Castro returned to Cuba the Cuban people and the American people were all behind him. His rhetoric was great and he sounded like he would be the Cuban George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. The whole world was totally shocked when Castro later said he was a Communist and would stand with Russia instead of America.

        Well Senator Ted Cruz sounds just like Castro did back then. He sounds fantastic. His speeches are great, and his rhetoric is truly inspiring. I was a Republican Delegate at the GOP Convention in Ft. Worth Texas in 2012 and I helped get him the nomination and to get him elected in 2012.

        Fool me once - shame on you, Fool me twice - shame on ME.

        I will NOT make that mistake again.


        • Good to see you have learned your lesson.  I was also a big Cruz supporter a couple of years ago until I really started doing my own research.  My discoveries were a huge disappointment to me, which is why I am now so adamantly against him.  I probably posted this already at some point but it is illuminating and dead on-target, even tho it is from a decidedly left-leaning site: 

          The Real Ted Cruz

          I studied nearly every word the Texas senator uttered during the immigration showdown. He may be the most spectacular liar ever to run for president.


          Ted Cruz Is a Gifted Politician. He’s an Even Better Liar.
          Ted Cruz is the only true conservative running for president. That’s the message of his campaign: He’s the only senator who stood and fought against…
  • The Holy Spirit told me that Cruz was a liar.

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